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Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


La prochaine acquisition de Campari pourrait être en Inde et intervenir rapidement, selon nous. Rapidement d’abord pour que le groupe puisse pleinement profiter du dynamisme de ce marché. Rapidement ensuite pour se prémunir du ralentissement actuel des liqueurs et apéritifs (L&A) en Europe, segment dont il est historiquement très dépendant. Malgré l’intérêt stratégique du marché indien, une telle opération de M&A pourrait se révéler risquée en s’ajoutant aux multiples défis opérationn...

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


Campari’s next acquisition might be in India and could materialise quickly, in our view. Speed is of the essence: first so that the group can take full advantage of the dynamic growth of this market; and second to guard against the current slowdown in liqueurs and aperitifs (L&A) in Europe, a segment on which it has historically been very reliant. Despite the strategic value that the Indian market offers, such an M&A deal could prove risky by adding to the multiple operational challen...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : IAA Mobility feedback: ambitions still high, environme...

>CEO/CFO meeting at IAA Mobility in Hannover - Daimler Truck yesterday hosted a meeting between CFO Eva Scherer and incoming CEO Karin Radstrom (ex-head of the Mercedes-Benz unit) and investors/analysts on the sidelines of the IAA Mobility fair in Hannover. The event provided an opportunity to discuss with the new top management team (the CFO having taken the role since 1 April and future CEO due to start on 1 October) the latest trends (demand still lacklustre in Eu...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Feedback salon IAA : ambitions toujours fortes, contex...

>Rencontre CEO/CFO au salon IAA Mobility de Hanovre - Daimler Truck a organisé hier, en présence de la CFO Eva Scherer et de la nouvelle CEO Karin Radstrom (ex responsable de la BU Mercedes-Benz), un évènement de rencontre avec investisseurs/analystes en marge du salon IAA Mobility à Hanovre. L’évènement a été l’occasion d’échanger avec cette nouvelle équipe du top management (CFO en poste depuis le 01/04, prise de fonction de la future CEO prévue pour le 01/10) sur...

Anthony Dick ... (+3)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis
  • Thomas Zlowodzki
AXA AXA ... (+19)


The Stoxx 600 gained just 1.1% in July after shedding 1.3% in June, driven by the SMI (+2.5%) and the Footsie 100 (+2.7%). With business sentiment indicators continuing to weaken, defensive stocks outperformed cyclicals in July, and many healthcare stocks were among the best performers of the Stoxx 600. Long-term interest rates have fallen sharply (probably too much), but this has not benefited tech and luxury goods stocks, penalised by their disappointing results publications. - ...

Anthony Dick ... (+3)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis
  • Thomas Zlowodzki
AXA AXA ... (+17)


Le Stoxx 600 ne progresse que de 1,1% en juillet après sa baisse de 1,3% en juin, tiré par le SMI (+2,5%) et le Footsie 100 (+2,7%). Avec la poursuite du fléchissement des indicateurs de climat des affaires, les défensives ont surperformé les cycliques en juillet, et de nombreuses valeurs Santé sont présentes parmi les meilleures performances du Stoxx 600. Les taux d’intérêt longs ont nettement reflué (sans doute trop) sans que cela profite aux valeurs de la Tech ou du Luxe qui ont s...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : A more proactive attitude, but it will likely take som...

>Q2 in line with preliminary results, 2024 guidance lowered - Following the preliminary results release on July 16th (see First Take), Daimler Truck reported yesterday morning its full Q2 results with, as expected, a downward revision to its 2024 guidance. As a reminder, Q2 EBIT came in 7% below expectations due to a full impairment of the group’s Chinese JV (€ 120m), without which results would have beaten expectations by 2%. However, the more concerning item of the...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Attitude plus proactive, mais qui prendra sûrement du ...

>T2 en ligne avec résultats préliminaires, guidance 2024 abaissée - Après les résultats préliminaires du 16/07 (voir First Take), Daimler Truck a publié hier avant Bourse ses résultats T2 complets, avec, comme prévu, une guidance 2024 révisée à la baisse. Pour rappel, l’EBIT T2 s’est inscrit 7% en dessous des attentes du fait d’une dépréciation complète de sa JV chinoise (120 M€), sans quoi les résultats auraient battu les attentes de 2%. Toutefois, l’élément le plus...

Delphine Brault ... (+3)
  • Delphine Brault
  • Quentin Borie
  • Thomas Zlowodzki


Après un parcours décevant (-21% depuis son entrée), nous décidons de prendre nos pertes sur Daimler Truck à l’occasion de la publication des résultats T2 où la société a décidé de passer une dépréciation de 120 M€ sur sa JV chinoise dans un « environnement de marché durablement faible » - ...

Delphine Brault ... (+3)
  • Delphine Brault
  • Quentin Borie
  • Thomas Zlowodzki


After a disappointing performance (down 21% since the IPO), we have decided to take our losses on Daimler Truck following its Q2 2024 results release, in which the company decided to write down the value of its Chinese joint venture by € 120m in a ‘persistently weak market environment’. - ...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Q2 prelims below expectations due to China JV impairme...

>Q2 below expectations due to China JV impairment, in line/above excl. impairment - DTG reported Q2 preliminary results last night. On a reported basis, Q2 adj. EBIT came in 7% below the consensus due to a € 120m impairment on the China Joint Venture on the back of a “persistently weak market environment”.Adjusted for this impairment, Q2 adjusted EBIT would have actually been 2% ahead of expectations (6% ahead on the Industrial Business)FCF is also below, bu...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Q2 prelims below expectations due to China JV impairme...

>Q2 below expectations due to China JV impairment, in line/above excl. impairment - DTG reported Q2 preliminary results last night. On a reported basis, Q2 adj. EBIT came in 7% below the consensus due to a € 120m impairment on the China Joint Venture on the back of a “persistently weak market environment”.Adjusted for this impairment, Q2 adjusted EBIT would have actually been 2% ahead of expectations (6% ahead on the Industrial Business)FCF is also below, bu...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Cautious tone on Europe, but North America holding up

>Robust Q1 results confirming resilient model - Daimler Truck's Q1 results, reported on Friday morning, were robust and slightly ahead of expectations (+3% vs css EBIT), see First Take here. Despite the decline in volumes (-13% y-o-y) reflecting the downturn in the truck cycle, the group managed to post stable revenues and growing earnings (EBIT +4% y-o-y), resilience that can be attributed to mix (strong US exposure, recovery in buses), prices, as well as recurring ...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Un ton prudent sur l’Europe, mais l’Amérique du Nord r...

>Le T1 solide confirme la résilience  - Daimler Truck a publié vendredi matin des résultats robustes et légèrement supérieurs aux attentes (+3% vs EBIT css), voir First Take ici. Malgré une baisse des volumes (-13% y-o-y) qui reflète le retournement du cycle poids lourd, le groupe a réussi à afficher un CA stable et une progression de ses résultats (EBIT +4% y-o-y), une résilience attribuable au mix (forte exposition US, rebond Bus), aux prix, et aux activités de Ser...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Robust Q1 results, slightly above expectations

>A solid Q1, slightly above expectations - This morning, Daimler Truck reported Q1 results that came in slightly ahead of expectations. Q1 revenues were € 13.3bn, flat y-o-y (vs company-compiled cons. at € 13.0bn, ODDO BHF € 12.7bn), driven by a strong price/mix as volumes (already reported) were down -13% y-o-y to 109k units. Adj. EBIT was € 1.21bn, +4% y-o-y, i.e. a margin of 9.1%, +30bps y-o-y, slightly ahead of expectations (css € 1.17bn, ODDO BHF € 1.16bn). Lastl...

Anthony Dick ... (+2)
  • Anthony Dick
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Daimler Truck : Robust Q1 results, slightly above expectations

>A solid Q1, slightly above expectations - This morning, Daimler Truck reported Q1 results that came in slightly ahead of expectations. Q1 revenues were € 13.3bn, flat y-o-y (vs company-compiled cons. at € 13.0bn, ODDO BHF € 12.7bn), driven by a strong price/mix as volumes (already reported) were down -13% y-o-y to 109k units. Adj. EBIT was € 1.21bn, +4% y-o-y, i.e. a margin of 9.1%, +30bps y-o-y, slightly ahead of expectations (css € 1.17bn, ODDO BHF € 1.16bn). Lastl...

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