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Bouygues: Monthly disclosure of the total number of shares and voting ...

Bouygues: Monthly disclosure of the total number of shares and voting rights REGULATED INFORMATION MONTHLY DISCLOSURE OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS Paris, 01/07/2024 Article 223-16 of the AMF General Regulation   Date     Shares     Voting rights   Theoretical (1)   Exercisable (2)    30 June 2024 379,236,788 493,899,988 491,579,096 (1)  In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulation, this number is calculated on the basis of all the shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares for which voting rights have been suspended...

Chris Hoare
  • Chris Hoare

Sub-Saharan African Telecoms Solid top line, decent overall performan...

Q1 was a solid quarter for the Sub-Saharan African operators, especially from a top line perspective. Airtel Africa continued to outperform peers overall. We continue to think that fundamentals for AAF and MTN are strong and deserve more attention. Valuations are compelling too.

Russell Waller
  • Russell Waller

Orange/SFR/Iliad/Bouygues More French mobile tariff changes

There have been further changes in the French mobile pricing environment, this time by Sosh (Orange sub brand). We give our take in this short piece, and also update our views on the other recent changes as well.

Stephane Beyazian
  • Stephane Beyazian


As momentum has become less adverse than over the past five years, interest rates have started to fall and valuations have (historically low), this should have prodded small and mid cap companies back to their old outperformance. The European elections in France and the ensuing decision to dissolve the French National Assembly have changed risk perceptions and erased YTD gains. In our new ODDO BHF European mid cap list for H2 2024, France is underweighted with a mix of defensive and s...

Stephane Beyazian
  • Stephane Beyazian


Le momentum devenu moins défavorable qu’au cours des 5 derniers exercices, l’amorce de baisse des taux, et les valorisations (historiquement basses) auraient dû aider les small&Midcaps à retrouver leur surperformance. Les Elections européennes suivies de la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale en France ont changé la perception du risque et gommé les gains YTD. Notre nouvelle liste ODDO BHF European Midcaps pour le S2 2024 se trouve sous-pondérée sur la France et propose un mix entre ...

Konrad Zomer ... (+2)
  • Konrad Zomer
  • Stephane Beyazian

ODDO : Ericsson downgrades its global traffic outlook

>Unprecedented revision of 25% - Ericsson yesterday published its annual Ericsson Mobility report, an industry benchmark for mobile network traffic forecasts. Traffic forecasts are crucial in terms of the investment outlook for the telecoms sector.What is surprising is that Ericsson cut its global mobile traffic forecast by close to 25% for 2029 (from 403 EB/m to 313 EB/m, or from 56 to 42 GB/m per smartphone user). Ericsson does not communicate much on this revi...

Konrad Zomer ... (+2)
  • Konrad Zomer
  • Stephane Beyazian

ODDO : Ericsson abaisse ses prévisions de trafic mondial

>Une révision inédite de 25% - Ericsson a publié hier son rapport annuel « Ericsson Mobility report», une référence de l’industrie pour les prévisions de trafic sur réseau mobile. Les prévisions de trafic sont déterminantes pour les prévisions d’investissements dans les télécoms.La surprise est qu’Ericsson coupe de près de 25% à la baisse ses prévisions de trafic mobile mondial pour 2029 (de 403 ExaBytes/mois à 313 EB/mois, soit de 56 à 42 GB/mois par utilisateur...

Bouygues: 2 directors

A director at Bouygues sold after exercising options 6,441 shares at 31.649EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 40/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last ...

Baptiste Salaville ... (+4)
  • Baptiste Salaville
  • Jerôme Bodin
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Philippe Ourpatian


Notre conviction sur le potentiel de croissance LT et d’opportunités de l’IA générative est renforcée. Les secteurs 'enablers' (semiconducteurs, software et IT services) et fournisseurs d’infrastructures (utilities, métaux, biens d'équipements et immobilier) en seront les premiers bénéficiaires, conduisant à certains changements d’OC. Parmi les secteurs ‘utilisateurs’ de l’IA (média, santé, automobile, banque et assurance, services pétroliers, défense, aéronautique et compagnies aérie...

Baptiste Salaville ... (+4)
  • Baptiste Salaville
  • Jerôme Bodin
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Philippe Ourpatian


Our conviction on the long-term growth potential and opportunities of generative AI is renewed. The enabler sectors (semiconductors, software and IT services) and those that provide the infrastructure (utilities, metals, capital goods and real estate) will be the primary beneficiaries, leading us to make certain target price changes. Among AI ‘user’ sectors (media, healthcare, automotive, banking and insurance, oil services, defence, aerospace and airlines), the effects will doubtless...

Stephane Beyazian ... (+2)
  • Stephane Beyazian
  • Sven Edelfelt

Bouygues : Dreams fade in the cold light of day

>Q2 slightly more lacklustre - Bouygues is due to report its Q2 2024 results on 26 July before the market open followed by a conference call. We are forecasting Q2 2024 sales up 1.2%e, in line with the VisibleAlpha consensus of +1.8%e. Sales from construction activities are expected to be stable (+0.6% est.), while the decline in business at Bouygues Immobilier (-26.7%e) will be offset by the construction division (+3.3%e) and Colas (+1.9%e). As a reminder, the group ...

Stephane Beyazian ... (+2)
  • Stephane Beyazian
  • Sven Edelfelt

Bouygues : Au réveil, la réalité nous rattrape souvent

>Un T2 un peu moins étincelant - Bouygues publiera ses résultats T2 2024 le 26 juillet prochain avant Bourse et tiendra dans la foulée une conférence téléphonique. Nous attendons un CA T2 2024 en hausse de 1.2%e, en ligne avec le consensus Visible Alpha de +1.8%e. Le CA des activités construction devrait ressortir stable (+0.6%e), la baisse de l’immobilier (-26.7%e) sera compensée par la Construction (+3.3%e) et Colas (+1.9%e). Pour rappel, le groupe a annoncé un plan...


Bouygues: Disclosure of trading in own shares

Bouygues: Disclosure of trading in own shares REGULATED INFORMATION DISCLOSURE OF TRADING IN OWN SHARES Paris, 17/06/24 Disclosure of trading in own shares on 10 and 11 June 2024.As part of the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting of 25 April 2024 I.      Summary presentation Name of issuer Identity code of issuer Transaction date Identity code of financial instrument Total daily volume traded (number of shares) Daily weighted average price of shares purchased Market BOUYGUES SA 969500MOCLNQFNZN0D63 10 june 2024 FR0000120503 50,000 33.3915 XPAR B...


Bouygues : déclaration des transactions sur actions propres

Bouygues : déclaration des transactions sur actions propres INFORMATION RÉGLEMENTÉE DÉCLARATION DES TRANSACTIONS SUR ACTIONS PROPRES  Paris, le 17/06/24 Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées les 10 et 11 juin 2024.Dans le cadre de l’autorisation consentie par l’Assemblée Générale le 25 avril 2024 I.      Présentation agrégée Nom de l'émetteur Code Identifiant de l'émetteur Jour de la transaction Code identifiant de l'instrument financier Volume total journalier (en nombre d'actions) Prix pondéré moyen journalier d'acquisition des actions Marché B...

Russell Waller
  • Russell Waller

Orange (Buy, TP: €14, +47%) Altice France (SFR) - Most preferred Ilia...

There has been a lot of focus on the recent change in mobile price points from SFR/Bouygues. Orange has underperformed the CAC40 by c10% over the last 10 days. Most commentary we have seen, seems to worry that the move by SFR will start a new price war at the high end. We think that is probably not going to happen, and explain why in this report. That is good news for Orange, that looks oversold in our view.


Bouygues : déclaration des transactions sur actions propres

Bouygues : déclaration des transactions sur actions propres INFORMATION RÉGLEMENTÉE DÉCLARATION DES TRANSACTIONS SUR ACTIONS PROPRES  Paris, le 10/06/24 Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées les 3, 4, 5, 6 et 7 juin 2024.Dans le cadre de l’autorisation consentie par l’Assemblée Générale le 25 avril 2024 I.      Présentation agrégée Nom de l'émetteur Code Identifiant de l'émetteur Jour de la transaction Code identifiant de l'instrument financier Volume total journalier (en nombre d'actions) Prix pondéré moyen journalier d'acquisition des actions Ma...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 06/07/2024

Rexel: new medium-term targets unveiled at the capital market day.>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 07/06/2024

Rexel : nouveaux objectifs à moyen terme dévoilés dans le cadre du CMD>...

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