
Burberry : SSSG à +3% (vs Oddo +4% et consensus +3%). Guidance inchangée

>Un CA Retail sensiblement en ligne avec le consensus sur le T1 et SSSG à +3% (vs Oddo +4% et consensus +3%) - Un SSSG à +3% : Burberry a publié des ventes Retail à 479 M£, sensiblement en ligne avec le consensus. La croissance organique a atteint près de +3%, dont +3% en like-for-like (vs Oddo +4% et consensus +3%) et une contribution marginalement négative de l’expansion des surfaces de vente (contre -1% pour nos estimations).Détail par régions : l’Asie croit e...
Burberry Group plc

Burberry Group designs, makes, sources and sells luxury products under the Burberry brand. Co.'s products are for women, men and children and include apparel, accessories, and beauty. Co.'s products are sold globally through its directly operated store network and online at, as well as through franchisees and third-party retailers, both offline and online. In a few selected areas such as Eyewear and Beauty, Co. uses the product and distribution capability of licensing partners. Co. operates in three regions: Asia Pacific; Europe, Middle East, India and Africa; and Americas. As of Mar 31 2017, Co.'s store portfolio had 469 directly-operated stores and 48 franchise stores.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

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