Summary Iberdrola Renovables Energia SA - Company Profile and SWOT Analysis, is a source of comprehensive company data and information. The report covers the company's structure, operation, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings and corporate actions, providing a 360˚ view of the company. Key Highlights Iberdrola Renovables Energia SA (Iberdrola Renovables), a subsidiary of Iberdrola SA, is an electric power generation company. It generates power by utilizing various renewable energy so...
>Neutral rating and target price adjusted to € 15.6 vs € 16.5 - The 9M 2024 performance was broadly in line with our expectations. The group has confirmed its guidance for 2024. At this stage, the group has adjusted its 2024 production estimates down by 10% (from 35 TWh to 36 TWh) but has raised its capture price by 9% to € 60/MWh. The group has reiterated its EBITDA target of around € 1.9bn in 2024 (including capital gains on disposals) and net income of around € 400...
>Opinion Neutre et OC ajusté à15.6 € vs 16.5 € - La performance au 9M 24 est ressortie globalement en ligne avec nos attentes. Le groupe a confirmé ses guidance 2024. A ce stade, le groupe a ajusté en baisse de 10% son atterrissage de production 2024 (35TWh à 36 TWh) mais a relevé son prix capturé de 9% à 60 €/MWh. Le groupe a réitéré son objectif d’EBITDA de l’ordre de 1.9 Md€ en 2024 (y compris plus-value de cession) et de l’ordre 400 M€ de résultat net. Toutefois, ...
Our baseline scenario materialised last night: Donald Trump seems to be on course to win the US presidential election, and the choice of the electorate is unlikely to be challenged. He could end up with a majority in both houses of Congress. US equities will be the first to benefit from this development. In European equities, the biggest winners will be Energy, Media, Metals, Construction & Materials, Financial Services and Insurance. More at risk, however, are the Utilities, Spirits,...
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