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Jason Kalamboussis
  • Jason Kalamboussis

Ageas/CMD: what to expect/BUY

Ageas will host its Capital Markets Day (CMD) next week, where it will announce targets for 2027. We anticipate a significant increase in remittances, boosting free cash flow (FCF) from c.€1.85bn to c.€2.1bn, and cumulative dividends from c.€2bn to c.€2.4bn. This should result in more consistent DPS growth of 7-8%, primarily driven by underlying dividend growth. Share buybacks may occur only if there are no mergers and acquisitions (M&A). EPS growth is expected to remain at 6-8%. Operating targe...

Jean Danjou
  • Jean Danjou

ODDO : August watch exports surprisingly up, looks like a misleading s...

>August exports show a growth rebound mainly driven by luxury watches - Strange things can happen in August: watch exports are growing even faster than in July at +6.9% y-o-y versus +1.8% the month before (the year-to-date growth remains negative at -1.4%) but this is entirely driven by 14.9% growth in the luxury segment, mainly fuelled by watches incorporating precious metals, according to Fédération Horlogère. The other categories show a significant decline fo...

Jean Danjou
  • Jean Danjou

ODDO : August watch exports surprisingly up, looks like a misleading s...

>August exports show a growth rebound mainly driven by luxury watches - Strange things can happen in August: watch exports are growing even faster than in July at +6.9% y-o-y versus +1.8% the month before (the year-to-date growth remains negative at -1.4%) but this is entirely driven by 14.9% growth in the luxury segment, mainly fuelled by watches incorporating precious metals, according to Fédération Horlogère. The other categories show a significant decline fo...


Teleperformance : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réa...

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulatory News: Teleperformance SE (Paris:TEP) a procédé à l’acquisition d’actions propres dans le cadre du programme de rachat d’actions annoncé le 2 août 2023, tel qu’autorisé par son Assemblée générale du 23 mai 2024. Ces acquisitions ont été effectuées dans le cadre de l’objectif d’annulation. Il est précisé que les informations détaillées par transaction peuvent être consultées sur le site internet de la société au lien suivant : - rubrique « Contrat de de liquidité et programmes de rachat d’actions ». Présentation agrégée par jour et par marché Nom de ...

ING Helpdesk
  • ING Helpdesk

Benelux Morning Notes

Ageas: Potential UK target ESURE - nice fit, right size. ASML: Highlights of roadshow. Belgian Food Retail: Delhaize CEO interview with Gondola. RELX, Wolters Kluwer: Resilient academic publishing

Jean Danjou
  • Jean Danjou

ODDO : Monday review – Luxury sector

>Topic of the week: fade to grey - We highlighted last week that taking into account a scenario where growth stalls over H2 2024 and remains below 5% next year would amount in our model for the luxury sector to a 10%/15% cut in estimates for 2025. This scenario looks more and more likely as each week passes. First, we have mounting evidence that the situation in mainland China has deteriorated in Q3 over Q2 with the last piece of evidence released over the weekend re...

Jean Danjou
  • Jean Danjou

ODDO : Monday review – Luxury sector

>Topic of the week: fade to grey - We highlighted last week that taking into account a scenario where growth stalls over H2 2024 and remains below 5% next year would amount in our model for the luxury sector to a 10%/15% cut in estimates for 2025. This scenario looks more and more likely as each week passes. First, we have mounting evidence that the situation in mainland China has deteriorated in Q3 over Q2 with the last piece of evidence released over the weekend re...

Ana Arjona-Martinez ... (+3)
  • Ana Arjona-Martinez
  • Chaima Ferrandon
  • Sven Edelfelt

ODDO : Down but not out

>The Constitutional Council validates the motorway tax - Yesterday, the Constitutional Council validated a tax on transport infrastructure deeming that this tax does not constitute "a breach of equality with other transport infrastructure operators", nor an "excessive burden with regard to their ability to pay".This tax is based on the share of revenue above € 120m for a rate set at 4.6% of revenue (not deductible from the result taxable for corporate income tax...

Ana Arjona-Martinez ... (+3)
  • Ana Arjona-Martinez
  • Chaima Ferrandon
  • Sven Edelfelt

ODDO : Soufflé n’est pas joué

>Le Conseil Constitutionnel valide la taxe sur les autoroutes - Le Conseil Constitutionnel a validé hier la taxe sur les infrastructures de transport en estimant que cette taxe ne constituait pas « une rupture d'égalité avec les autres exploitants d'infrastructures de transport », ni une « charge excessive au regard de leurs facultés contributives ».Cette taxe est assise sur la fraction des revenus excédant 120 M€ pour un taux fixé à 4.6 % du CA (non déductible ...

Arnaud Autier ... (+3)
  • Arnaud Autier
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Pierre Tegner


Holcim Europe could ultimately be the most appealing equity story of the Holcim group’s spin-off project. We think that, for the group’s new management, the distribution of an exceptionally high dividend will be the favoured means for a rapid revaluation of Holcim Europe. We estimate it at CHF 2.0-2.2 for a dividend yield of 7-8% at the current price. We think that under the aegis of Miljan Gutovic, the new CEO, a significant refocusing of Holcim Europe’s assets will be implemented i...

Arnaud Autier ... (+3)
  • Arnaud Autier
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Pierre Tegner


Holcim Europe pourrait finalement être « l’equity story » la plus attractive du projet de scission du groupe Holcim. Nous pensons que la distribution d’un dividende exceptionnellement élevé constituera, pour le nouveau management du groupe, le moyen privilégié pour une revalorisation rapide de Holcim Europe. Nous l’estimons entre 2.0 CHF et 2.2 CHF soit un dividende yield de 7/8% au cours actuel. Sous la houlette de Miljan Gutovic, le nouveau CEO, un recentrage important des actifs de...

Cor Kluis
  • Cor Kluis

Ageas : View on CMD next week and possible future DLG case

>CMD next week likely to refine cap distribution, further still the DLG interest - Next Monday end of Day at Ageas CMD event we do not expect material changes for their ‘Impact27’ targets vs their current targets. However, given the uncertainty of the dividend upstreamings from China it would be best to link the dividends to the consolidated operations, and the SBB to the dividend upstreamings from China/NCP’s.CMD for presenting their updated next three y...

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