A director at RTX AS bought 4,331 shares at 73.825DKK and the significance rating of the trade was 54/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly showing...
Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them Noerresundby, Denmark, 5 February 2025Announcement no. 06/2025 According to Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation, persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them must give notice of their transactions with RTX shares to RTX and to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. RTX hereby publishes such notifications. The transactions by Chair of the Board Henrik Schimmell are documented in the attached PDF appendix. RTX A/S ...
Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them Noerresundby, Denmark, 3 February 2025Announcement no. 05/2025 According to Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation, persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them must give notice of their transactions with RTX shares to RTX and to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. RTX hereby publishes such notifications. The transactions by COO Hans Henrik Petersen are documented in the attached PDF appendix. RTX A/S Attach...
Offentliggørelse af ledende medarbejders og disses nærtstående transaktioner med RTX-aktier Nørresundby, den 3. februar 2025Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 05/2025 I henhold til Markedsmisbrugsforordningen artikel 19 skal ledende medarbejdere og disses nærtstående indberette deres transaktioner med RTX-aktier til RTX og til Finanstilsynet. RTX offentliggør hermed modtagne indberetninger. Transaktionen af COO Hans Henrik Petersen fremgår af vedhæftede PDF dokument. RTX A/S Vedhæftede filer
Resolutions adopted at the Annual General Meeting of RTX A/S Nørresundby, Denmark, 31 January 2025Announcement no. 04/2024 Today, 31 January 2025, RTX A/S held its Annual General Meeting at which the following decisions were made: The annual report for the financial year 2023/24 was adopted (item 2).The proposal not to distribute any dividend for the financial year 2023/24 was approved (item 3).The Remuneration Report for 2023/24 was approved in the advisory vote (item 4).The Remuneration Policy was adopted (item 5.1).The remuneration of the Board of Directors for 2024/25 was adopted (i...
Interim report for Q1 of 2024/25 (the period 01.10.2024 - 31.12.2024) Nørresundby, Denmark, 31 January 2025Announcement no. 03/2025 Q1 DELIVERS IMPROVED REVENUE AND GROSS MARGIN COMPARED TO Q1 LAST YEAR. “We observed a significant increase in both revenue and gross margin in Q1 2024/25 compared to Q1 2023/24. Historically, Q1 is the lowest-performing quarter for RTX, as many customers reduce inventories to manage year-end working capital. In Q1 2024/25, revenue reached DKK 101 million, with a gross margin of 51%, aligning with both our expectations and the previous quarter’s performan...
Bestyrelsesmedlem Lars Christian Tofft er pludselig gået bort Nørresundby, Danmark, 16. januar 2025Meddelelse nr. 02/2025 Det er med sorg, at vi må meddele, at bestyrelsesmedlem Lars Christian Tofft er gået bort.Lars Christian Tofft har siddet i RTX’s bestyrelse siden 2017, og har bidraget aktivt til udformningen af selskabets strategi og udvikling. Hans ligefremme og konstruktive tilgang har været værdiskabende og værdsat i bestyrelsen. Med venlig hilsenRTX A/S Peter Thostrup Bestyrelsesformand Vedhæftet fil
Member of the Board, Lars Christian Tofft, has suddenly passed away Noerresundby, Denmark, 16 January 2025Announcement no. 02/2025 It is with sadness that we have to announce that member of our board, Lars Christian Tofft, has passed away. Lars Christian Tofft has been a member of RTX's board since 2017, and he has actively contributed to the company's strategy and development. His straightforward and constructive approach has always been value-creating and appreciated by the board. Best regards,RTX A/S Peter Thostrup Chair of the Board Attachment ...
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i RTX den 31. januar 2025 Nørresundby, Danmark, 8. januar 2025Meddelelse nr. 01/2025 Vedlagt er indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i RTX, der afholdes fredag den 31. januar 2025 kl. 14.00 på selskabets adresse: Strømmen 6, Nørresundby. Med venlig hilsenRTX A/S Peter Thostrup Bestyrelsesformand Spørgsmål og yderligere information: Mille Tram Lux, CFO eller Peter Thostrup, Formand, på tlf. Besøg RTX's hjemmeside på: Vedhæftet fil
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of RTX on 31 January 2025 Noerresundby, Denmark, 8 January 2025Announcement no. 01/2025 Enclosed please find the notice convening the Annual General Meeting of RTX to be held on Friday 31 January 2025 at 14:00 at the Company’s address: Stroemmen 6, Noerresundby. Best regards,RTX A/S Peter Thostrup Chair of the Board Questions and further information: Mille Tram Lux, CFO or Peter Thostrup, Chair at tel. Please visit RTX’s website at: Attachment
Korrektion: Årsrapport 2023/24 Nørresundby, 28. november 2024Meddelelse nr. 47/2024 Med henvisning til Selskabsmeddelse nr. 45/2024, blev Årsregnskabet for 2023/24 offentliggjort. Tilhørende Zip.fil er vedhæftet denne offentliggørelse. Spørgsmål og yderligere oplysninger: CFO Mille Tram Lux, Formand for Bestyrelsen Peter Thostrup, Tel. RTX’s hjemmeside: Vedhæftet fil
Correction: Annual Report 2023/24 Nørresundby, Denmark, 28 November 2024Announcement no. 47/2024 With reference to Company Announcement no 45/2024, the Annual Report 2023/24 was published. Corresponding Zip.file is attached to this announcement. Enquiries and further information: CFO Mille Tram Lux, Chair Peter Thostrup, Tel. RTX’s homepage: Attachment
RTX Formand Peter Thostrup søger ikke genvalg på generalforsamlingen i januar 2025 Nørresundby, den 28. november 2024Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 46/2024 Som led i det generationsskifte, som bestyrelsen annoncerede forud for den sidste ordinære generalforsamling i januar 2024, vil Formand Peter Thostrup ikke søge genvalg til bestyrelsen på RTX's ordinære generalforsamling den 31. januar 2025. Peter Thostrup har siddet i bestyrelsen siden 2009, og anses derfor ikke længere for at være uafhængig. “Det har været et privilegium at arbejde sammen med det visionære og dedikerede RTX-team, som har a...
RTX Chair Peter Thostrup will not seek re-election at the Annual General Meeting in January 2025 Nørresundby, Denmark, 28 November 2024Announcement no. 46/2024 As part of the generational change in the Board of Directors announced prior to the last annual general meeting in January 2024, Chair Peter Thostrup will not seek re-election to the Board at RTX’s annual general meeting on 31 January 2025. Peter Thostrup has served on the board since 2009 and due to the length of his term, he is not considered independent. “It has been a privilege to work with the visionary and dedicated RTX tea...
Årsrapport 2023/24 Nørresundby, 28. november 2024Meddelelse nr. 45/2024 Midlertidig afmatning men uændret potentiale for RTX Fra starten af året forventede vi ikke, at efterspørgslen i 2023/24 ville nå det rekordhøje niveau i 2022/23, som var et år positivt påvirket af markedsopsving efter en periode med begrænsninger i forsyningskæderne og mangel på nøglekomponenter. Som året skred frem, blev det tydeligt, at kunder i både vores Enterprise- og ProAudio-segmenter fortsat havde høje lagre, hvilket resulterede i en lavere end forventet efterspørgsel efter vores produkter og løsninger. ...
Annual Report 2023/24 Nørresundby, Denmark, 28 November 2024Announcement no. 45/2024 Temporary slowdown but unchanged potential for RTXAt the beginning of the year, we anticipated that demand in 2023/24 would not reach the record level of 2022/23, which was a year positively influenced by market recovery after a period of supply chain constraints and shortages of key components. As the year progressed, it became evident that customers in both our Enterprise and ProAudio segments continued to hold high levels of inventory, resulting in lower-than-expected demand for our products and ser...
Outlook for 2024/25 Nørresundby, Denmark, 28 November 2024Announcement no. 44/2024 RTX’s financial outlook for 2024/25 reflects limited market visibility as the industry as a whole is facing significant short-term uncertainty, compounded by macro-economic and geopolitical factors. RTX’s financial outlook for 2024/25 is: Revenue DKK 490-520 millionEBITDA DKK 0-20 millionEBIT DKK -35 to -15 million Assumptions for the outlook for 2024/25: Customer focus on avoiding inventory, which is reflected in short order horizons.No material changes in competitive situation and market landscape.RT...
Forventninger til 2024/25 Nørresundby, den 28. november 2024Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 44/2024 RTX’s finansielle forventninger til 2024/25 afspejler en begrænset visibilitet i markedet, da hele industrien på den korte bane oplever markant usikkerhed, forårsaget af makroøkonomiske og geopolitiske faktorer. RTX’s forventninger til 2024/25: Omsætning DKK 490-520 mio.EBITDA DKK 0-20 mio.EBIT DKK -35 til -15 mio. Forudsætninger for forventningerne til 2024/25: Kundernes fokus på at undgå at opbygge lagre, hvilket afspejles i en kort ordrehorisont.Ingen øvrige væsentlige i konkurrencesituation...
RTX udnævner Henrik Mørck Mogensen som ny administrerende direktør Nørresundby, 11. november 2024Meddelelse nr. 43/2024 RTX A/S, som er specialiseret i trådløse kommunikationsløsninger, har ansat Henrik Mørck Mogensen som ny administrerende direktør med tiltrædelse senest 1. marts 2025. Henrik Mørck Mogensen afløser Peter Røpke, som forlader RTX med udgangen af november 2024 efter otte år. Henrik Mørck Mogensen kommer fra en stilling som Group Senior Vice President med ansvar for Healthcare forretningen hos IT-virksomheden Systematic. Han kommer med solid kommerciel og strategisk lede...
RTX appoints Henrik Mørck Mogensen as new CEO Nørresundby, Denmark, 11 November 2024Announcement no. 43/2024 RTX A/S, a specialist in wireless communication solutions, has appointed Henrik Mørck Mogensen as new CEO, starting no later than March 1, 2025. Henrik Mørck Mogensen replaces Peter Røpke, who will be leaving RTX by the end of November 2024 after eight years with RTX. Henrik Mørck Mogensen comes from a position as Group Senior Vice President and responsible for the Healthcare business at IT-company Systematic. He brings solid commercial and strategic leadership experience and a s...
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