Syensqo completes the second tranche of its €300 million Share Buyback Program Syensqo completes the second tranche of its €300 million Share Buyback Program Brussels, Belgium – February 28, 2024 17:45 CET Syensqo SA is pleased to announce the successful completion of the second tranche of its share buyback program (the “program”), on December 4, 2024 and concluded on February 26, 2025. A total of 655,783 shares were purchased, of which 185,000 have already been cancelled on 30 December 2024. Since 13 January, 2025, a total of 470,783 shares were purchased, representing approxi...
Below are the highlights from the FY24 results conference call. We remind that 4Q underlying EBITDA was up 5% organically, being 1% above consensus and 2% below our forecast. FY25 underlying EBITDA of at least € 1.4bn (roughly flat vs FY24) is at the bottom c 5% below CSS and 6.6% below KBCS forecast. Syensqo will explore a dual listing in the US and aims to divest Oil&Gas and Aroma in an effort to create shareholder value. Despite the weaker than expected FY25 guidance, we still appreciate Syen...
Aalberts: Dividend and outlook better than expected. Ackermans & van Haaren: Anticipating an all-time-high result from core segments. Ageas: FY24 in line, strong capital, outlook for upsteams. AMG: Strong 4Q24 beat and 2025F guidance upgrade. CFE: Solid results and balance sheet, outlook weak. CMB.TECH: Cautious on outlook. Corbion: Not so sweet. CTP: Good results, 2025 outlook realistic. D'Ieteren: Boyd's Five-Year Goals. Exor: Ferrari €3bn ABB and €1bn SBB. Sofina: Further ...
4Q underlying EBITDA was up 5% organically, being 1% above consensus and 2% below our forecast. FY25 underlying EBITDA of at least € 1.4bn (roughly flat vs FY24) is at the bottom c 5% below CSS and 6.6% below KBCS forecast. Syensqo will explore a dual listing in the US and aims to divest Oil&Gas and Aroma in an effort to create shareholder value. Despite the weaker than expected FY25 guidance, we still appreciate Syensqo for its solid market positions, strong balance sheet (1.3x leverage) and so...
Syensqo launches the third tranche of its Share Buyback Program Syensqo launches the third tranche of its Share Buyback Program Brussels, Belgium – February 27, 2025 - 7:05 CET SYENSQO SA (the “Company”) announces today that pursuant to its Share Buyback Program (the “Program”) announced on September 30, 2024, covering up to €300 million, the Company launches the third tranche of this Program. This tranche of the Program will start on February 27, 2025 and will run until June 27, 2025 at the latest, and will cover a maximum amount of up to € 50 million. It will be implemented under...
Syensqo lanceert de derde tranche van zijn aandeleninkoopprogramma Syensqo lanceert de derde tranche van zijn aandeleninkoopprogramma Brussel, België - 27 februari 2025 – 7u05 CET SYENSQO SA (de “Vennootschap”) kondigt vandaag aan dat in het kader van het aandeleninkoopprogramma (of het “Programma”) dat werd aangekondigd op 30 september 2024 en dat betrekking heeft op maximaal €300 miljoen, de Vennootschap de derde tranche van dit programma lanceert. Dez tranche van het Programma gaat van start op 27 februari 2025 loopt tot uiterlijk 27 juni 2025, en dekt een maximumbedrag van € 50 mi...
Syensqo to explore a potential US listing Syensqo to explore a potential US listing Brussels, Belgium – February 27, 2025 - 07h01 CET SYENSQO SA (the “Company”) today announced that its Board of Directors approved the exploration of a potential dual listing of its shares in the United States of America, in addition to its existing Euronext Brussels listing. During this exploratory phase, the Board of Directors will assess the feasibility and potential benefits of an additional listing, including the ability to increase Syensqo's visibility and expand its accessibility to North America...
Syensqo étudie la possibilité d'une cotation aux Etats-Unis Syensqo étudie la possibilité d'une cotation aux Etats-Unis Bruxelles, Belgique – 27 février 2025 - 07h01 CET SYENSQO SA (la "Société") a annoncé aujourd'hui que son Conseil d'administration a approuvé l'exploration d'une double cotation potentielle de ses actions aux États-Unis, en plus de sa cotation actuelle sur Euronext Bruxelles. Au cours de cette phase exploratoire, le Conseil d'administration évaluera la faisabilité et les avantages potentiels d'une cotation supplémentaire, notamment la possibilité d'accroître la visibi...
Syensqo onderzoekt potentiële beursnotering in de VS Syensqo onderzoekt potentiële beursnotering in de v.s. Brussel, België - 27 februari 2025 – 07u01 CET SYENSQO SA (de “Vennootschap”) kondigde vandaag aan dat zijn Raad van Bestuur het onderzoek heeft goedgekeurd naar een mogelijke dubbele notering van zijn aandelen in de Verenigde Staten, naast zijn bestaande Euronext notering in Brussel. Tijdens deze onderzoekende fase zal de Raad van Bestuur de haalbaarheid en de potentiële voordelen van een beursnotering in de Verenigde Staten evalueren, met inbegrip van de mogelijkheid om de zicht...
Syensqo - Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results SYENSQO FOURTH QUARTER AND FULL YEAR 2024 RESULTS 5% YEAR-ON-YEAR EBITDA GROWTH IN Q4 & STRONG CASH FLOW GENERATION IN A CHALLENGING MARKET ENVIRONMENT Q4 2024 Highlights Net sales of €1.6 billion increased by 2% year-on-year organically, driven by higher volumes (+3%), partially offset by lower pricing (-1%); On a sequential basis, pricing increased by 1% compared to Q3 2024;Gross profit of €482 million was approximately flat year-on-year including net pricing impact of €-26 million, resulting in gross margin of 30.2%;Underlying EBITD...
Syensqo - Résultats du Quatrième Trimestre et de l'Année 2024 RÉSULTATS DU T4 ET DE L'ANNÉE 2024 DE SYENSQO 5% DE CROISSANCE DE L'EBITDA EN GLISSEMENT ANNUEL AU 4EME TRIMESTRE ET FORTE GÉNÉRATION DE CASH DANS UN ENVIRONNEMENT DE MARCHÉ DIFFICILE Faits marquants T4 2024 Le chiffre d'affaires net de €1,6 milliard a augmenté de 2% en glissement annuel organiquement, grâce à la hausse des volumes (+3%), partiellement compensée par la baisse des prix (-1%) ; En séquentiel, les prix ont augmenté de 1% par rapport au T3 2024 ;La marge brute de €482 millions est restée à globalement stable en gl...
Syensqo - Acquisition of own shares Acquisition of own shares Brussels, Belgium – February 24, 2025 - 17:45 CET In accordance with article 7:215 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, Syensqo SA (“Syensqo” or the “Company”) pursues its Share Buyback Program (or the “Program”) announced on September 30, 2024, covering up to €300 million. This second tranche began on December 04, 2024 and will run until February 26, 2025 at the latest, and will cover a maximum amount of up to €50 million (of the €300 million Program). The Company intends to cancel all shares acquired through t...
Syensqo - Acquisition d'actions propres Acquisition d'actions propres Bruxelles, Belgique – 24 février 2025 - 17h45 CET Conformément à l'article 7:215 du Code belge des sociétés et des associations, Syensqo SA (« Syensqo » ou la « Société ») poursuit son programme de rachat d'actions (ou le « Programme ») annoncé le 30 septembre 2024, portant sur un montant maximum de €300 millions. Cette deuxième tranche a démarré le 4 décembre 2024 se poursuivra jusqu'au 26 février 2025 au plus tard, et portera sur un montant maximum de €50 millions (sur le total de €300 millions du programme). La So...
Syensqo - Verwerving van eigen aandelen Verwerving van eigen aandelen Brussel, België - 24 februari 2025 – 17u45 CET In overeenstemming met artikel 7:215 van het Belgische Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen zet Syensqo SA (“Syensqo” of de “Vennootschap”) zijn aandeleninkoopprogramma (of het “Programma”), aangekondigd op 30 september 2024, voort voor een bedrag van maximaal €300 miljoen. Deze tweede tranche begon op 4 december 2024 en loopt tot uiterlijk 26 februari 2025, en zal een maximumbedrag dekken van €50 miljoen (van het €300 miljoen programma). De Vennootschap heeft de in...
Syensqo - Participation notification by Norges Bank. Participation notification by Norges Bank. Brussels, Belgium – February 18, 2025 - 8:30 CETAccording to Belgian transparency legislation (Law of May 2, 2007), Norges Bank (Bankplassen 2, PO Box 1179 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo, Norway) recently sent Syensqo the following transparency notifications indicating that it crossed the threshold of 3%. Here is the summary of the moves: Date on which the threshold was crossedVoting rights after the transactionEquivalent financial instruments after the transactionTotalFebruary 12, 20252.52%0.45%2.97% The ...
Syensqo - Notification de participation par Norges Bank. Notification de participation par Norges Bank. Bruxelles, Belgique – 18 février 2025 - 8:30 CET Conformément à la législation et réglementation en matière de transparence financière (loi du 2 mai 2007), Norges Bank (Bankplassen 2, PO Box 1179 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo, Norway) a envoyé à Syensqo une notification de transparence indiquant qu’il avait franchi le seuil de 3%. Voici un résumé des mouvements: Date à laquelle le seuil a été franchiDroits de vote après la transactionInstruments financiers équivalents après la transactionTotal12 f...
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