Johanna Jourdain

Edenred : Qu’attendre de la publication des résultats S1 24 ? (le 23/07)

>Message confiant sur la dynamique de croissance et l’amélioration de la marge - Edenred publiera ses résultats S1 24 le 23/07 avant Bourse. Nous attendons un CA total de 1 385 M€ (+19.2%e publié, consensus 1 388 M€), dont un CA opérationnel de 1 265 M€. Notre croissance organique du CA opérationnel à +15.9%e au S1 (consensus 15.9%) implique un T2 à +15.0%e (consensus 14.9%), soit un niveau solide après +16.9% au T1. Les tendances devraient rester très positives dans ...
Edenred SA

Edenred designs and delivers services to clients, companies or public sectors, enabling them to offer beneficiaries additional purpose-directed purchasing power, such as the Ticket Restaurant® meal voucher, and provides prepaid corporate services. Co.'s product offering ensures that allocated funds are used as intended, allowing its clients to manage: Employee benefits (Ticket Restaurant®, Ticket Alimentacion®, Ticket CESU, Childcare Vouchers®, etc.); Expense management process (Ticket Car®, Ticket Clean way®, Repom®, etc.); and Incentive and rewards programs (Ticket Compliments®, Ticket Kadeos®, etc.). Co. also supports public institutions in managing their social benefits programs.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Johanna Jourdain

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