A director at Luzerner Kantonalbank sold 715 shares at 70.056CHF and the significance rating of the trade was 54/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clea...
Summary BEKB | BCBE Private Banking - Company Profile and SWOT Analysis, is a source of comprehensive company data and information. The report covers the company's structure, operation, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings and corporate actions, providing a 360˚ view of the company. Key Highlights BEKB | BCBE Private Banking (BEKB | BCBE) is part of Berner Kantonalbank AG, it offers a wide range of private banking services to high-net-worth individuals and wealthy families. Its produ...
Summary VP Bank Private Clients - Company Profile and SWOT Analysis, is a source of comprehensive company data and information. The report covers the company's structure, operation, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings and corporate actions, providing a 360˚ view of the company. Key Highlights VP Bank Private Clients (VPB Private Clients) offers an array of wealth management, advisory, and support services. Its offerings include personal, card payment and cash withdrawal, and e-bankin...
Luzerner Kantonalbank AG / Schlagwort(e): Generalversammlung/Dividende 11.04.2022 / 18:06 Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 Kotierungsreglement (KR) Luzern, 11. April 2022 - Die Generalversammlung der Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) vom 11. April 2022 genehmigte die Dividende von 12.50 Franken pro Namenaktie und stimmte allen weiteren Anträgen des Verwaltungsrates zu. Vizepräsident Josef Felder trat nach 14 Amtsjahren aus dem Verwaltungsrat aus. Alle acht Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrates, welche sich zur Wiederwahl gestellt hatten, wurden für ein weiteres Amtsjahr bestätigt. Cor...
Luzerner Kantonalbank AG / Schlagwort(e): Jahresergebnis Jahresergebnis 2021 der Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (Ad-hoc) 03.02.2022 / 06:15 Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 Kotierungsreglement (KR) Konzerngewinn 2021: 221.4 Millionen Franken (+ 5.0 %) Unternehmensgewinn nach Steuern 2021: 246.4 Millionen Franken (+ 12.6 %) Dividende von 12.50 Franken pro Aktie beantragt Ziel für 2022: Konzerngewinn in der Grössenordnung von 2021 Luzern und Zürich, 03. Februar 2022 - Die Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) weist für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 einen Konzerngewinn von 221.4 Millionen Fra...
Ford Equity International Research Reports cover 60 countries with over 30,000 stocks traded on international exchanges. A proprietary quantitative system compares each company to its peers on proven measures of business value, growth characteristics, and investor behavior. Ford's three recommendation ratings buy, hold and sell, represent each stock’s return potential relative to its own country market.. The rating reports which are generated each week, include the fundamental details behind...
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