Esther Castro ...
  • Maria Paz Ojeda
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Implicaciones de la crisis SVB y Credit Suisse en Equity y en Crédito.
Desde máximos de marzo (06/03) y antes del colapso de los bancos americanos y de Credit Suisse en Europa, el sector bancario europeo se ha dejado un -13% en cotización. Todo ello enmarcado además en la erosión de unos -100 p.b. de la curva forward del Euibor’23-24. La respuesta de todos los agentes implicados ha sido ejemplar. En Europa, el BCE ya ha puesto de manifiesto la solidez de los bancos bajo su supervisión y ha dado calma en relación con el mecanismo de resolución europeo. Con ello, desde el lado del Equity, mantenemos una visión cauta. Entendemos que la incertidumbre no se evaporará, pero nos quedaríamos en Europa en aquellos bancos con fortaleza de balance y/o adecuada gestión de riesgo y un perfil rentabilidad riesgo atractivo: Santander, Unicredit y BNP y en banca doméstica en Caixabank y Bankinter. En crédito, seríamos constructivos en AT1 a los actuales niveles y destacaríamos algunas emisiones de Caixabank, Santander o Unicredit con YTC en niveles de estrés c. 15%/20%.
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria is an international financial group, engaged primarily on providing banking services and consumer finance to private individuals and businesses in Spain and Portugal; providing real estate activity in Spain; providing services to international companies and investment banking, capital markets and treasury management services to clients; and providing the banking, insurance and pension businesses in Mexico and the U.S., as well as in South America.

Banco Santander S.A.

Banco Santander is a holding company, providing a range of financial products. Co.'s products and services include: retail banking business that covers all customer banking businesses; wholesale banking business; as well as asset management and insurance business. Co.'s principal operations are in Spain, the U.K., Portugal, Germany, Italy and Latin America. As of Dec 31 2014, Co.'s total assets amounted to Euro1,266,296,000,000 and total customer deposits amounted to Euro647,627,000,000.

Bankinter SA

Bankinter is the parent company of a group engaged in banking activities. Services provided include: investment banking; capital market services; financial services insurance; international services such as foreign exchange transactions and travelers' checks; wholesale corporate banking; and retail and private banking services. Co. offers its products and services through the following channels of distribution: branch network; telephone banking, interactive (software) banking; agents; and Internet banking. As of Dec 31 2014, Co. had assets totalling Euro57,332,974,000 and deposits totalling Euro29,966,129,000.

BNP Paribas SA Class A

BNP Paribas is engaged in the provision of banking and financial services. Co.'s business activities are divided into two segments: Retail Banking & Services and Corporate and Investment Banking. The Retail Banking and Services business includes domestic markets and international financial services. The Corporate and Institutional Banking comprises of corporate banking, global markets, and securities services. Other activities include principal investments, which related to Co.'s central treasury function, some costs related to crossbusiness projects, the residential mortgage lending business of personal finance, and certain investments.

CaixaBank SA

Caixabank is an investment company based in Spain. Co. is involved in investment portfolio management activities across two areas: Services and Financial Business and Insurance. In the services area, Co. provides investment solutions for companies involved in the infrastructure, energy, services and entertainment sectors. In the financial business and insurance area, Co. is engaged in the investments for international banks, insurance and specialist financial services. Co. focuses most of its banking investments in India, China, the U.S., and Central and Eastern Europe with a particular interest in retail banking. Co. is also involved in the disinvestments activities.

ING Groep N.V.

Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.

Intesa Sanpaolo is a commercial bank. Co. is engaged in lending and deposit collection operations in Italy and associated financial services, serving Households, Personal, Small Business, Private and Small and Medium Enterprise customers. Co. provides medium-term credit, leasing, factoring and agribusiness (Mediocredito Italiano), consumer credit (Intesa Sanpaolo Personal Finance), management of electronic payments (Setefi), and trust services (Sirefid). Co. has approximately 4,300 branches, including Retail and Business branches, distributed broadly throughout Italy. At Dec 31 2014, Co. had total assets of Euro646.43 billion.

Societe Generale S.A. Class A

Societe Generale is a universal banking and financial services group based in France. Co. is engaged in operations in areas such as retail banking, corporate and investment banking, financial services, insurance, private banking and asset management. Co.'s three segments are: French Retail Banking (FRB); International Retail Banking & Financial Services (IBFS); and Global Banking and Investor Solutions (GBIS). FRB offers products and services to individual, professional and business customers; IBFS comprises banking networks and consumer finance activities; and GBIS covers global activities of Corporate and Investment Banking. Co. maintains operations across 76 countries globally.

Unicaja Banco S.A.

Unicaja Banco SA is a Spain-based financial institution (the Bank) engaged in the banking sector. The Bank offers services to individual and business customers. Its products and services range includes current and savings accounts, debit and credit cards, consumer and commercial loans, real estate credit, securities brokerage, funds management, leasing, factoring, pension plans, life and non-life insurance, international trade financing, money transfer, as well as treasury, among others. The Bank operates a number of branches in Spain and Morocco. The Bank is controlled by Fundacion Bancaria Unicaja.

UniCredit S.p.A.

Unicredit is a pan-European commercial banking group based in Italy. Co. is engaged in the provision of in-branch and online corporate and investment banking services, providing customers with access to banks in 14 core markets as well as to an another 18 countries worldwide. Co.'s operations are organized along six business lines: Commercial Banking Italy; CEE Division; CIB; Commercial Banking Germany; Commercial Banking Austria; and Asset Gathering. Co.'s European banking network includes Italy, Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey.


Esther Castro

Maria Paz Ojeda

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