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Jacob Mekhael
  • Jacob Mekhael

Autolus FIRST LOOK: FY24 results hold no surprises, upcoming R&D day

Yesterday before US market opens, Autolus reported unsurprising FY24 results with a cash position of $ 588m (YE23: $ 239.6m), sufficient to drive Aucatzyl's (obe-cel, CD19 CAR-T) launch in r/r adult ALL, and advance the company's pipeline towards pivotal autoimmune data. While the company did not share sales figures/patients dosed with Aucatzyl in the US (1Q25 sales figures to be communicated during the quarterly update), management confirmed that the launch is tracking well compared to their ex...


Temenos named Technology Provider of the Year in FStech Awards

Temenos named Technology Provider of the Year in FStech Awards Award recognizes Temenos’ leadership in modernizing financial institutions with banking solutions powered by GenAI, cloud, and SaaS GRAND-LANCY, Switzerland, March 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Temenos (SIX: TEMN) today announced it has been named Technology Provider of the Year at the , recognizing its leadership in modernizing financial institutions with banking solutions powered by GenAI, cloud, and SaaS. Now in their 25th year, the FStech Awards celebrate companies that have demonstrated excellence and innovation within ...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 20 March 2025

For a first time since March 10th SOFIX (902.20, +0.25%) closed above psychological level of 900. Huge jumps of First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 4.04, +3.06%) and Agria Group (AGH, BGN 22.00, +4.76%) supported the main index while negative impact came from Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 7.80, -1.27%), Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.62, -0.61%) and Elana Agrocredit (EAC, BGN 1.07, -0.93%). Gradus (GR6, BGN 1.22, +12.96%) jumped on the back of moderate daily turnover and raised the value ...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 21 March 2025

Huge opposite moves of index members fixed SOFIX almost unchanged at 901.53 (-0.07%) on Thursday. Agria Group Holding (AGH, BGN 21.10, -4.09%), Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 7.75, -0.64%) and Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.61, -0.62%) slipped without significant daily volume while Elana Agrocredit (EAC, BGN 1.06, -0.93%) suffered from big selling pressure and closed negative. Sirma Group Holding (SGH, BGN 1.10, +2.80%) and Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.745, +1.36%) and Bulgarian Real Estate...


ZetaDisplay announces expiration date for tender offer

ZetaDisplay announces expiration date for tender offer ZetaDisplay announces expiration date for tender offer 21 March 2025 On 14 March 2025, ZetaDisplay AB (publ) (the “Company”) announced that in conjunction with an intended issue of new SEK denominated senior secured bonds (the “New Bonds”), it was offering holders of the Company’s existing senior secured bonds with ISIN SE0018742488 (the ”Existing Bonds”) to tender any and all of their Existing Bonds for purchase by the Company for cash at a price of 102.325% plus accrued but unpaid interest subject to the terms and conditions set for...


TGS 2024 Annual Report

TGS 2024 Annual Report OSLO, Norway (21 March 2025) - TGS, a leading global provider of energy data and intelligence, published its 2024 annual report today.  In addition, TGS has published its 2024 Management Remuneration Report (MRR) according to the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act, section 6-16b (2). The 2024 annual report and the MRR are available on the TGS’ website The Annual Report has also been published in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) and can be downloaded from () or . About TGSTGS provides advanced data and intelligence to companies activ...

Zhangjiagang Guangda Special Material Co Ltd: 1 director

A director at Zhangjiagang Guangda Special Material Co Ltd bought 14,488 shares at 20.950CNY and the significance rating of the trade was 69/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors ...

ING Helpdesk
  • ING Helpdesk

Benelux Morning Notes

Arcadis: Short-term uncertainty, long-term continues to look attractive. Coverage change. Results Calendar


EQS-News: Bilanzfeststellende Sitzung des PWO-Aufsichtsrats

EQS-News: PWO AG / Schlagwort(e): Jahresergebnis/Prognose Bilanzfeststellende Sitzung des PWO-Aufsichtsrats 21.03.2025 / 09:07 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Bilanzfeststellende Sitzung des PWO-Aufsichtsrats Carlo Lazzarini (CEO): „Die Rahmenbedingungen ändern sich. Die Erfolgsfaktoren bleiben gleich. Unsere hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit haben wir in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder erfolgreich demonstriert. Deshalb werden wir unseren Weg auch in einem komplexer werdenden Umfeld konsequent weitergehen.“ Vorläufige Zah...


EQS-News: Energy Gruppe: Einweihung der ersten Produktionslinie für ko...

EQS-News: Energy S.p.A. / Schlagwort(e): Produkteinführung/Sonstiges Energy Gruppe: Einweihung der ersten Produktionslinie für kobaltfreie LFP-Lithiumbatterien  21.03.2025 / 09:10 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Energy Gruppe: Einweihung der ersten Produktionslinie für kobaltfreie LFP-Lithiumbatterien  Strategischer Meilenstein für die gesamte europäische Energiespeicherindustrie. Ziel ist, die Produktion von Komponenten in Europa zu fördern, im Einklang mit den europäischen Strategien zur industriellen Souveränität ...


EQS-News: PWO Supervisory Board meeting to approve financial statement...

EQS-News: PWO AG / Key word(s): Annual Results/Forecast PWO Supervisory Board meeting to approve financial statements 21.03.2025 / 09:07 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. PWO Supervisory Board meeting to approve financial statements Carlo Lazzarini (CEO): “The landscape is changing, but the success factors remain the same. Time and again we have proven ourselves highly adaptable in recent years. We will continue, resolutely, to steer a course through this increasingly complex environment.” Provisional figures for fiscal 2024...

ABGSC Pulp & Paper Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Pulp & Paper Research
  • Ali Shemmari
  • Martin Melbye
Stephane Foucaud
  • Stephane Foucaud

AUCTUS ON FRIDAY - 21/03/2025

AUCTUS PUBLICATIONS ________________________________________ Chariot (CHAR LN)C; Target price of £0.10 per share: Significant power transaction highlights the value of the S. Africa electricity trading business – Etana Energy, the South African electricity trading business (49% held by Chariot) has arranged a US$55 mm guarantee finance facility through Standard Bank and secured an equity investment of up to US$20 mm from Norfund for working capital. In exchange, Standard Bank and Norfund will ho...

Guangdong Huate Gas Co Ltd: 1 director

A director at Guangdong Huate Gas Co Ltd sold 50,000 shares at 48.820CNY and the significance rating of the trade was 50/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two ye...

MM Group Industrial & International Trade (In Kind): 1 director

A director at MM Group Industrial & International Trade (In Kind) sold 269,452 shares at 0.000EGP and the significance rating of the trade was 53/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's direc...

Jacob Mekhael
  • Jacob Mekhael

Hyloris FIRST LOOK: FY24 results come with a detailed pipeline update

Hyloris reported FY24 results with YE24 cash of € 23.6m (YE23: € 30.4m). Revenue grew to € 8.5m (from € 2.1m), though we note this included one-off milestone payments ($ 2.1m as well as an additional undisclosed amount). We are encouraged by the planned 9 regulatory submissions by YE26, though point out that US filing fees range $ 2-4m. Additionally, Hyloris will require extra funding to commercialise the near-term cardiology products in the US and is exploring multiple options. As such, while w...

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