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Benelux Morning Notes

Acomo: A game of two halves. Ahold Delhaize: Peer Kroger FY24 results. Belgian telecoms: Telenet 2.9% price increase. D'Ieteren: FY24 results preview. Elia: Strong results and 2025 outlook, €2.2bn equity financing. Eurocommercial Properties: Sound results, positive revaluations, lighter LTV. Melexis: Attractive bid on direct peer Allegro. Universal Music Group: Much better Q4 - on strong subscription, DSP catch-up payment.

Lynn Hautekeete
  • Lynn Hautekeete

Eurocommercial Properties Biggest fair value gains since 2016

ECMPA reports results slightly below our expectations. The difference comes from a doubling of investment expenses vs FY23. The FY25 guidance is in line with our expectations. It will be a year with some temporary vacancy during remerchandising projects. This was already guided by the management at 1H24 so the outlook is in line with CSS. ECMPA realised the biggest fair value gains on its portfolio since 2016 with a 3.1% uplift. The bulk came in 2H24 and from the BE and IT portfolio. This led to...

Guy Sips ... (+7)
  • Guy Sips
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Michiel Declercq
  • Thomas Couvreur
  • Wim Hoste
  • Wim Lewi
Wim Lewi
  • Wim Lewi

Elia Group Elia raises 850m + 1.35bn rights issue plan, very strong FY...

Elia announced a EUR 2.2bn equity package, which includes 850m through a private placement (PIPE). The private placement involves key investors such as ATLAS Infrastructure, BlackRock, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Publi-T/NextGrid. Elia also committed to a 1.35bn rights issue, which is already 55% subscribed. Elia Group reported FY24 Net profit (Elia Share) of EUR 421.3m, +29.8% yoy vs. our 365.3m expected. That is far above Elia guidance of 355-395m. FY24 EPS of 5.73 vs. our estimat...

Lynn Hautekeete
  • Lynn Hautekeete

Nextensa Short term pain for long term gains

Nextensa sold the Knauf assets, will acquire the Proximus towers (Beltowers) and cut its dividend. The steps taken are to position the company more as a pure play developer, away from investment properties (EUR 1.0B). This creates more volatility in the earnings which will crystallize in FY27-28 with the development of the new Proximus towers (T&T). Investors reacted negatively to the dividend cut. The dividend cut and asset sales were necessary to avoid a dilutive capital raise after the lucrat...

Michiel Declercq
  • Michiel Declercq

D'Ieteren FY24 earnings preview

Running up to the publication of D'Ieteren's FY24 result on March 10th after market close, we have summarized our expectations below. While we expect the group to meet its adj. PBT (gs) ambitions for 2024, focus will again be concentrated towards Belron, which should face easier margin comps in 2H24. Additionally, we will also pay attention on FCF generation at Belron following the increased leverage after the refinancing. Buy and € 225.0 TP.

Wim Hoste
  • Wim Hoste

Bekaert Less growth, more savings, solid cash returns to shareholders

Despite the weak macro environment and some delays in the ramp-up of some of the growth platforms, Bekaert is still committed to its 10% uEBIT margin target by 2026, acknowledging that less growth will likely have to be compensated by further savings initiatives. At current profitability levels, Bekaert is generating sizeable free cash flow. The ordinary dividend of € 1.9 per share represents a dividend yield of c. 5% whilst the share buyback program of € 200m over 2 years adds another 5% annual...


Bekaert - Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreem...

Bekaert - Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement Period from 27 February 2025 to 5 March 2025 Share Buyback ProgramOn , Bekaert announced the start of the next tranche of its share buyback program, for a total maximum consideration of up to € 25 million. As announced previously, the purpose of the Program is to cancel all shares repurchased. Bekaert announces today that during the period from 27 February 2025 to 5 March 2025, Kepler Cheuvreux SA on behalf of Bekaert has bought 62 692 share...


Bekaert - Mise à jour relative au Programme de Rachat d'Actions et au ...

Bekaert - Mise à jour relative au Programme de Rachat d'Actions et au Contrat de liquidité Vous trouvez ci-dessous notre communiqué de presse (seulement disponible en anglais et en néerlandais)  Pièces jointes


Bekaert - Update over het Inkoopprogramma van Eigen Aandelen en de Liq...

Bekaert - Update over het Inkoopprogramma van Eigen Aandelen en de Liquiditeitsovereenkomst Update over het Inkoopprogramma van Eigen Aandelen en de Liquiditeitsovereenkomst Periode van 27 februari 2025 tot 5 maart 2025 Inkoopprogramma van Eigen AandelenOp , kondigde Bekaert de start aan van de volgende tranche van haar inkoopprogramma, voor een totaalbedrag van maximaal € 25 miljoen. Zoals eerder aangekondigd heeft het inkoopprogramma tot doel alle ingekochte aandelen te vernietigen. Bekaert kondigt vandaag aan dat gedurende de periode van 27 februari 2025 tot 5 maart 2025, Ke...

Guy Sips
  • Guy Sips

Jensen-Group All-time high FY24 revenues forms a strong basis for FY25

In FY24, Jensen-Group achieved remarkable milestones, establishing new standards in both operational and financial performance. We maintain our Accumulate rating and have slightly increased our Target Price from €50 to €51.5, in line with our updated DCF, as we believe Jensen-Group can continue its consistent growth trajectory.

Ahmed Ben Salem ... (+2)
  • Ahmed Ben Salem
  • Baptiste Lebacq
Ahmed Ben Salem ... (+2)
  • Ahmed Ben Salem
  • Baptiste Lebacq
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