Fatma Agnès Hamdani

Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits : Résultats S1 2024 en hausse grâce au contrôle stricte des coûts. Poursuite du redressement de la rentabilité cette année

>Un EBITDA de 8.5 M€ vs 7.8 M€ en hausse de 5%. Amélioration du RNpg de 1.4 M€ à 6.5 M€ - Sur la base d’un CA semestriel de 94.9 M€ en repli de 3.9%, MBWS a publié hier soir un EBITDA de 8.5 M€ (+5%) au-dessus de nos attentes (7.8 M€), impliquant une marge stable de 8.2%. La marge brute progresse de 150pb à38.1% grâce à une bonne maitrise des coûts et une rigueur commerciale. Contrairement à nos attentes, le cluster International affiche un EBITDA stable de 4.1 M€ (vs...
Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits SA

Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits is a wine and spirit company which is engaged in the production and distribution of wines and spirits mainly in Europe and in the U.S.A. Co.'s products can be divided into three categories: Vodka and Spirits, Wines, and Other beverages. Co. develops a portfolio of spirit brand with in particular: Youri Dolgorouki; Sobieski; Marie Brizard; Old Lady's; Berger; “PL Polonaise”; Starogardzka; Balsam Pomorski; Krakowska; Zawisza. Co. operates geographically in Poland, Western Europe, Lithuania, Bulgaria, and Other countries.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Fatma Agnès Hamdani

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