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Delphine Brault ... (+2)
  • Delphine Brault
  • Quentin Borie


Iberdrola is the strategic benchmark in the universe of integrated utilities. Since 2001, the group has pursued a resilient strategy of profitable growth (renewables and networks), geographic expansion and attractive shareholder returns (TSR average annual of 17.9%). But based on the strong share's performance and the low residual upside on our target price of € 15.30, we have lowered our rating to Neutral vs Outperform. - ...

Delphine Brault ... (+2)
  • Delphine Brault
  • Quentin Borie


Iberdrola est la référence stratégique dans le secteur des utilities intégrées. Depuis 2001, le groupe poursuit une stratégie résiliente de croissance rentable (renouvelable et réseaux), d’expansion géographique et de rémunération attractive des actionnaires (TSR annuel moyen 17.9%). Toutefois, la forte performance du titre et le faible potentiel résiduel à notre objectif de cours de 15.3 €, nous amènent à abaisser l’opinion à Neutre vs Surperformance. - ...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : Offer for Lifeway Foods: a deal that might reassure on M&A ri...

>Outperform rating maintained despite the return of M&A risk - Outperform rating maintained with a target price of € 71. We continue to see Danone as a multi-year re-rating story as and when the improvement in operational execution is confirmed quarter after quarter and the group establishes a dynamic of profitable, steady and resilient growth. The repositioning of the product ranges and brands (category management) implemented since the arrival of the new CEO has bee...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : Offre sur Lifeway Foods : une opération qui pourrait rassurer...

>Surperformance maintenue malgré le retour du risque M&A - Surperformance maintenue avec un OC de 71 €. Nous continuons de voir Danone comme une histoire de rerating pluriannuel à mesure que l’amélioration de l’exécution opérationnelle se confirme trimestre après trimestre et que le groupe rentre dans une dynamique de croissance rentable régulière et résiliente. Le repositionnement des gammes et des marques (category management) mis en place depuis l’arrivée du nouvea...

Cedric Rossi ... (+5)
  • Cedric Rossi
  • Clement Genelot
  • Loic Morvan
  • Paul Rouviere
  • Philippine Adam

On the shelves now: Consumer weekly #40

In this Consumer Weekly newsletter, we provide a brief overview of the key factors affecting our Consumer coverage, from Luxury & Consumer goods to Retail & E-commerce and Food & Ingredients. This week, we dig into the strange equation of US purchasing power vs. savings rates. Happy rea

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 09/19/2024

Saur: H1 24 results - improved results but leverage rises to 5.9x Maxeda: Further earnings decline in Q2 2024, no comment on refinancing>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 19/09/2024

Maxeda : Des résultats T2 toujours en repli, pas de commentaires sur le refinancement Saur : Résultats S1 24 – amélioration des résultats mais le levier d’endettement passe à 5.9x>...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : General Mills sells Yoplait to Lactalis and Sodiaal in the US...

>Outperform maintained and target price raised to € 71 - Outperform rating maintained and target price raised to € 71 (DCF). The stock has clearly stood out over the past three months compared to the major European Food HPC stocks and some investors remain vigilant, as do we, about the M&A opportunities that the group could seize after two years of refocusing and the recovery of operational discipline. While upside may appear limited in the very short term, we still a...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : General Mills cède Yoplait à Lactalis et Sodiaal aux USA et a...

>Surperformance maintenue et OC relevé à 71 € - Surperformance maintenue avec un OC relevé à 71 € (DCF). Le titre s’est nettement distingué depuis 3 mois par rapport aux grandes valeurs du Food HPC européen et certains investisseurs restent comme nous vigilants sur les opportunités de M&A que le groupe pourrait saisir après 2 ans de recentrage et de redressement de la discipline opérationnelle. Si le potentiel peut sembler limité sur le très court terme, nous continuo...


Danone: Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

Danone: Information on the total number of voting rights and shares DANONE French Société anonyme with a capital of €169,888,497,75.Registered Office: 17, boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris.Registered with the Paris Commerce and Company Registry under number 552 032 534 Information on the total number of voting rights and shares in compliance with Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF- Autorité des Marchés Financiers) DateTotal number of sharesTotal number of voting rights31/08/20246...

Cedric Rossi
  • Cedric Rossi

OTC hearing aid market: no worms in the Apple

Among all the innovative products presented at Monday's Apple Keynote, the AirPods Pro 2 stood out for the new OTC hearing aid capability to be included for users with mild to moderate hearing loss, representing EUR1.4bn people globally. While most hearing aid stocks and, to a lesser extent, Essilo

Cedric Rossi ... (+5)
  • Cedric Rossi
  • Clement Genelot
  • Loic Morvan
  • Paul Rouviere
  • Philippine Adam

On the shelves now: Consumer weekly #38

In this Consumer Weekly newsletter, we provide a brief overview of the key factors affecting our Consumer coverage, from Luxury & Consumer goods to Retail & E-commerce and Food & Ingredients. This week, we analyse the implications of Chinese tourist flows to Japan. Happy reading!

Clement Genelot
  • Clement Genelot

Carrefour: new franchisor model yet to be made sustainable

Whereas Carrefour has achieved its transition towards a franchisor model in France with our deep dive revealing that franchised stores generated >100% of French EBIT in 2023, we consider the current franchisor model unbalanced and unsustainable. A three-scenario stress test on valuation points t


Danone successfully issues a €700 million bond

Danone successfully issues a €700 million bond Press Release – Paris, September 5, 2024 Danone successfully issues a €700 million bond Danone announces that it has issued today a €700 million bond with a 7-year maturity and a 3.20% coupon. In line with the company’s active liquidity management, this issue enables Danone to enhance its funding flexibility while extending the maturity of its debt. The settlement is expected to take place on September 12, 2024 and the bonds will be listed on Euronext Paris. The bond issue was widely subscribed by a diversified investor base, confirm...


Danone réalise avec succès une émission obligataire de 700 millions d’...

Danone réalise avec succès une émission obligataire de 700 millions d’euros Communiqué de presse – Paris, le 5 septembre 2024 Danone réalise avec succès une émission obligataire de 700 millions d’euros Danone annonce avoir réalisé aujourd’hui le placement d’une émission obligataire d’un montant de 700 millions d’euros, avec une maturité de 7 ans et assortie d’un coupon de 3,20%. S’inscrivant dans le cadre de la gestion active de sa liquidité, cette émission permet à Danone d’accroître sa flexibilité financière tout en allongeant la maturité de sa dette. Le règlement-livraison est prévu ...

Cedric Rossi
  • Cedric Rossi

FIE & MRX: distinct H1 trajectories

Yesterday, Fielmann (FIE) and Mister Spex (MRX) both reported their final H1 2024 results which were in line with their respective pre-announced figures. Arguably, Germany remains their largest market with a revenue share of 73% and 75% respectively but the market's focus has differed in recent mon

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 08/27/2024

Vivendi may be interested to sel lits entire stake in TIM for €2bn (Il Messaggero)>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 27/08/2024

Vivendi serait intéressé de vendre sa participation dans TIM pour 2 mds EUR (Il Messaggero)>...

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