Geoffroy Michalet

Applus Service SA : L’histoire de Applus touche bientôt à sa fin... OC porté à 12.8 € vs 11 €

>Pas de CA T1 - Le groupe n'a pas divulgué son CA T1 en raison du processus d'offre publique d'achat en cours. Nous avons eu un contact avec la société et nous avons retenu que la dynamique de topline demeure soutenue « high single digit », dans la continuité du T4 2023. Concernant l’OPA, le 30 avril 2024, la CNMV a confirmé que l'offre gagnante d'Amber (TDR & I Squared) a été acceptée et sera soumise à une période d'acceptation. Vendredi dernier, les deux fonds...

Applus Services SA is a Spain-based company that provides inspection, testing and quality assurance services. The Company's activities are divided into five segments: Applus+ RTD, which provides non-destructive testing services mainly to the oil industry; Applus+ Velosi-Norcontrol, which offers solutions for technical assistance, supervision, inspection, quality control testing, certification and consulting services mainly to industrial, electrical, oil and telecommunications facilities; Applus+ Laboratories, which focuses on laboratory testing, system certification and product development services within aerospace, industrial and consumer goods sectors, among others; Applus+ Automotive, which is responsible for the vehicle roadworthiness testing services, and Applus+ IDIADA, which delivers design, engineering, testing and certification services mainly to car manufacturers. The Company operates in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Geoffroy Michalet

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