Bram Buring, CFA

WOOD Flash – Eurowag (WAG Payment Solutions): solid 1H24 read, EW Office launch progressing

This morning (5 September), Eurowag posted what, in our view, are solid 1H24 numbers, with the adjusted EBITDA – the company’s primary metric – up by 18% on a like-for-like basis. During the earnings call, management reiterated that it is ready start going live with the new EW Office platform in 4Q, and that the trial users – roughly 7k – are mostly pleased with what they have seen; hopefully, this is a sign that the remaining users can be migrated swiftly and with the minimum of churn. The capex that has fuelled the company’s technological transformation is also declining; in the coming 6-18 months, we expect the opex to moderate similarly, as the company will no longer have to both maintain its legacy platforms and develop the new one.

Wood and Company
Wood and Company

WOOD & Company is the leading investment bank in Emerging Europe. Founded in 1991 and head-quartered in Prague, our footprint spans the region and touches investors around the globe.

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Bram Buring, CFA

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