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El Ibex continuó siendo el mejor de Europa
En una jornada de escasas referencias macroeconómicas y de más a menos (a pesar de los estrechamientos de las rentabilidades soberanas), la mayoría de los índices de la Eurozona cerró con pérdidas moderadas a excepción del Ibex que terminó plano. En el STOXX 600 la mayoría de los sectores cerró con pérdidas, lideradas por Viajes&Ocio y Químicas frente al mejor comportamiento relativo de Inmobiliario y Utilities. En el plano macro, desde el BCE, Muller sugirió que no habrá más incrementos de los tipos de interés mientras que C. Lagarde advirtió que el BCE podría empezar a discutir en la próxima reunión el futuro de la reinversión del plan de compras pandémico (PEPP). En EE.UU. continuó el deterioro macro, donde tanto la venta de viviendas nuevas de octubre como el índice de actividad manufacturera de la Fed de Dallas cayeron más de lo esperado. En la esfera geopolítica, Israel y Hamás pactaron extender la tregua dos días más.
Qué esperamos para hoy
Las bolsas europeas abrirían planas con cierto sesgo a la baja, aunque sin muchos catalizadores. En estos momentos, los futuros del S&P 500 cotizan con subidas del +0,09% (el S&P 500 terminó ayer sin cambios con respecto al nivel al que estaba al cierre de las bolsas europeas). La volatilidad en EE.UU. subió (VIX 12,69). Los mercados asiáticos cotizan con caídas (CSI 300 chino -0,03%, Nikkei de Japón -0,12%).
Hoy en EE.UU. la confianza del consumidor del Conference Board y el índice de la Fed de Richmond de noviembre.

Aedas Homes is engaged in the housing development business in Spain. The company has a portfolio of approximately 1.5 million square meters of land that it develops for residential purpose. Co. develops multifamily homes for the housing market in Madrid, Catalonia, Levante and Majorca, Costa del Sol and Seville.

Banco Santander S.A.

Banco Santander is a holding company, providing a range of financial products. Co.'s products and services include: retail banking business that covers all customer banking businesses; wholesale banking business; as well as asset management and insurance business. Co.'s principal operations are in Spain, the U.K., Portugal, Germany, Italy and Latin America. As of Dec 31 2014, Co.'s total assets amounted to Euro1,266,296,000,000 and total customer deposits amounted to Euro647,627,000,000.

Eni S.p.A.

Eni is engaged in the oil and gas exploration and production, gas marketing operations, management of gas infrastructures, power generation, petrochemicals, oil field services and engineering industries. Co.'s operations are divided into three segments; Exploration and Production (oil and natural gas exploration and field development and production, as well as LNG operations), Gas and Power (supply, trading and marketing of gas and electricity, managing gas infrastructures for transport, distribution, storage, re-gasification, and LNG supply and marketing), and Refining and Marketing (supply of crude oil, refining and marketing of refined products). Co. maintains operations in 73 countries.

Iberdrola SA

Iberdrola is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. operates in four segments: network business, which includes all the energy transmission and distribution activities, and other regulated activity originated in Spain, the U.K., the U.S. and Brazil; deregulated business, which includes electricity generation and sales businesses as well as gas trading and storage businesses carried on by Co. in Spain, Portugal, the U.K. and North America; renewable business, with activities related to renewable energies in Spain, the U.K., the U.S. and the rest of the world; and other businesses, including the engineering and construction businesses and the non-power businesses.

Telefonica SA

Telefonica is engaged in the provision of public or private telecommunications services, including ancillary or complementary telecommunications services or related services. Co.'s fixed business includes: traditional fixed telecommunication services, Internet and broadband multimedia services, data and business-aplications services, and wholesale services for telecommunication operators. Co. also provides a range of mobile and related services and products to consumer and business customers, including mobile voice services, value added services, mobile data and Internet services, wholesale services, corporate services, roaming, fixed wireless, and, trunking and paging.


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