Maissa Keskes ...
  • Stephane Houri

Nokia : Nokia renforce son portefeuille produits, avec la cession des câbles sous-marins et l’acquisition d’Infinera

>Acquisition d’Infinera pour une VE de 2.3 Md$ - Nokia a annoncé en fin de semaine dernière le rachat d’Infinera (un groupe américain spécialisé dans les réseaux optiques) pour 6.65 $ par action, une prime de 28% par rapport au cours de clôture de jeudi dernier. La VE ressort à 2.3 Md$, y compris le rachat de 760 M$ d’obligations convertibles détenues par Infinera. L’opération valorise Infinera à 7.5x en EV/EBIT 2025e après intégration (vs 30x EV/ EBITDA 2024e et 11x...
Nokia Oyj

Nokia is an Internet and communications technology company based in Finland. Co.'s operations are focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which Co. offers through Networks; location intelligence, which Co. provides through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which Co. pursues through Technologies. Co. maintains a global presence with operations and Researh & Development facilities located in Europe, North America and Asia, and sales in approximately 130 countries. Co. has an installed base of around 600 customers worldwide and these operators serve over 4 billion subscribers.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Maissa Keskes

Stephane Houri

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