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Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


‘Soft landing’... the term is in vogue and we think it aptly describes the current situation in the energy market. After a period of “excess profits”, the fundamentals are back in favour and prompt us to revise down our estimates for energy prices. - Alongside renewable energies, pockets of sustainable value creation are emerging for players capable of capitalising on the structural growth in volatility on the electricity markets but which are nonetheless trading at a discount In the U...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


tonies is a pioneer in the children’s audio entertainment and educational industry, offering a screen-free and interactive listening experience (stories and music) through its Toniebox and Tonies figurines. With a proven track record of rapid international growth, portfolio expansion and strong brand recognition mainly in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and North America, we see in the coming years: 1/ further strong revenue increases (CAGR 2024-2026e of 25%) with a...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


“Soft landing”… le terme est à la mode et nous pensons qu’il caractérise bien la situation du marché de l’énergie aujourd’hui. Après une parenthèse de « surprofits », les fondamentaux reprennent leur droit et nous conduisent à réviser en baisse nos hypothèses de prix de l’énergie. A côté du renouvelable, des poches pérennes de création de valeur apparaissent pour les acteurs capables de profiter de la croissance structurelle de la volatilité des marchés électriques et qui souffrent ma...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


tonies is a pioneer in the children’s audio entertainment and educational industry, offering a screen-free and interactive listening experience (stories and music) through its Toniebox and Tonies figurines. With a proven track record of rapid international growth, portfolio expansion and strong brand recognition mainly in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and North America, we see in the coming years: 1/ further strong revenue increases (CAGR 2024-2026e of 25%) with a...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Impact de la grève Boeing sur les fournisseurs : attention au F...

>Au 14ème jour de grève - Les 30 000 employés du syndicat International Association of Machinists (IAM 751) entrent dans leur 14ème jour de grève (votée à 96%) après avoir notamment demandé une hausse de salaires de 40% étalée sur 4 années et l’engagement d’une production du prochain avion de Boeing à Seattle. L’acceptation de ces demandes se matérialiserait par une progression de la base de coûts d’environ 1.4 Md$e. De son côté, Boeing avait proposé une hausse de sal...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Impact of the Boeing strike on suppliers: watch out for FCF in ...

>On the 14th day of the strike - The c30,000 employees belonging to the International Association of Machinists (IAM 751) are entering their 14th day of the strike (96% of votes in favour) after demanding a wage increase of 40% spread over 4 years and a commitment that Boeing’s next aircraft will be produced in Seattle. Agreeing to these demands would result in an estimated increase in the cost base of around $ 1.4bn. For its part, Boeing had offered a wage increase o...


Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

Weekly share repurchase program transaction details September 25, 2024 SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period September 19, 2024 through September 25, 2024. The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs....


Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

Weekly share repurchase program transaction details September 18, 2024 SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period September 12, 2024 through September 18, 2024. The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs....

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


La prochaine acquisition de Campari pourrait être en Inde et intervenir rapidement, selon nous. Rapidement d’abord pour que le groupe puisse pleinement profiter du dynamisme de ce marché. Rapidement ensuite pour se prémunir du ralentissement actuel des liqueurs et apéritifs (L&A) en Europe, segment dont il est historiquement très dépendant. Malgré l’intérêt stratégique du marché indien, une telle opération de M&A pourrait se révéler risquée en s’ajoutant aux multiples défis opérationn...

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


Campari’s next acquisition might be in India and could materialise quickly, in our view. Speed is of the essence: first so that the group can take full advantage of the dynamic growth of this market; and second to guard against the current slowdown in liqueurs and aperitifs (L&A) in Europe, a segment on which it has historically been very reliant. Despite the strategic value that the Indian market offers, such an M&A deal could prove risky by adding to the multiple operational challen...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Rumeurs de cessez-le-feu en Ukraine: attention au sociétés expo...

>Des rumeurs de cessez-le-feu en Ukraine qui se multiplient - Un article de Bloomberg a ravivé hier les rumeurs de discussions pouvant amener à une fin négociée du conflit en Ukraine. Sans citer de sources, les journalistes rapportaient que certains alliés commençaient à discuter de la manière dont le conflit pouvait se terminer et que la période entre les élections présidentielles américaines et l’investiture (entre novembre et janvier) pourrait offrir une fenêtre d’...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Rumours of a ceasefire in Ukraine: watch out for groups exposed...

>Rumours of a ceasefire in Ukraine are multiplying - An article in Bloomberg yesterday revived rumours of talks aimed at negotiating an end to the conflict in Ukraine. Without citing any sources, journalists report that certain allies were beginning to discuss the manner in which the conflict could be brought to an end and that the period between the US presidential elections and investiture (between November and January) could offer a window of opportunity. Last Sund...


Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

Weekly share repurchase program transaction details September 11, 2024 SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period September 5, 2024 through September 11, 2024. The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs. ...

ING Helpdesk
  • ING Helpdesk

Benelux Morning Notes

ING Benelux Conference London: Aalberts, Arcadis, Azelis, Barco, Basic-Fit, Brunel International, DEME Group, Euronext, Fagron, Heijmans, Kinepolis, Lotus Bakeries, Melexis, Ontex, Randstad, Recticel, SBM Offshore, TKH Group, Van Lanschot Kempen Other company stories - OCI: Divestment of Methanol to Methanex for US$2.05bn, Staffing: US August temp volumes marginally better trend; NFP jobs miss


SBM Offshore signs Share Purchase Agreements with MISC Berhad

SBM Offshore signs Share Purchase Agreements with MISC Berhad September 6, 2024 SBM Offshore announces it has signed two Share Purchase Agreements with its partner MISC Berhad for: i)      the total acquisition of MISC Berhad’s entire effective equity interest in the lease and operating entities related to the FPSO Espirito Santo in Brazil; and ii)      the full divestment to MISC Berhad of SBM Offshore’s effective equity interest in the lease and operating entities of the FPSO Kikeh in Malaysia. This transaction furthers SBM Offshore’s efforts to maintain focus and excellence in i...


Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

Weekly share repurchase program transaction details September 4, 2024 SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period August 29, 2024 through September 4, 2024. The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs. Info...


Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

Weekly share repurchase program transaction details August 28, 2024 SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period August 22, 2024 through August 28, 2024. The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs. Informat...

Quirijn Mulder
  • Quirijn Mulder

SBM Offshore/Going forward with higher returns/BUY

SBM's 1H24 results were ahead of expectations and the company raised its EBITDA guidance by US$100m or 8%. Our investment case is unchanged: The outlook is good with oil demand not over by tomorrow. SBM operates in the sweet spot for attractive deepwater projects. SBM's F4W concept is a success with the ninth hull just ordered while the company remains disciplined in tendering. We also foresee returns for shareholders being a mix of dividend and share buy backs of US$300m exceeding the company's...


Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

Weekly share repurchase program transaction details August 21, 2024 SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period August 15, 2024 through August 21, 2024. The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs. Informat...

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