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Eurofins Environment Testing Eaton Analytical Launches Groundbreaking ...

POMONA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Eurofins Environment Testing Eaton Analytical, part of the Eurofins Environment Testing network of laboratories in the US and a leader in water quality analysis, has introduced a cutting-edge method to detect chloronitramide anion, a newly identified disinfection byproduct (DBP), in drinking water. This innovation follows a pivotal study published in that identified chloronitramide anion as a previously unidentified decomposition product of chloramine disinfection. Chloramine disinfection, also known as chloramination, is used by approximately one-third of ...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 23/12/2024

Ventes Retail France : un mois de novembre globalement positif mais avec des disparités|Biogroup : feedback conf call des résultats 9M 2024, les biologistes obtiennent quelques concessions de l’Assurance Maladie|

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 12/23/2024

French retail sales: a decent month overall, but still with disparities|Biogroup: feedback 9M 2024 earnings call, biologists win some concessions from the Assurance Maladie|


Eurofins Sustainability Services Introduces CleanAir Check Service for...

NORTHAMPTON, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- , a full-service provider for retailers, brands, and manufacturers of consumer products, has grown its extensive service offering to include a that tests for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Given that VOCs pose significant concerns for human health and the environment, increasingly stringent regulations and heightened pressure on businesses to effectively manage VOCs have emerged. In light of this, in August 2024, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) issued the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0, which focuses on VOC emissions from input form...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 10/28/2024

OPmobility significantly outperforms in Q3 and maintains 2024 targetsFnac Darty: success of the offer on UnieuroMoody’s revises the outlook on France’s rating to Negative>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 28/10/2024

OPmobility surperforme très largement au T3 et maintient ses objectifs 2024Fnac Darty : succès de l’offre sur UnieuroMoody’s place la note de la France sous perspective négative>...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Eurofins : Investors’ day London: a temporary soft patch in Q3/Q4, con...

>Update on the key messages by division - Biopharma: the group has lost two major contracts (due to the success of clinical testing which has enabled clients to move the later stages more rapidly than expected, not due to any calling into question of Eurofins), and a third contract that has been significantly reduced for similar reasons. The group stressed that new major contracts should take over in H2 2025. In agriscience, management acknowledged the weak visibility...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Eurofins : Investor Day Londres : un trou d’air transitoire au T3/T4, ...

>Point sur les principaux messages par division. - Biopharma : le groupe a perdu deux contrats importants (à cause du succès des tests cliniques qui ont permis aux clients de passer à des étapes ultérieures plus rapidement que prévu, pas à cause de remise en cause d’Eurofins), et un troisième a fortement baissé pour des raisons similaires. Le groupe a insisté sur le fait que de nouveaux contrats d’ampleur viendraient prendre le relai à partir du S2 2025. Sur l’agrosci...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Eurofins : Plus de clarifications sur la Biopharma – une réaction du m...

>Principal point de la confcall : décryptage de la baisse de la division Biopharma - Le groupe a tenu sa conf call hier à 15h, et le titre a clôturé en baisse de 11.2%. Bien que la sanction boursière nous semble un peu sévère, elle peut être expliquée par l’accumulation de plusieurs points négatif, malgré une performance globalement satisfaisante. Voici les principaux points que nous retenons :Précisions sur la division Biopharma : la croissance en Amériques du...

Benoit Valleaux ... (+2)
  • Benoit Valleaux
  • Steven Gould


Last week, we organised an Expert Access event on multiple sclerosis (MS) with the participation of Dr Géraldine Androdias, a neurologist at Lyon University Hospital. Dr Androdias presented the key points of the ECTRIMS 2024 conference, as well as new trends in treating the illness. We note an unmet need in the primary progressive and secondary progressive forms, a real interest for the BTKi class with the greater penetration of the blood-brain barrier, and expectations for the anti-C...

Benoit Valleaux ... (+2)
  • Benoit Valleaux
  • Steven Gould


Nous avons organisé la semaine dernière un Expert Access autour de la sclérose en plaques (SEP) avec la participation du Dr Géraldine Androdias, médecin neurologue au CHU de Lyon. Le Dr Androdias a présenté les points saillants du congrès de l’ECTRIMS 2024 ainsi que les nouvelles tendances dans la prise en charge de la maladie. Nous retenons un besoin insatisfait dans les formes progressives et secondairement progressives, un vrai intérêt de la classe des BTKi avec le passage accru de...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Eurofins : Further clarifications on biopharma – a slightly excessive ...

>Main takeaway from the conference call: explanation for the decline in the Biopharma division - The group held a conference call yesterday at 3.00pm and the share closed down -11.2%. Although the market sanction looks a bit harsh, it can be explained by the accumulation of several negative points, despite a broadly satisfactory performance. Our main takeaways are as follow: Further details on the biopharma division: growth in North America was more moderate, d...

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