We have become increasingly constructive on LSEG’s investment case as the company is gearing up for stronger growth in the data business and underlying margin expansion. The risk profile is also improving, with capex set to normalise and with leverage at 1.5x at end-2025. LSEG has proven to be a very strong compounder, with 12.8% estimated adj.EPS CAGR in 2024-2027 and c.3% total shareholder return. We upgrade our recommendation to Outperform given the positive risk-reward, and lift our TP to £1...
Summary Marketline's Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investments report includes business description, detailed reports on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), divestments, capital raisings, venture capital investments, ownership and partnership transactions undertaken by Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances since January2007. Marketline's Company Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships...
>Beat to css with organic revenue growth of 8.7%, lifted by capital markets - LSEG came out with a stronger-than-expected trading update, beating consensus expectations on organic revenue growth at c.c. by 80bps. Overall, group revenue was £ 2117m, vs consensus of £ 2101m, and grew 7.7% YoY. Excluding the well flagged FX headwinds, group revenue grew at 9.5% YoY which is well ahead of expectations. All divisions did well in the quarter, however Capital markets was th...
The long financial duration that Cellnex enjoys implies high sensitivity of the valuation to discount rates. After a long challenging two-year period, we now see a more favourable economic environment ahead. Factors such as the potential for interest rate cuts and inflation nearing Cellnex’s sweet spot, coupled with a strong organic performance and newly implemented strategic measures—particularly deleveraging and further efficiencies on both Opex and Capex—create a positive backdrop....
The long financial duration that Cellnex enjoys implies high sensitivity of the valuation to discount rates. After a long challenging two-year period, we now see a more favourable economic environment ahead. Factors such as the potential for interest rate cuts and inflation nearing Cellnex’s sweet spot, coupled with a strong organic performance and newly implemented strategic measures—particularly deleveraging and further efficiencies on both Opex and Capex—create a positive backdrop....
>We forecast revenue growth of 7.3% at c.c., incl. small headwind from ENX clearing termination agreement - LSEG is set to report its Q3 2024 results on 24 October pre-market. Overall, we expect a good set of results, and forecast revenue of £ 2,115m (excl. recoveries) in the quarter, up 7.3% YoY at a c.c. basis, and an organic growth of 6.6% YoY (c.c.). In terms of mix, we expect the Data & Analytics segment to grow at 4.3% YoY (c.c.) to £ 1,005m, in-line with previ...
>Marginal changes to our 2024 estimates, we are broadly in-line with consensus - We fine tune our LSEG model post H1 2024 results. Given the beat to profitability driven by good cost management and 50bps FX tailwind effect, we lift our 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin by 50bps to 48.1%. This upward revision to profitability is however offset by slightly higher underlying D&A and net finance expenses. As a consequence, we shave our 2024 adjusted EPS by 30bps to £ 3.498. Our...
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