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ChemoMetec A S: 1 director

A director at ChemoMetec A S bought 865 shares at 574.030DKK and the significance rating of the trade was 52/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly ...


Notification of managers' transactions

Notification of managers' transactions ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 288 10 February 2025 Notification of managers’ transactions ChemoMetec A/S has received the enclosed notification pursuant to Article 19 of EU Regulation no. 596/2014 of transactions related to shares in ChemoMetec A/S made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in ChemoMetec A/S and/or persons closely associated with them. See the transactions of the Chair of ChemoMetec’s Board of Directors Niels Thestrup in the attached PDF document. For further information, please contact: Kim Nicolajsen, CFOTelephone (+45) 48 13 1...

Jesper Ingildsen
  • Jesper Ingildsen

ChemoMetec (Buy, TP: DKK675.00) - Growth that counts

ChemoMetec again reported solid results, well above expectations, despite its raised guidance in January, which looks increasingly conservative. It was notably a broad-based beat, with all product segments exceeding expectations. We are especially encouraged by the continued solid rebound in Instrument sales, helped by recent product launches. Margins were also strong (especially versus consensus), suggesting robust operating leverage. We reiterate our BUY and have increased our target price to ...


1. halvår 2024/25 - Godt første halvår med vækst i både omsætning og d...

1. halvår 2024/25 - Godt første halvår med vækst i både omsætning og driftsresultat MEDDELELSE NR. 2875. februar 2025 Godt første halvår med vækst i både omsætning og driftsresultat  Martin Helbo Behrens, CEO: Fremgangen er fortsat i 2. kvartal 2024/25, og i 1. halvår steg omsætningen til DKK 251,5 mio., svarende til en vækst på 26% sammenlignet med samme periode sidste år. Væksten var blandt andet drevet af enkelte større ordrer på de nye XcytoMatic-instrumenter i kølvandet på de igangsatte kundevalideringer i foråret 2024. I 1. halvår har vi samtidig fastholdt vores kommercielle fo...


Interim report 2024/25 - Solid H1 performance driven by growth in both...

Interim report 2024/25 - Solid H1 performance driven by growth in both revenue and earnings ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 2875 February 2025 Solid H1 performance driven by growth in both revenue and earnings Martin Helbo Behrens, CEO: The growth continued in the second quarter of 2024/25, and revenue for the first half of the year was up to DKK 251.5 million, a year-on-year increase of 26%. Growth was supported by a few large orders for the new XcytoMatic instruments in the wake of the customer validations initiated in the spring of 2024. Concurrently, we maintained our commercial focus in the f...

Jesper Ingildsen
  • Jesper Ingildsen

ChemoMetec (Buy, TP: DKK615.00) - Counting on more increases

Following a string of guidance increases, we expect a solid Q2 on good instrument sales momentum, driven by new product launches and recovering end markets. We believe new management’s latest guidance is still too cautious and is likely to be raised again. We reiterate our BUY and have raised our target price to DKK615 (540).


Upgrade of revenue and operating profit guidance

Upgrade of revenue and operating profit guidance ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 286 10 January 2025 Upgrade of revenue and operating profit guidance ChemoMetec sustained its positive performance in the second quarter of 2024/25 with better-than-expected sales and order intake. The positive development is supported by the strengthening of the US dollar and continuous optimisation of operating costs. Based on this, the Company now expects revenue for the 2024/25 financial year in the DKK 470-490 million range, up from DKK 460-475 million in the most recent guidance, and EBITDA in the DKK 250-260 mill...


Major shareholder announcement – AIM International Mutual Funds

Major shareholder announcement – AIM International Mutual Funds ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 287 9 December 2024 Major shareholder announcement Major shareholder announcement – AIM International Mutual Funds          Pursuant to Section 30 of the Capital Markets Act, it is hereby announced that Invesco Ltd. has informed ChemoMetec A/S that AIM International Mutual Funds (Invesco International Mutual Funds) on 4 December 2024, decreased its holding of voting rights attached to shares and voting rights in ChemoMetec A/S to below 5%, and that the holding thus is below the 5 per cent limit in section...


Storaktionærmeddelelse – Invesco Ltd.

Storaktionærmeddelelse – Invesco Ltd. MEDDELELSE NR. 286 9. december 2024 Storaktionærmeddelelse Storaktionærmeddelelse – Invesco Ltd.          I henhold til kapitalmarkedslovens § 30 skal det hermed oplyses, at Invesco Ltd. har meddelt ChemoMetec A/S, at Invesco Ltd. d. 4. december 2024 har nedbragt sin beholdning af stemmerettigheder tilknyttet aktier og stemmerettigheder i ChemoMetec A/S til under 5%, og besiddelsen dermed er under 5 procentgrænsen i kapitalmarkedslovens § 38. Yderligere oplysninger Martin Helbo Behrens, CEOTelefon: (+45) 48 13 10 20 Kim Nicolajsen, CFOTelefon...


Major shareholder announcement – Invesco Ltd.

Major shareholder announcement – Invesco Ltd. ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 286 9 December 2024 Major shareholder announcement Major shareholder announcement – Invesco Ltd.          Pursuant to Section 30 of the Capital Markets Act, it is hereby announced that Invesco Ltd. has informed ChemoMetec A/S that Invesco Ltd. on 4 December 2024, decreased its holding of voting rights attached to shares and voting rights in ChemoMetec A/S to below 5%, and that the holding thus is below the 5 per cent limit in section 38 of the Capital Markets Act. Additional information Martin Helbo Behrens, CEOTel.: (...


Opjustering af omsætning og driftsresultat

Opjustering af omsætning og driftsresultat MEDDELELSE NR. 285 3. december 2024 Opjustering af omsætning og driftsresultat ChemoMetec har i andet kvartal af regnskabsåret 2024/25 fortsat sin positive udvikling, hvor salget og ordretilgangen har udviklet sig bedre end forventet. På baggrund heraf forventes der nu en omsætning i regnskabsåret 2024/25 på DKK 460-475 mio. mod senest udmeldt DKK 445-460 mio., og EBITDA forventes at ligge i intervallet DKK 230-240 mio. mod senest udmeldt DKK 222-230 mio.  ChemoMetecs regnskab for første halvår 2024/25 forventes offentliggjort onsdag den 5. ...


Upgrade of revenue and operating profit guidance

Upgrade of revenue and operating profit guidance ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 285 3 December 2024 Upgrade of revenue and operating profit guidance ChemoMetec sustained its positive performance in the second quarter of 2024/25 with better-than-expected sales and order intake. Based on this, the Company now expects revenue for the 2024/25 financial year in the DKK 460-475 million range, up from DKK 445-460 million in the most recent guidance, and EBITDA in the DKK 230-240 million range, up from DKK 222-230 million previously.  ChemoMetec’s half-year financial report for 2024/25 is scheduled to be ...

Jesper Ingildsen
  • Jesper Ingildsen

ChemoMetec (Buy, TP: DKK540.00) - More than on track

The Q1 results were much stronger than expected, even after the increased full-year guidance in October, which now already looks conservative to us. In our view, this looks like a ‘beat and raise’ strategy, and we would not be surprised to see several guidance increases as new products increasingly contribute and end-markets continue to improve, which, considering the operating leverage, could drive significant positive consensus earnings revisions. We reiterate our BUY and have raised our targe...


Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner

Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner MEDDELELSE NR. 284 8. november 2024 Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner ChemoMetec A/S har i henhold til artikel 19 i forordning (EU) nr. 596/2014 modtaget nedenstående indberetning om transaktioner i ChemoMetec A/S aktier udført af personer med ledelsesansvar og/eller personer, der er nært knyttet til dem. Se indberetning af næstformand for bestyrelsen Martin Glensbjergs transaktioner i vedhæftede pdf-dokument. Yderligere oplysninger kan fås ved henvendelse til: Kim Nicolajsen, CFO Telefon: (+45) 48 13 10 20         ...


Notification of managers’ transactions

Notification of managers’ transactions ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 284 8 November 2024 Notification of managers’ transactions ChemoMetec A/S has received the enclosed notification pursuant to Article 19 of EU Regulation no. 596/2014 of transactions related to shares in ChemoMetec A/S made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in ChemoMetec A/S and/or persons closely associated with them. See the transactions of the Vice Chair of ChemoMetec’s Board of Directors Martin Glensbjerg in the attached PDF document. For further information, please contact: Kim Nicolajsen, CFOTelephone (+45) ...


Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner

Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner MEDDELELSE NR. 283 8. november 2024 Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner ChemoMetec A/S har i henhold til artikel 19 i forordning (EU) nr. 596/2014 modtaget nedenstående indberetning om transaktioner i ChemoMetec A/S aktier udført af personer med ledelsesansvar og/eller personer, der er nært knyttet til dem. Se indberetning af administrerende direktør Martin Helbo Behrens’ transaktioner i vedhæftede pdf-dokument. Yderligere oplysninger kan fås ved henvendelse til: Kim Nicolajsen, CFO Telefon: (+45) 48 13 10...


Notification of managers’ transactions

Notification of managers’ transactions ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 283 8 November 2024 Notification of managers’ transactions ChemoMetec A/S has received the enclosed notification pursuant to Article 19 of EU Regulation no. 596/2014 of transactions related to shares in ChemoMetec A/S made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in ChemoMetec A/S and/or persons closely associated with them. See the transactions of the CEO Martin Helbo Behrens in the attached PDF document. For further information, please contact: Kim Nicolajsen, CFOTelephone (+45) 48 13 10 20 About ChemoM...


Vækst i omsætning og driftsresultat

Vækst i omsætning og driftsresultat Periodemeddelelse for 1. kvartal 2024/25 (1. juli - 30. september 2024) Vækst i omsætning og driftsresultat Omsætningen steg i 1. kvartal med 27% til DKK 115,6 mio. mod DKK 91,1 mio. i samme periode sidste år. Udviklingen afspejler en fremgang i salget af både instrumenter, forbrugsvarer og services. Resultatet af primær drift (EBITDA) steg i 1. kvartal med 50% til DKK 62,1 mio. drevet af den stigende omsætning. EBITDA-marginen blev i 1. kvartal på 54%.  2024/251. kvartal  2023/241. kvartal Ændring, %Omsætning, DKK mio. 115,6  91,1 +27EBITDA, DKK mio. 6...


Growth in revenue and operating profit

Growth in revenue and operating profit Trading statement for Q1 2024/25 (1 July - 30 September 2024) Growth in revenue and operating profit Revenue was up 27% in the first quarter of 2024/25 to DKK 115.6 million from DKK 91.1 million in the year-earlier period. The performance reflects growing sales of both instruments, consumables and services. Operating profit (EBITDA) was up 50% in the first quarter to DKK 62.1 million, driven by the revenue growth. The EBITDA margin was 54% for the first quarter.  2024/25Q1  2023/24Q1 Change, %Revenue, DKKm 115.6  91.1 +27EBITDA, DKKm 62.1  41.5 +50E...


Endelig overtagelse af Ovizio Imaging Systems SA

Endelig overtagelse af Ovizio Imaging Systems SA MEDDELELSE NR. 281 22. oktober 2024 Endelig overtagelse af Ovizio Imaging Systems SA Samtlige kapitalejere har nu accepteret ChemoMetecs købstilbud, hvorefter der i dag er gennemført closing og dermed endelig overtagelse af 100% af kapitalandelene i den belgiske virksomhed Ovizio Imaging Systems SA for den tidligere udmeldte købspris på EUR 2.830.000. Yderligere oplysninger Martin Helbo Behrens, CEOTelefon: (+45) 48 13 10 20 Kim Nicolajsen, CFOTelefon (+45) 48 13 10 20 Om Ovizio Ovizio har udviklet en holografisk base...

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