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ABGSC Renewable Energy Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Renewable Energy Research
  • Åsne Holsen
  • Daniel Vårdal Haugland

Equinor ASA: Share buy-back

Equinor ASA: Share buy-back Please see below information about transactions made under the second tranche of the 2024 share buy-back programme for Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR, CEUX:EQNRO, TQEX:EQNRO). Date on which the second tranche of the 2024 programme was announced: 25 April 2024. The duration of the second tranche of the 2024 programme: 16 May to no later than 22 July 2024. Further information on the tranche can be found in the stock market announcement on its commencement dated 25 April 2024, available here: From 24 June until 28 June 2024, Equinor ASA has purchased ...


Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer

Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer Nedenfor følger informasjon om transaksjoner foretatt under andre transje av Equinor ASAs (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR, CEUX:EQNRO, TQEX:EQNRO) tilbakekjøpsprogram for 2024. Dato for når andre transje av 2024-programmet ble annonsert: 25. april 2024. Varigheten til andre transje av 2024-programmet: 16. mai til senest 22. juli 2024. Ytterligere informasjon om transjen kan finnes i børsmelding om dens oppstart datert 25. april 2024, tilgjengelig her: Fra 24. juni til 28. juni 2024, har Equinor ASA kjøpt tilbake totalt 1.500.000 egne aksjer til en g...


Equinor ASA: Completed share capital reduction

Equinor ASA: Completed share capital reduction On 14 May 2024, the annual general meeting in Equinor ASA (OSE: EQNR, NYSE: EQNR) decided that the company’s share capital shall be reduced by NOK 525,808,437.50 from NOK 7,507,761,512.50 to NOK 6,981,953,075.00, through cancellation and redemption of a total of 210,323,375 shares. The creditor deadline for the capital reduction has expired and the capital reduction was registered effective with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises today, 2 July 2024. Following completion of the capital reduction the share capital of the company is ...

Stephane Foucaud
  • Stephane Foucaud

AUCTUS ON FRIDAY - 28/06/2024

AUCTUS PUBLICATIONS ________________________________________ Chariot (CHAR LN)C: target price of £0.50 per share: Key step towards developing future gas to industry business onshore Morocco – Chariot has signed Heads of Terms with Vivo Energy for the future offtake from the Loukos onshore licence where natural gas has been encountered at Dartois. Up to 3 mmcf/d would be initially sold to the CNG midstream business under a long-term gas sales agreement. Vivo intends to design, fund, construct and...

Stephane Foucaud
  • Stephane Foucaud

Zephyr Energy Plc (AIM: ZPHR): Reducing the cost of debt. Testing at S...

• The FY23 operating cashflow after interests of ~US$9 mm was above our forecasts (US$7 mm) due to change of working capital. We expected a negative change of working capital given (1) Zephyr had to make advance payments for the remedial of the State 36-2R well ahead of being reimbursed by the insurance and (2) the fact that the proceeds of the production for the Slawson wells were not received until part way through 1H24. • Zephyr’s revolving credit facility (RCF) has been redetermined with an ...

Stephane Foucaud
  • Stephane Foucaud

Criterium Energy Ltd (TSX-V: CEQ): Results of work-over campaign above...

• The work-over programme has delivered a production increase of 180 bbl/d from six wells at a total cost of US$0.36 mm. This represents an average increase of ~30 bbl/d, which is 50% above management’s expectations (20 bbl/d). The overall costs are on budget. • One of the worked-over wells, MGH-07, is now producing 40 mcf/d of natural gas (no natural gas production previously). The produced gas is used as fuel for power generation, directly reducing diesel consumption by 50%, resulting in an an...

ABGSC Oil & Oil Services Research ... (+5)
  • ABGSC Oil & Oil Services Research
  • Haakon Amundsen
  • John Olaisen
  • Martin Mauseth
  • Stian Wibstad

Crude Quarterly Q2'24: tighter oil market ahead

Oil inventory draws for the rest of 2024. IEA is wrong – peak demand is not imminent. Both E&P and oil service shares look highly attractive.

ABGSC Oil & Oil Services Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Oil & Oil Services Research
  • John Olaisen
  • Martin Mauseth

Estimate changes from Crude Quarterly, 26 June

In our 26 June Crude Quarterly report, we update our oil and gas price assumptions for our covered E&Ps. See the report for more details on our new oil market estimates and our updated price assumptions.

ABGSC Oil & Oil Services Research ... (+2)
  • ABGSC Oil & Oil Services Research
  • John Olaisen

Estimate changes from Crude Quarterly, 26 June

In our 26 June Crude Quarterly report, we update our oil and gas price assumptions for our covered E&Ps. See the report for more details on our new oil market estimates and our updated price assumptions.


Equinor ASA: Share buy-back

Equinor ASA: Share buy-back Please see below information about transactions made under the second tranche of the 2024 share buy-back programme for Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR, CEUX:EQNRO, TQEX:EQNRO). Date on which the second tranche of the 2024 programme was announced: 25 April 2024. The duration of the second tranche of the 2024 programme: 16 May to no later than 22 July 2024. Further information on the tranche can be found in the stock market announcement on its commencement dated 25 April 2024, available here: From 17 June until 21 June 2024, Equinor ASA has purchased a total ...


Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer

Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer Nedenfor følger informasjon om transaksjoner foretatt under andre transje av Equinor ASAs (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR, CEUX:EQNRO, TQEX:EQNRO) tilbakekjøpsprogram for 2024. Dato for når andre transje av 2024-programmet ble annonsert: 25. april 2024. Varigheten til andre transje av 2024-programmet: 16. mai til senest 22. juli 2024. Ytterligere informasjon om transjen kan finnes i børsmelding om dens oppstart datert 25. april 2024, tilgjengelig her: Fra 17. juni til 21. juni 2024, har Equinor ASA kjøpt tilbake totalt 2.347.779 egne aksjer til en gjennomsn...

Stephane Foucaud
  • Stephane Foucaud

AUCTUS ON FRIDAY - 21/06/2024

AUCTUS PUBLICATIONS ________________________________________ Arrow Exploration (AXL LN/CN)C: target price of £0.65 per share: Flow rate of high impact horizontal well above expectations – The first CN Horizontal well (CNB HZ-1) from the Carrizales Norte B pad has been on production since 14 June at a rate of 3,150 bbl/d (~1.6 mbbl/d net) with less than 1% water cut while still recovering load fluid. The flow rate is currently constrained with the ESP operating on the minimum setting. The flow ra...

Steffen Evjen
  • Steffen Evjen

Johan Sverdrup water cut edging higher

Today, the Norwegian Offshore Directorate (NOD) published preliminary NCS production figures for May and field-by-field data for April. May production was ~3% above NOD’s prognosis, but down c7% MOM due to higher maintenance-related activities. We highlight that Johan Sverdrup’s water cut continues to edge higher, standing at 16% in April (up 1%-point from March). On a company-specific basis, April production for both Aker BP and Vår Energi was relatively stable MOM and remains within (Vår Energ...


Equinor ASA: Notifiable trading

Equinor ASA: Notifiable trading A primary insider in Equinor ASA (OSE: EQNR, NYSE: EQNR) has sold shares in Equinor ASA: Siv Helen Rygh Torstensen, executive vice president in Equinor ASA, has on 18 June 2024 sold 3483 shares in Equinor ASA at a price of NOK 288.99 per share. Details of the sale of shares are set forth in the attached notification. This is information that Equinor ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Attac...


Equinor ASA: Meldepliktig handel

Equinor ASA: Meldepliktig handel En primærinnsider i Equinor ASA (OSE: EQNR, NYSE: EQNR) har solgt aksjer i Equinor ASA: Siv Helen Rygh Torstensen, konserndirektør i Equinor ASA, har den 18. juni 2024 solgt 3483 aksjer i Equinor ASA til en pris per aksje på NOK 288,99. Detaljer om salget av aksjer følger av vedlegget til denne meldingen. Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter artikkel 19 i EU Market Abuse Regulation samt verdipapirhandelloven §5-12. Vedlegg


Equinor ASA: Buy-back of shares to share programmes for employees

Equinor ASA: Buy-back of shares to share programmes for employees Please see below information about transactions made under the buy-back programme for Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR) for shares to be used in the share-based incentive programmes for employees and management. Date on which the buy-back programme was announced: 7 February 2024. The duration of the buy-back programme: 15 February 2024 to 15 January 2025. Size of the buy-back programme: The total purchase amount under the programme is NOK 1,156,000,000 and the maximum shares to be acquired is 16,800,000 shares,...


Equinor ASA: Kjøp av aksjer til aksjeprogram for ansatte

Equinor ASA: Kjøp av aksjer til aksjeprogram for ansatte Nedenfor følger informasjon om transaksjoner knyttet til tilbakekjøpsprogrammet for Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR) til bruk i aksjebaserte insentivprogrammer for ansatte og ledelse. Dato for annonsering av tilbakekjøpsprogrammet: 7. februar 2024. Varighet av tilbakekjøpsprogrammet: 15. februar 2024 til 15. januar 2025. Størrelse av tilbakekjøpsprogrammet: Samlet kjøpesum i tilbakekjøpsprogrammet er inntil NOK og det maksimale antall aksjer som kan erverves er 16.800.000, hvorav opp til 7.400.000 aksjer kan erverves...


Equinor ASA: Share buy-back

Equinor ASA: Share buy-back Please see below information about transactions made under the second tranche of the 2024 share buy-back programme for Equinor ASA (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR, CEUX:EQNRO, TQEX:EQNRO). Date on which the second tranche of the 2024 programme was announced: 25 April 2024. The duration of the second tranche of the 2024 programme: 16 May to no later than 22 July 2024. Further information on the tranche can be found in the stock market announcement on its commencement dated 25 April 2024, available here: From 10 June until 14 June 2024, Equinor ASA has purchased a total ...


Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer

Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer Nedenfor følger informasjon om transaksjoner foretatt under andre transje av Equinor ASAs (OSE:EQNR, NYSE:EQNR, CEUX:EQNRO, TQEX:EQNRO) tilbakekjøpsprogram for 2024. Dato for når andre transje av 2024-programmet ble annonsert: 25. april 2024. Varigheten til andre transje av 2024-programmet: 16. mai til senest 22. juli 2024. Ytterligere informasjon om transjen kan finnes i børsmelding om dens oppstart datert 25. april 2024, tilgjengelig her: Fra 10. juni til 14. juni 2024, har Equinor ASA kjøpt tilbake totalt 2.000.000 egne aksjer til en gjennomsn...

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