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Correction to the misleading information published in Postimees

Correction to the misleading information published in Postimees In response to shareholders' inquiries, AS Merko Ehitus corrects the information published on 12 April 2024 in the print and online editions of the Postimees newspaper in the article "Toomas Annus takes a record dividend from Merko Ehitus". The article's claim that "according to the group's annual report, Toomas Annus owns 72 percent of the shares of Merko Ehitus through the joint-stock company Riverito" is not true. There is no such statement in the group's annual report, and Toomas Annus does not own 72% of the shares of...


Construction contract in Lithuania (increase in the volume of design-b...

Construction contract in Lithuania (increase in the volume of design-build contract) On 15. April 2024, the addendum to the design-build contract between UAB Merko Statyba, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Support and Procurement Agency entered into force for additional works on the construction of new infrastructures of the training center in Pabrade, Lithuania. The value of additional works exceeds EUR 20 million, plus the applicable value added tax. The actual value is determined after adjustment with the construction price index of the re...


Ehitusleping Leedus (projekteerimis-ehituslepingu mahu suurenemine)

Ehitusleping Leedus (projekteerimis-ehituslepingu mahu suurenemine) 15. aprillil 2024 jõustus AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv UAB Merko Statyba ning Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsiooni (NATO) toetus- ja hankeameti vahelise projekteerimis-ehituslepingu lisa täiendavateks töödeks väljaõppekeskuse uute taristute ehitamisel Pabrades, Leedus. Täiendavate tööde maksumus ületab 20 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub kohalduv käibemaks. Tegelik maksumus selgub vastavate perioodide ehitushinnaindeksiga korrigeerimise järel. Tööde valmimise tähtaeg on 2026. aasta alguses. UAB Merko Statyba...


Construction contract in Estonia (maintenance and repair of roads in T...

Construction contract in Estonia (maintenance and repair of roads in Tallinn city) On 15 April 2024, Tallinna Teede AS, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department signed a contract for the maintenance and repair of road sections and facilities necessary for the functioning of the roads in the city of Tallinn.The contract includes the maintenance repair of the roads and streets of the city of Tallinn and the replacement of the parts of the road and road facilities necessary for the maintenance with equivalent ones. The value of the contrac...


Ehitusleping Eestis (Tallinna linna teeosade ja rajatiste korrashoid j...

Ehitusleping Eestis (Tallinna linna teeosade ja rajatiste korrashoid ja hooldusremont) 15. aprillil 2024 sõlmisid AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv Tallinna Teede AS ja Tallinna Keskkonna- ja Kommunaalamet lepingu Tallinna linna teede toimimiseks vajalike teeosade ja rajatiste korrashoiuks ja hooldusremondiks.Leping hõlmab Tallinna linna teede ja tänavate hooldusremonti ning tee ja teerajatiste korrashoiuks vajalike osade asendamist samaväärsetega. Lepingu maksumus on ligikaudu 5,5 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks. Sõlmitud lepingu kestvus on 24 kuud. Tallinna Teede AS ...


Preliminary March results of Novaturas: tailoring of the programme, fo...

Preliminary March results of Novaturas: tailoring of the programme, focus on travellers’ expectations Novaturas Group, the leader in the Baltic tourism market, recorded revenues* of EUR 13.8 mln. in March – the same as in the corresponding period in 2023 (EUR 13.8 mln.). The number of customers served was approx. 14.8 thsnd., compared to around 15.5 thsnd. in March last year.     Continued diversification of destinations and tailoring of the programme to the needs of customers help ensure efficiency, which is one of the priorities of the company. A group-wide load factor for leisure desti...


Preliminarūs „Novaturo“ kovo rezultatai: programos pritaikymas, orient...

Preliminarūs „Novaturo“ kovo rezultatai: programos pritaikymas, orientacija į keliautojų lūkesčius Baltijos šalių turizmo rinkos lyderė „Novaturo“ grupė šį kovą fiksuoja 13,8 mln. eurų pajamų* – atitinkamu laikotarpiu pernai jos taip pat siekė 13,8 mln. Aptarnauta maždaug 14,8 tūkst. klientų, pernai kovą jų skaičiuota apie 15,5 tūkst.   Tęsiama kelionių krypčių diversifikacija ir programos pritaikymas pagal klientų poreikius padeda užtikrinti efektyvumą, o tai vienas įmonės prioritetų. Poilsinių kelionių lėktuvų užpildymas grupės mastu jau trečią mėnesį išlieka itin aukštas – kovą jis sie...


CORRECTION: AB “Novaturas” investor calendar for the year 2024

CORRECTION: AB “Novaturas” investor calendar for the year 2024 We publish revised version of investors calendar.  The Company plans to announce draft shareholder meeting decisions until 30 April 2024 (previous version stated – decisions).  Decisions are planned to be announced before end of May. 15 02 2024               Revenue and clients for January period 28 02 2024               Interim consolidated financial statements for 12 months of 2023 15 03 2024               Revenue and clients for February period 15 04 2024               Revenue and clients for March period Till 30 04 2024...


Notice on convening the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS M...

Notice on convening the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus The Management Board of AS Merko Ehitus, registry code 11520257, seated at Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, will convene the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 at 10.00 at Nordic Hotel Forum conference centre (Viru square 3, Tallinn). The set of shareholders, entitled for the participation in the general meeting, will be determined 7 days before the general meeting of shareholders is held, i.e. on 30 April 2024 at close of the business of the settlement system....


ASi Merko Ehitus aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise te...

ASi Merko Ehitus aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade ASi MERKO EHITUS, registrikood 11520257, asukoht Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, juhatus kutsub ASi MERKO EHITUS aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokku kolmapäeval, 8. mail 2024. aastal kell 10.00 Nordic Hotel Forum hotelli konverentsikeskuses (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn). Üldkoosolekul osalemiseks õigustatud aktsionäride ring määratakse kindlaks 7 päeva enne üldkoosoleku toimumist, st 30. aprillil 2024. aastal arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga. Koosolekust osavõtjate registreerimine algab 8. mail 2024. aastal ...


Audited annual report 2023

Audited annual report 2023 AS Merko Ehitus consolidated audited financial results for 2023 remain unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 8 February 2024. STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD Like past years and, surely, years to come, 2023 was anything but dull for Merko. The changing market and economic conditions are constantly forcing us to think on our feet. Fortunately, there is no question that our people are up to the challenge. Indeed, we have successfully implemented the decisions we have needed to make. The results for 2023 attest to this, as ca...


Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2023

Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2023 ASi Merko Ehitus 2023. majandusaasta konsolideeritud auditeeritud finantstulemused ei ole võrreldes 8. veebruaril 2024 avaldatud esialgsete tulemustega muutunud. JUHATUSE ESIMEHE PÖÖRDUMINE 2023. aasta on olnud Merkole kahtlemata põnev, samuti nagu on olnud eelmised ja kindlasti tulevad ka järgmised aastad. Muutunud ja järjest muutuvad turu- ja majandusolud lükkavad meile ette vajaduse teha kiireid otsuseid. Julgen öelda, et meie inimesed on ülesannete kõrgusel ning oleme vajalikud otsused edukalt ellu viinud. Tõestuseks on 2023. aas...


Notice on Convocation of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB ...

Notice on Convocation of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB “KN Energies” Notice is hereby given that on the initiative and by the resolution of the Board of AB “KN Energies”, legal entity code 110648893, with the registered office at Burių str. 19, Klaipėda (hereinafter - the Company), Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be held on 30 April 2024 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Company’s administrative office, J. Janonio str. 6B, Klaipėda (in the hall of the meeting on the 3rd floor). Agenda of the meeting: Announcement of the Auditor’s Repo...


Pranešimas apie šaukiamą AB „KN Energies“ eilinį visuotinį akcininkų s...

Pranešimas apie šaukiamą AB „KN Energies“ eilinį visuotinį akcininkų susirinkimą Pranešame, kad AB „KN Energies“, juridinio asmens kodas 110648893, buveinė registruota adresu Burių g. 19, Klaipėda (toliau – Bendrovė), valdybos iniciatyva ir sprendimu 2024 m. balandžio 30 d. 13:00 val. sušaukiamas Bendrovės eilinis visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas. Susirinkimas vyks Bendrovės administracijos patalpose J. Janonio g. 6B, Klaipėda (III aukšto posėdžių salėje). Susirinkimo darbotvarkė: Bendrovės auditoriaus išvados dėl 2023 metų Bendrovės finansinių ataskaitų rinkinio ir metinio praneši...


Division of the group’s subsidiary

Division of the group’s subsidiary On March 20, Merko Ehitus group's 100% subsidiary OÜ Merko Investments signed a division plan, according to which real estate development activities along with the corresponding assets and liabilities will be transferred to OÜ Merko Residential Investments, which is established as a result of the division. The balance sheet date of the division shall be 1 April 2024. With this change, the Merko Ehitus group completes the harmonization of the structure of its subsidiaries, the legal structure based on business segments is used in all other home market...


Kontserni tütarettevõtte jagunemine

Kontserni tütarettevõtte jagunemine 20. märtsil 2024 allkirjastas Merko Ehitus kontserni 100% tütarettevõte OÜ Merko Investments jagunemiskava, mille kohaselt kinnisvaraarenduse alane tegevus koos vastavate varade ja kohustustega läheb üle jagunemisel asutatud OÜsse Merko Residential Investments. Jagunemise bilansipäevaks on 1. aprill 2024. Selle muudatusega viib Merko Ehituse kontsern lõpule oma tütarettevõtete struktuuri korrastamise, ärisegmentidest lähtuv juriidiline struktuur on kasutusel kõikidel kontserni koduturgudel. Teates esitatud jagunemise mõju ASi Merko Ehitus tegevu...


Preliminary February results of Novaturas: preparation for the summer...

Preliminary February results of Novaturas: preparation for the summer, focus on efficiency Novaturas Group, the leader in the Baltic tourism market, recorded revenues of EUR 11.6 mln. in February, compared to EUR 12.8 mln. at the same time last year. The optimised winter travel programme has enabled the company to continue to achieve significant efficiency, with a group-wide load factor of as much as 99% for leisure destinations in February. The number of customers served was approx. 11.2 thsnd., compared to around 12.2 thsnd. in February last year.  “We are starting the summer seas...


Preliminarūs „Novaturo“ vasario rezultatai: pasiruošimas vasaros sezon...

Preliminarūs „Novaturo“ vasario rezultatai: pasiruošimas vasaros sezonui, dėmesys efektyvumui Baltijos šalių turizmo rinkos lyderė „Novaturo“ grupė šį vasarį fiksuoja 11,6 mln. eurų pajamų – atitinkamu laikotarpiu pernai jos siekė 12,8 mln. Optimizuota žiemos kelionių programa įmonei leido ir toliau pasiekti reikšmingą efektyvumą – poilsinių kelionių lėktuvų užpildymas grupės mastu vasarį siekė net 99 proc. Aptarnauta maždaug 11,2 tūkst. klientų, pernai vasarį jų skaičiuota apie 12,2 tūkst.   „Anksčiausiai iš visų kelionių organizatorių regione jau kovo viduryje pradedame vasaros sezo...


Start of the construction of the Lucavsala residential project (Riga,...

Start of the construction of the Lucavsala residential project (Riga, Latvia) SIA Merks Mājas, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has launched the Lucavsala residential project on Lucavsala island on the Daugava River in Riga. The first stage of the project comprises a connected complex of three building with 214 apartments and two commercial units. The company has started the construction of the first part of the first stage, which sees a completion of a 9-storey building with 54 apartments by the second quarter of 2025. Lucavsala residential project () has an exclusive location on Lucavsala...


Lucavsala korteriarendusprojekti ehitusega alustamine (Riia, Läti)

Lucavsala korteriarendusprojekti ehitusega alustamine (Riia, Läti) AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv SIA Merks Mājas on käivitanud Lucavsala korteriarendusprojekti Riias Daugava jõel asuval Lucavsala saarel. Projekti esimene arendusetapp hõlmab kolmest hoonest koosnevat ühendatud kompleksi kokku 214 korteri ja kahe äripinnaga. Ettevõte on alustanud esimese etapi esimese järgu ehitust, mille raames valmib 2025. aasta teises kvartalis 9-korruseline hoone 54 korteriga. Lucavsala korteriarendusprojektil () on unikaalne asukoht Lucavsala saarel, mis asub Riia kesklinna lähedal ning on muutunud ...

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