Stephane Beyazian

NFON AG : Dynamique commerciale toujours faible

>Ralentissement de la croissance - Au T1 2024, le CA en hausse de 2,2% par rapport au T1 2023 à 21 M€ (consensus 21 M€, ODDO BHF 22 M€) dont CA de service à 20 M€ (2,8%) tirés par une croissance de 2% de la base clients. Il s'agit d’un taux de croissance toujours faible.Pour 2024, NFON confirme ses objectifs avec un taux de croissance à un chiffre pour le CA récurrent correspondant à une part de 90% de total CA (nous anticipons un total CA en ligne avec le consen...

Nfon AG is a Germany-based company that provides cloud-based telephone systems. Its product and service offering includes primarily NFON Cloud Telephone System, a public multi-tenant PBX delivering servicing from the cloud, as well as specialist solutions. The Company's services enable communication for customers and their employees on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and desk phones. Its customers range from local small businesses to international large enterprises. The Company is active in various European countries, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Croatia, Romania and Portugal.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Stephane Beyazian

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