Jean-François Granjon

McPhy Energy : Des estimations plus conservatrices pour l’ensemble de l’exercice

>Publication des résultats semestriels proches de nos attentes - McPhy publie ses résultats semestriels relativement tardivement (cf. vs fin juillet 2023). Le CA semestriel ressort à 9.5 M€ (8 M€ estimé) vs 7 M€, avec une croissance de +35% principalement générée par l’activité Electrolyseurs (9.1 M€). Sans surprise, les résultats semestriels traduisent des pertes accrues avec un EBITDA de -24.7 M€ (-25.6 M€ estimé) vs -21.6 M€ YoY et un ROC de -27.3 M€ (-27.1 M€ esti...
McPhy Energy SA

McPhy Energy SAS is a France-based company that develops hydrogen storage and production solutions for the merchant hydrogen market and renewable energy markets. The Company sells solid-state hydrogen technology to provide a way for industrial gas renewable energy storage. Its products include the electrolyzer, a hydrogen generator that uses water as a raw material; solid hydrogen storage solutions with MCP and MGH series; and other ways that integrate electrolyzers and other solutions. It has offices in such countries as France, Italy and Germany and agents and distributors in Europe, Asia and Americas.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Jean-François Granjon

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