Johanna Jourdain

Compass Group : Commentaires encourageants pour 2025 après un bon T3

>Bon trading update pour le T3, avec des volumes solides - Compass a publié le 23/07 avant Bourse un trading update pour le T3 au-dessus des attentes, dont une croissance organique de 10.3% (consensus 9.5%, ODDO BHF 9.8%e). La surperformance est venue en particulier de l’Europe à +12.0% (vs ODDO BHF +9.5%e), alors que l’activité reste très solide en Amérique du Nord (+9.9%) et dans le Reste du monde (+8.5%). Le groupe a mentionné une bonne tenue des volumes à +2% au T...
Compass Group PLC

Compass Group is engaged in providing outsourced food and support services. The five sectors in which Co. operates are: Business & Industry, which provides food for employees during their working day; Healthcare & Seniors, which helps hospitals in the public and private sectors manage and enhance quality of food and support services; Education, which provides dining solutions from kindergarten to college; Sports & Leisure, which provides hospitality and service at sporting and leisure venues, exhibition centers, visitor attractions and events; and Defence, Offshore & Remote, which provides food and support services to companies in the oil and gas and mining and construction industries.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Johanna Jourdain

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