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HKScan Corporation - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alli...

Summary Marketline's HKScan Corporation Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investments report includes business description, detailed reports on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), divestments, capital raisings, venture capital investments, ownership and partnership transactions undertaken by HKScan Corporation since January2007. Marketline's Company Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investments reports offer a comprehensive breakdown of the organic...


Atria Oyj tilinpäätöstiedote 1.1. – 31.12.2019: Atrian tuloskehit...

Atria Oyj tilinpäätöstiedote 1.1. – 31.12.2019: Atrian tuloskehitys jatkui vahvana viimeisellä neljänneksellä Atria Oyj, tilinpäätöstiedote, 13.2.2020, klo 8.00 Atria Oyj tilinpäätöstiedote 1.1. – 31.12.2019 Atrian tuloskehitys jatkui vahvana viimeisellä neljänneksellä Loka-joulukuu 2019 - Konsernin liikevaihto oli 380,0 miljoonaa euroa (376,9 milj. euroa). - Konsernin liikevoitto oli 12,1 miljoonaa euroa (6,7 milj. euroa) eli 3,2 prosenttia (1,8 %) liikevaihdosta. - Atria Suomen kannattavuus parani merkittävästi. Sianlihan vienti Kiinaan lisääntyi edelleen. - Atria Ruotsin liiketulo...


Atria Plc, Financial Statement Release, 1 January–31 December 2019: ...

Atria Plc, Financial Statement Release, 1 January–31 December 2019: Atria's financial performance continued strong during the fourth quarter Atria Plc, Financial Statement Release, 13 February 2020, 8:00 am Atria Plc, Financial Statement Release, 1 January – 31 December 2019 Atria's financial performance continued strong during the fourth quarter October–December 2019 - Consolidated net sales totalled EUR 380.0 million (EUR 376.9 million). - Consolidated EBIT was EUR 12.1 million (EUR 6.7 million), which is 3.2 per cent (1.8%) of net sales. - Atria Finland’s profitability improved sig...


Kutsu: Atria Oyj julkistaa vuoden 2019 tilinpäätöstiedotteen 13.2.2...

Kutsu: Atria Oyj julkistaa vuoden 2019 tilinpäätöstiedotteen 13.2.2020 Kutsu: Atria Oyj julkistaa vuoden 2019 tilinpäätöstiedotteen 13.2.2020 Tervetuloa Atria Oyj:n vuoden 2019 tilinpäätöstiedotteen julkistamistilaisuuteen torstaina 13.2.2020, klo 9.45 alkaen. Paikka: Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä, Simonkatu 9, kokoushuone Mansku 1. krs, Helsinki Tilaisuuden ohjelma: - klo 9.45 brunssi tarjolla - klo 10.00 Atria Oyj – katsaus vuoteen 2019, toimitusjohtaja Juha Gröhn - tilaisuus päättyy n. klo 11.00 Tiedote julkaistaan 13.2.2020, aamulla noin klo 8.00. Tiedotustilaisuuden esitysmateriaali ...


Proposals of Atria Plc's nomination board for the annual general meeti...

Proposals of Atria Plc's nomination board for the annual general meeting Atria Plc  Company Announcement 23 January 2020, at 16.00 pm Proposals of Atria Plc's nomination board for the annual general meeting The Nomination Board elected Juho Anttikoski as Chairman from among its members. The Nomination Board's proposal concerning the number of the members of the Board of Directors The Nomination Board has decided to propose to the General Meeting that a total of eight members be elected to the Board of Directors. The Nomination Board's proposal concerning the members of the Board of...


Nimitystoimikunnan ehdotukset varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle

Nimitystoimikunnan ehdotukset varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle Atria Oyj, pörssitiedote 23.1.2020, klo 16.00 Nimitystoimikunnan ehdotukset varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle Nimitystoimikunta on valinnut keskuudestaan Juho Anttikosken toimikunnan puheenjohtajaksi. Nimitystoimikunnan ehdotus hallituksen jäsenten lukumääräksi Nimitystoimikunta ehdottaa yhtiökokoukselle, että hallitukseen valittaisiin yhteensä kahdeksan jäsentä. Nimitystoimikunnan ehdotus hallituksen jäseniksi Nimitystoimikunta ehdottaa yhtiökokoukselle, että hallituksen jäseniksi valitaan uudelleen erovuorossa olevat Seppo...


Atria lowers its 2019 full-year forecast for net sales

Atria lowers its 2019 full-year forecast for net sales Atria Plc Inside information  20 January 2020, at 6 pm Atria lowers its 2019 full-year forecast for net sales Atria Plc’s net sales growth in 2019 is slightly lower than expected. Atria lowers its net sales forecast for 2019 and expects the full-year net sales at comparable exchange rates to remain at the 2018 level. The reason for the lower net sales forecast is the slightly weaker sales in Finland and Russia during the end of the year. Despite the lower increase in net sales, the company does not change its EBIT guidance Accordin...


Atria alentaa vuoden 2019 liikevaihto-ohjeistustaan

Atria alentaa vuoden 2019 liikevaihto-ohjeistustaan Atria Oyj Sisäpiiritieto 20.1.2020, klo 18.00 Atria alentaa vuoden 2019 liikevaihto-ohjeistustaan Atrian vuoden 2019 liikevaihdon kasvu on hieman ennakoitua pienempi. Tämän takia Atria alentaa vuoden 2019 liikevaihto-ohjeistustaan ja arvioi liikevaihdon vertailukelpoisilla valuuttakursseilla pysyvän vuoden 2018 tasolla. Syy ennustettua pienemmälle liikevaihdon kasvulle on loppuvuoden hieman heikompi myynti Suomessa ja Venäjällä. Pienemmästä liikevaihdon kasvusta huolimatta yhtiö ei muuta liikevoitto-ohjeistustaan. Alustavien tilintarkas...


Atria Plc Interim report, 1 January–30 September 2019: Atria deliver...

Atria Plc Interim report, 1 January–30 September 2019: Atria delivered a strong quarter, net sales and EBIT grew Atria Plc, Interim Report, 23 October 2019, 8:00 am Atria Plc Interim report, 1 January–30 September 2019 Atria delivered a strong quarter, net sales and EBIT grew July–September 2019 - Consolidated net sales totalled EUR 366.0 million (EUR 357.1 million). - Consolidated EBIT was EUR 16.7 million (EUR 12.7 million), which is 4.6 per cent (3.5%) of net sales. - The sales of Atria Finland increased in all channels, and profitability was at a good level. Exports of pork to China...


Atria initiates planning of an investment project of EUR 130 million t...

Atria initiates planning of an investment project of EUR 130 million to increase poultry production in Finland Atria Plc   Company Announcement   7 October 2019, at 2.00 pm  Atria initiates planning of an investment project of EUR 130 million to increase poultry production in Finland  Atria is focusing on the growing poultry segment and is starting to plan an expansion investment in poultry production. According to preliminary estimates, the value of the investment is approximately EUR 130 million. The investment project includes the renovation of existing production facilities and the ...


Composition of Atria Plc’s Nomination Board

Composition of Atria Plc’s Nomination Board Atria Plc COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT 3 October 2019 at 2 pm Composition of Atria Plc’s Nomination Board The following people were elected to Atria Plc’s Nomination Board at the Annual General Meeting: - Pasi Korhonen, Farmer, representative of Lihakunta - Ola Sandberg, Farmer, representative of Pohjanmaan Liha - Juho Anttikoski, Farmer, representative of Itikka Co-operative - Timo Sallinen Director, Equities, representative of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company - Seppo Paavola, Agrologist, Expert Member, Chairman of Atria Plc's Board of Directors...


Merja Leino appointed Executive Vice President of Sustainability at At...

Merja Leino appointed Executive Vice President of Sustainability at Atria Group   Atria Plc, Company Announcement 22 August 2019, 3.45 pm Merja Leino appointed Executive Vice President of Sustainability at Atria Group   Merja Leino, Ph.D., has been appointed Executive Vice President of Sustainability at Atria Group as of September 1, 2019. Merja Leino has a long career at Atria in various positions. She has previously worked as Senior Vice President of Quality, Product Safety and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) at Atria Finland. She has also served as Senior Vice President, ...


Atria’s financial reporting in 2020

Atria’s financial reporting in 2020 ATRIA PLC, Company announcement, 22 August 2019 at 3.30 pm Atria’s financial reporting in 2020 The 2019 Financial Statement Release of Atria Plc will be published on February 13, 2020 at 8:00 am. The Annual General Meeting will be held in Helsinki on April 29, 2020. By virtue of the Limited Liability Companies Act, a shareholder has the right to put matters that fall within the competence of the General Meeting on the agenda of the General Meeting, provided the shareholder makes a written request to the Board of Directors in time for the matter to be ...


Atria Plc Half-Year Financial Report 1 January - 30 June 2019: Atria's...

Atria Plc Half-Year Financial Report 1 January - 30 June 2019: Atria's net sales are stable, result brought down by increased raw material costs Atria Plc, Half-year financial report, 18 July 2019 at 8:00 am ATRIA PLC HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 1 JANUARY – 30 JUNE 2019 Atria's net sales are stable, result brought down by increased raw material costs April–June 2019 - Consolidated net sales totalled EUR 368.9 million (EUR 359.1 million). - Consolidated EBIT was EUR 5.1 million (EUR 5.4 million), which is 1.4 per cent (1.5%) of net sales. - The Easter season in April and the implemented ...

With a more favourable environment, ATRIA OYJ improves to Slightly Pos...

ATRIA OYJ (FI), a company active in the Food Products industry, is favoured by a more supportive environment. The independent financial analyst theScreener has confirmed the fundamental rating of the title, which shows 3 out of 4 stars, as well as its unchanged, moderately risky market behaviour. The title leverages a more favourable environment and raises its general evaluation to Slightly Positive. As of the analysis date July 5, 2019, the closing price was EUR 7.75 and its potential was estim...


Correction to Atria Plc's company announcement on 26 April 2019 at 15....

Correction to Atria Plc's company announcement on 26 April 2019 at 15.00 pm: Decisions of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting Atria Plc   Company Announcement, 26 April 2019 at 16.55 pm Correction to Atria Plc's company announcement on 26 April 2019 at 15.00 pm: Decisions of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting In the English company announcement Decisions of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting there is an error in chapter " Dividend of EUR 0.40 per share". Corrected chapter: Dividend of EUR 0.40 per share The General Meeting resolved that a dividend of EUR 0.40 per share be d...


Decisions of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting

Decisions of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting Atria Plc   Company Announcement, 26 April 2019 at 15.00 pm Decisions of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting was held today in Helsinki at the Finlandia Hall. The General Meeting adopted the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year of 1 January to 31 December 2018 and discharged the members of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors, as well as the CEO from liability for the financial period which ended on 31 December 2018. Dividend of EUR 0.40 per sha...


Interim report of Atria Plc, 1 January–31 March 2019

Interim report of Atria Plc, 1 January–31 March 2019 Atria Plc, Interim report, 26 April 2019, 8:00 am Interim report of Atria Plc, 1 January–31 March 2019 Atria's net sales and result decreased, profit improvement is sought through efficiency and development measures January–March 2019 - Consolidated net sales totalled EUR 336.4 million (EUR 345.4 million). - Consolidated EBIT was EUR -2.8 million (EUR 3.5 million), or -0.8% (1.0%) of net sales. - The Group's EBIT was particularly affected by higher raw material costs and Easter falling in the second quarter. - Atria Finland's net sal...


Atria Plc's Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement and CR Repor...

Atria Plc's Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement and CR Report 2018 have been published Atria Plc ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 27 March, 2019 at 10.00 am Atria Plc's Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement and CR Report 2018 have been published Atria Plc's Annual Report 2018 has been published. The Annual Report is available on the company's website at > Investors > Financial information > Annual reports. The Annual Report is published online. Atria Plc has also published its Corporate Governance Statement on the company's website. The statement can be downloaded in PDF fil...


Atria Plc: Managers' transactions

Atria Plc: Managers' transactions Atria Oyj - Managers' Transactions____________________________________________ Person subject to the notification requirementName: Gröhn JuhaPosition: Chief Executive Officer(X) Legal personIssuer: Atria OyjLEI: 743700XLYONPSKO15Z91 Notification type: INITIAL NOTIFICATIONReference number: 743700XLYONPSKO15Z91_20190320080958_4____________________________________________ Transaction date: 2019-03-18Venue not applicableInstrument type: SHAREISIN: FI0009006548Nature of the transaction: RECEIPT OF A SHARE-BASED INCENTIVE OR REMUNERATION Transaction d...

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