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Syensqo - Acquisition of own shares

Syensqo - Acquisition of own shares Acquisition of own shares  Brussels, Belgium – September 30, 2024 - 17:45 CEST In accordance with article 8:4 of the Royal Decree of 29 April 2019 executing the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, Syensqo SA (“Syensqo” or the “Company”) hereby discloses certain information in relation to its Share Buyback Program, announced on 25 June 2024.  In the framework of this Share Buyback Program, covering the buyback of a maximum of 983,000 Syensqo shares, Syensqo announces that it has repurchased 49,303 Syensqo shares in the period from 23 September u...


Syensqo - Acquisition d'actions propres

Syensqo - Acquisition d'actions propres Acquisition d'actions propres  Bruxelles, Belgique – 30 septembre 2024 - 17:45 CEST Conformément à l'article 8:4 de l'Arrêté Royal du 29 avril 2019 portant exécution du Code belge des Sociétés et des Associations, Syensqo SA ("Syensqo" ou la "Société") publie certaines informations relatives à son Programme de Rachat d'Actions Propres, annoncé le 25 juin 2024.  Dans le cadre de ce Programme de Rachat d'Actions Propres, couvrant l’acquisition d'un maximum de 983 000 actions Syensqo, Syensqo annonce qu'elle a acquis 49.303 actions Syensqo au co...


Syensqo - Verwerving van eigen aandelen

Syensqo - Verwerving van eigen aandelen Verwerving van eigen aandelen Brussel, België - 30 september 2024 – 17u45 CEST In overeenstemming met artikel 8:4 van het Koninklijk Besluit van 29 april 2019 tot uitvoering van het Belgisch Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen, maakt Syensqo NV (“Syensqo” of de “Vennootschap”) hierbij bepaalde informatie bekend in verband met zijn Aandelen Inkoopprogramma, aangekondigd op 25 juni 2024.  In het kader van dit Aandelen Inkoopprogramma, dat voorziet in de inkoop van maximaal  983 000 Syensqo-aandelen, kondigt Syensqo aan dat het 49,303 Sy...

Research Team
  • Research Team

WOOD Daily: 11B PW (downgraded to HOLD); LAMDA GA (stays BUY); GE macr...

HEADLINES: • 11 bit studios: risk profile increased materially (downgraded to HOLD) • Lamda Development: breaking ground (stays BUY) • Georgia macro: important elections approaching • CTP: 2024 CMD, the demand led growth continues • NEPI Rockcastle: buys Magnolia Park in Wroclaw for EUR 373m POSITIVE • PZU: has paid more than PLN 111m of claims related to floods, and serviced 70% of filed cases so far POSITIVE • Bank Pekao: incoming CEO talks to Forbes • 11 bit studios: interview with the CEO on...

Hilde Van Boxstael ... (+4)
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Jacob Mekhael
  • Wim Hoste
  • Wim Lewi
Jacob Mekhael
  • Jacob Mekhael

Hyloris Hyloris' partner AFT out licences Maxigesic IV in China

Hyloris announced that its partner AFT Pharmaceuticals has signed an exclusive licensing agreement for Maxigesic IV (1000mg paracetamol with 300mg ibuprofen) for China with a subsidiary of Xizang Weixinkang Pharmaceutical. Hyloris will be eligible for a share of the $300K upfront received by AFT, as well as milestones and royalties. Details on the development plans in China have not been disclosed, though we believe a local trial would likely be required to gain approval by the Chinese NMPA (nat...


Syensqo announces €300 million share buyback program

Syensqo announces €300 million share buyback program Syensqo announces €300 million share buyback program  Brussels, Belgium – September 30, 2024 08:30 CEST  Syensqo announces today that its Board of Directors has approved a new share buyback program to return up to €300 million to shareholders, supported by the Company’s robust financial position and commitment to create shareholder value, while also maintaining a strong investment grade credit rating.  The purpose of the program is to further enhance Syensqo’s capital structure and efficiency, canceling all shares repurchased as p...


Syensqo kondigt aandeleninkoopprogramma van €300 miljoen aan

Syensqo kondigt aandeleninkoopprogramma van €300 miljoen aan Syensqo kondigt aandeleninkoopprogramma van €300 miljoen aan  Brussel, België - 30 september 2024 – 8u30 CEST Syensqo kondigt vandaag aan dat haar Raad van Bestuur een nieuw aandeleninkoopprogramma heeft goedgekeurd om tot €300 miljoen terug te geven aan aandeelhouders, ondersteund door de robuuste financiële positie van de Vennootschap en haar streven om aandeelhouderswaarde te creëren, met behoud van een sterke investment grade credit rating. Het doel van het programma is om de kapitaalstructuur en efficiëntie van Syensq...

Wim Lewi
  • Wim Lewi

CTP The high road to CEE, fasten seatbelts please

CTP hosted its CMD in Romania (2nd market) with a side trip to Serbia. CTP warehouses look very similar everywhere, but meeting the local teams offers a lot of additional info. The visit to the Bucharest-West park perfectly illustrated how the CTP machine ticks. CTP explains their high Yield on Cost (YoC) by “being their own contractor”. As most contractors have low margins, we believe the situation is more complex. In a nutshell, CTP builds parks like US farms grow their crops: large scale surf...


Syensqo - Notification de participation par BlackRock Inc.

Syensqo - Notification de participation par BlackRock Inc. Notification de participation par BlackRock Inc. Bruxelles, Belgique – 27 septembre 2024 - 8:30 CEST Conformément à la législation et réglementation en matière de transparence financière (loi du 2 mai 2007), BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) a envoyé à Syensqo une notification de transparence indiquant qu’il avait franchi le seuil de 3%. Voici un résumé des mouvements: Date à laquelle le seuil a été franchiDroits de vote après la transactionInstruments financiers équivalents après la transactionTotal24 se...


Syensqo - Participatiemelding van BlackRock Inc.

Syensqo - Participatiemelding van BlackRock Inc. Participatiemelding van BlackRock Inc. Brussel, België - 27 september 2024 – 8u30 CEST In overeenstemming met de Belgische wetgeving op de openbaring van belangrijke deelnemingen (wet van 2 mei 2007), heeft BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) een transparantiemelding naar Syensqo gestuurd om aan te geven dat de drempel van 3% is overschreden. Hier vindt u de samenvatting van de bewegingen: Datum van drempeloverschrijdingStemrechten na de transactieAan stemrechten gelijkgestelde financiële instrumenten na de transacti...


Syensqo - Participation notification by BlackRock Inc.

Syensqo - Participation notification by BlackRock Inc. Participation notification by BlackRock Inc.  Brussels, Belgium – September 27, 2024 - 8:30 CESTAccording to Belgian transparency legislation (Law of May 2, 2007), BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) recently sent Syensqo the following transparency notifications indicating that it crossed the threshold of 3%. Here is the summary of the moves: Date on which the threshold was crossedVoting rights after the transactionEquivalent financial instruments after the transactionTotalSeptember 24, 20242.97%0.83%3.80% The l...

Jacob Mekhael ... (+3)
  • Jacob Mekhael
  • Michiel Declercq
  • Thomas Vranken

Life Sciences Conference 26.09.2024

This conference booklet is your guide to our Life Sciences Conference set to take place on Thursday, 26 September 2024 at our historic building at Grand Place in Brussels. This event offers the possibility to have one-on-one meetings and/or join pitch sessions with the following companies and their top management: Public: AUTOLUS | GALAPAGOS | HYLORIS | INVENTIVA | MAAT PHARMA | ONWARD MEDICAL | SEQUANA MEDICAL | UCB | ZEALAND PHARMA Private: CONFO TX | MRM HEALTH | PANTERA | SKYLINE DX


Syensqo - Acquisition of own shares

Syensqo - Acquisition of own shares Acquisition of own shares  Brussels, Belgium – September 23, 2024 - 17:45 CEST In accordance with article 8:4 of the Royal Decree of 29 April 2019 executing the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, Syensqo SA (“Syensqo” or the “Company”) hereby discloses certain information in relation to its Share Buyback Program, announced on 25 June 2024.  In the framework of this Share Buyback Program, covering the buyback of a maximum of 983,000 Syensqo shares, Syensqo announces that it has repurchased 19,150 Syensqo shares in the period from 16 Septe...


Syensqo - Acquisition d'actions propres

Syensqo - Acquisition d'actions propres Acquisition d'actions propres  Bruxelles, Belgique – 23 septembre 2024 - 17:45 CEST Conformément à l'article 8:4 de l'Arrêté Royal du 29 avril 2019 portant exécution du Code belge des Sociétés et des Associations, Syensqo SA ("Syensqo" ou la "Société") publie certaines informations relatives à son Programme de Rachat d'Actions Propres, annoncé le 25 juin 2024.  Dans le cadre de ce Programme de Rachat d'Actions Propres, couvrant l’acquisition d'un maximum de 983 000 actions Syensqo, Syensqo annonce qu'elle a acquis 19.150 actions Syensqo au cours de...


Syensqo - Verwerving van eigen aandelen

Syensqo - Verwerving van eigen aandelen Verwerving van eigen aandelen Brussel, België - 23 september 2024 – 17u45 CEST In overeenstemming met artikel 8:4 van het Koninklijk Besluit van 29 april 2019 tot uitvoering van het Belgisch Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen, maakt Syensqo NV (“Syensqo” of de “Vennootschap”) hierbij bepaalde informatie bekend in verband met zijn Aandelen Inkoopprogramma, aangekondigd op 25 juni 2024.  In het kader van dit Aandelen Inkoopprogramma, dat voorziet in de inkoop van maximaal 983 000 Syensqo-aandelen, kondigt Syensqo aan dat het 19,150 Syensqo-a...


Syensqo - Notification de participation par BlackRock Inc.

Syensqo - Notification de participation par BlackRock Inc. Notification de participation par BlackRock Inc. Bruxelles, Belgique – 23 septembre 2024 - 8:30 CEST Conformément à la législation et réglementation en matière de transparence financière (loi du 2 mai 2007), BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) a envoyé à Syensqo une notification de transparence indiquant qu’il avait franchi le seuil de 3%. Voici un résumé des mouvements: Date à laquelle le seuil a été franchiDroits de vote après la transactionInstruments financiers équivalents après la transactionTotal17 se...


Syensqo - Participatiemelding van BlackRock Inc.

Syensqo - Participatiemelding van BlackRock Inc. Participatiemelding van BlackRock Inc. Brussel, België - 23 september 2024 – 8u30 CEST In overeenstemming met de Belgische wetgeving op de openbaring van belangrijke deelnemingen (wet van 2 mei 2007), heeft BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) een transparantiemelding naar Syensqo gestuurd om aan te geven dat de drempel van 3% is overschreden. Hier vindt u de samenvatting van de bewegingen: Datum van drempeloverschrijdingStemrechten na de transactieAan stemrechten gelijkgestelde financiële instrumenten na de transacti...


Syensqo - Participation notification by BlackRock Inc.

Syensqo - Participation notification by BlackRock Inc. Participation notification by BlackRock Inc.  Brussels, Belgium – September 23, 2024 - 8:30 CESTAccording to Belgian transparency legislation (Law of May 2, 2007), BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) recently sent Syensqo the following transparency notifications indicating that it crossed the threshold of 3%. Here is the summary of the moves: Date on which the threshold was crossed Voting rights after the transaction Equivalent financial instruments after the transaction Total September 17, 2024 3.02...

Research Team
  • Research Team


HEADLINES: • Al Arabia Outdoor Advertising: waiting for better times (downgraded to HOLD) • Noval Property: 1H24 – recurring results in line with our estimates NEUTRAL • Motor Oil Hellas: fire at refinery NEGATIVE • Inter Cars: key takeaways from the 2Q24 earnings call NEUTRAL • Lamda Development: another land plot sales tranche, to lift NAV by 6% POSITIVE • mBank: UniCredit seeks regulator's approval to reach 30% stake in Commerzbank • CTP: raises EUR 300m through an ABB, at EUR 16.0/share • 11...

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