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Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 09/19/2024

Saur: H1 24 results - improved results but leverage rises to 5.9x Maxeda: Further earnings decline in Q2 2024, no comment on refinancing>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 19/09/2024

Maxeda : Des résultats T2 toujours en repli, pas de commentaires sur le refinancement Saur : Résultats S1 24 – amélioration des résultats mais le levier d’endettement passe à 5.9x>...

Cedric Rossi ... (+5)
  • Cedric Rossi
  • Clement Genelot
  • Loic Morvan
  • Paul Rouviere
  • Philippine Adam

On the shelves now: Consumer weekly #38

In this Consumer Weekly newsletter, we provide a brief overview of the key factors affecting our Consumer coverage, from Luxury & Consumer goods to Retail & E-commerce and Food & Ingredients. This week, we analyse the implications of Chinese tourist flows to Japan. Happy reading!

Clement Genelot
  • Clement Genelot

Carrefour: new franchisor model yet to be made sustainable

Whereas Carrefour has achieved its transition towards a franchisor model in France with our deep dive revealing that franchised stores generated >100% of French EBIT in 2023, we consider the current franchisor model unbalanced and unsustainable. A three-scenario stress test on valuation points t

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 08/27/2024

Vivendi may be interested to sel lits entire stake in TIM for €2bn (Il Messaggero)>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 27/08/2024

Vivendi serait intéressé de vendre sa participation dans TIM pour 2 mds EUR (Il Messaggero)>...

Clement Genelot
  • Clement Genelot

Food Retail: Couche-Tard about to acquire 7-Eleven, what impacts on CA...

With Couche-Tard approaching 7-Eleven, we see a more than 50% chance of the deal creating the largest convenience store operator worldwide with USD146bn in revenues. Completing the deal will require overcoming 7-Eleven's top management reluctancy, Japanese politicians, the US anti-trust body and Co

Clement Genelot
  • Clement Genelot

Casino: no short-term liquidity concerns, all eyes on post-Q3 strategi...

Post-Q2, we understand that FY 2024 will be a year of restructuring with continued sluggish top line and margins still under pressure while cash should be preserved thanks to recent disposals. The strategic plan presentation after Q3 will have to demonstrate New Casino's ability to either recover o

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau
AC ACCOR SA ... (+22)

Credit Morning 07/25/2024

Eurofins : H1 24: Material adj. EBITDA margin expansion Fnac Darty: Unsurprising interim results, first buds of improvement in Q2 Kering: EBIT forecasts downgraded further and possible risk to rating>...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Carrefour : H1 raises a lot of questions

>Surprising margins by division, much higher in France and much lower in Europe, but overall results in line with expectations - Carrefour reported H1 results that overall were in line with expectations, but the breakdown shows big gaps vs our estimates.France, the positive surprise: against a backdrop of a 2.0% drop in sales LFL (of which -3.4% for hypermarkets, -1.2% for supermarkets and -0.1% for convenience stores) and market share losses over H1, the group ...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau
AC ACCOR SA ... (+22)

Morning Crédit 25/07/2024

Eurofins : H1 24 call notes: Management confident also on H2 24 Kering : Prévisions d'EBIT de nouveau très dégradées et possible risque sur le ratingFnac Darty : Des résultats S1 sans surprise, premiers signes d’amélioration observés au T2>...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Carrefour : Un S1 qui soulève beaucoup de questions

>Des marges surprenantes par division, très supérieures en France et très inférieures en Europe, en ligne au global avec les attentes - Carrefour publie ses résultats S1, qui, s’ils ressortent en ligne au global, font ressortir des écarts avec les attentes importantes.France, la bonne surprise : sur fond d’un CA en baisse de 2.0% LFL (dont -3.4% pour les hypers, -1.2% pour les supers et -0.1% pour la proxi), et des pertes de parts de marché sur le semestre, le gr...

Clement Genelot
  • Clement Genelot

Carrefour: weak Q2 sales, resilient H1 margins

Q2 proved to be disappointing on the sales front but resilient enough at the EBIT level to meet expectations with France expanding margin despite ongoing successful price investments and Brazil mitigating a very weak RoEurope. Carrefour may have reiterated its FY EBIT and FCF guidance, but with the

Clement Genelot
  • Clement Genelot

French food retail: looking beyond acquisitions-boosted market share d...

Kantar market share data highlight another period of French market decline during which Leclerc, Intermarché and U continued to gain market share (even without acquisitions) while Carrefour and Auchan partly, if not entirely, relied on acquisitions to gain share. Carrefour is back in positive terri

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Carrefour : H1 preview: difficult-to-read consensus, some indications

>Somewhat divergent estimates depending on the sources - Carrefour yesterday afternoon provided consensus figures, which are some way below that shown on the platforms (Visible Alpha and Bloomberg), and largely short of our own estimate.The consensus provided by Carrefour refers to the six 6 latest previews published by brokers (out of over 15 or so brokers covering the stock, nine with figures on Visible Alpha and four on Bloomberg for H1 2024).What...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Carrefour : Preview S1 : un consensus difficile à lire, quelques préci...

>Des estimations un peu divergentes selon les sources - Carrefour a publié un mail de consensus hier après-midi, assez inférieur à ceux observables sur les plateformes (Visible Alpha et Bloomberg), et assez en dessous de notre propre estimation.Le consensus communiqué par Carrefour fait référence aux 6 derniers previews publiés par des brokers (sur plus d’une quinzaine de brokers couvrant le titre, 9 avec des chiffres sur Visible Alpha et 4 sur Bloomberg au titre...

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