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Rovsing A S: 1 director

A director at Rovsing A S bought 5,402 shares at 38.100DKK and the significance rating of the trade was 53/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly sh...


Financial Calender 2021/22

Financial Calender 2021/22                  28 June 2021Announcement no. 323 Financial Calendar 2021/22 10 September 2021, Annual Report 2020/21 25 October 2021, Annual General Meeting in Rovsing A/S 15 November 2021, Interim Management Statement Q1 2021/22 21 February 2022, Interim Report for H1 2021/22 16 May 2022, Interim Management Statement for Q3 2021/22 9 September 2022, Annual Report 2021/22 24 October 2022, Annual General Meeting in Rovsing A/S For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: Attachment ...


Interim Management Statement covering Q3 2020/21

Interim Management Statement covering Q3 2020/21 17 May 2021Announcement no. 322 Interim Management Statement covering Q3 2020/21 The Board of Directors of Rovsing A/S has today considered and approved the Interim Management Statement for the third quarter (1 January 2021 – 31 March 2021) of the financial year 2020/21. Q3 highlights In Q3 of the financial year 2020/21, the revenue amounted to DKK 7,6 million (2019/20: DKK 6,2 million). Accumulated year to date revenue is DKK 20,0 million.Q3 EBITDA of DKK 0,9 million (2019/20: DKK 0,5 million). Accumulated year to date EBITDA of DKK ...


Change in capital of large shareholder

Change in capital of large shareholder          26 February 2021Announcement no. 321 Change in capital of large shareholder With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Rovsing A/S hereby announces that it has received notification from Jean Marcel Dühring that he has decreased his holding of shares in Rovsing A/S to a holding of shares corresponding to 3,7% of the share capital and votes. For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: or Sigurd Hundrup, CFO; e-mail: Attachment


Resultat af aktieemission

Resultat af aktieemission 25. februar 2021Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 320 Resultat af aktieemission Med reference til Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 319, hvor Rovsing tilbød tegning af aktier i forbindelse med en aktieemission, er tegningsperioden nu afsluttet. Tilbud om tegning af nye aktier har resulteret i tegning af 13.468 stk. aktier af hver DKK 117 med et samlet provenu på DKK 1.575.756. Aktierne vil blive optaget til handel på Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen senest den 5. marts 2021. Efter optagelsen af aktierne til handel vil der være samlet 471.349 stk. aktier af nominelt DKK 50,00 hver med en samlet ...


Ændring af vilkår for aktieemission

Ændring af vilkår for aktieemission 24. februar 2021Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 319 Ændring af vilkår for aktieemission Med reference til Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 318, hvori bestyrelsen tilbød tegning af aktier i forbindelse med aktieemission på maksimalt DKK 6 millioner ved at udstede 46.154 nye stk. aktier med en nominel værdi på DKK 50 hver til en pris pr. aktie på DKK 130 og med en tegningsperiode fra 22. februar 2021 – fredag den 26. februar 2021, har bestyrelsen besluttet at ændre vilkår for aktieemissionen til følgende vilkår: Kapitalforhøjelse på maksimalt DKK 6 millioner svarende ti...



Aktieemission 22. februar 2021Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 318 Aktieemission for at finansiere fortsat vækst Med en stærk ordreindgang og ordrebeholdning jf. selskabsmeddelelse nr. 317, har bestyrelsen besluttet af finansiere yderligere vækst ved at foretage en kapitalforhøjelse på maksimalt DKK 6 millioner ved at udstede 46.154 nye stk. aktier med en nominel værdi på DKK 50 hver i henhold til bemyndigelsen i Selskabets vedtægter §5.1. Prisen for hver aktie er fastsat til DKK 130 pr. aktie (lukkekurs 22. februar 2021 minus 6,9% i likviditetsrabat). Den nye kapital vil støtte op om vækst i...


Interim Report first half year 2020/21

Interim Report first half year 2020/21 22 February 2021Announcement no. 317 Interim Report first half year 2020/21 The Board of Directors of Rovsing A/S has today considered and approved the Interim Report for the first half year (1 July 2020 – 31 December 2020).   Highlights of the half year – with an increase in guidance for the full year              In the first half year of 2020/21, the revenue amounted to DKK 12,4 million (2019/20: DKK 9,4 million) or an improvement of 32% The H1 of 2020/21 EBITDA is DKK 1,0 million (2019/20: DKK -1,8 million) or an improvement of DKK 2,8 ...


Change in capital of large shareholder

Change in capital of large shareholder          19 February 2021Announcement no. 316 Change in capital of large shareholder With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Rovsing A/S hereby announces that it has received notification from Jean Marcel Dühring that he has decreased his holding of shares in Rovsing A/S to 29,553 shares, corresponding to 6.5% of the share capital and votes. For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: or Sigurd Hundrup, CFO; e-mail: Attachment


Change in capital of large shareholder

Change in capital of large shareholder          28 December 2020Announcement no. 315 Change in capital of large shareholder With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Rovsing A/S hereby announces that it today has received notification from Jean Marcel Dühring that he has increased his holding of shares in Rovsing A/S to 46.903 shares, corresponding to 10.2% of the share capital and votes. For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: or Sigurd Hundrup, CFO; e-mail: Attachment


Refinancing of loan

Refinancing of loan 16 December 2020Announcement no. 314 Refinancing of loan Referring to Company Announcement no. 311 of 16 November 2020, in which it was stated that Rovsing A/S shall refinance a loan of DKK 4.200.000 no later than 31 December 2020. The Company can hereby announce that it has made an agreement with a consortium of 6 lenders for a new loan. Once the new lenders have deposited the funds to Rovsing A/S account, the old loan will be repaid, no later than the 31 of December. The new loan is with the following terms A loan of DKK 4.200.000 with a term of 36 months12% annual...


Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting År 2020, den 16. december, kl. 10.00, blev der afholdt ekstraordinær generalforsamling i Rovsing A/S(CVR-nr. 16139084) på selskabets adresse, Dyregårdsvej 2, 2740 Skovlunde. Bestyrelsesformand Michael Hove bød velkommen og oplyste, at Sigurd Hundrup i overensstemmelse med vedtægternes pkt. 11 var udpeget til at lede generalforsamlingen som dirigent. Dirigenten oplyste, at indkaldelse til generalforsamlingen havde været annonceret gennem NASDAQ OMX den 24. november 2020 og ved fremsendelse af e-mails / breve samme dag til alle aktionærer, som havd...


Notice to Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice to Extraordinary General Meeting 24. november 2020Meddelelse nr. 312    INDKALDELSE OG DE FULDSTÆNDIGE FORSLAGFor den ekstraordinære generalforsamling i Rovsing A/S Bestyrelsen i Rovsing A/S indkalder hermed til ekstraordinær generalforsamling i Rovsing A/S ("Selskabet") Onsdag, den 16. december 2020 kl. 10.00 Som følge af COVID-19 situationen opfordrer bestyrelsen alle aktionærer til at undlade fysisk fremmøde og i stedet benytte sig af brevstemmer med følgende dagsorden: Forslag om bemyndigelse til bestyrelsen til at udstede konvertible gældsbreve   Det fuldstændige forslag...


Interim Management Statement Q1 2020/21

Interim Management Statement Q1 2020/21 16 November 2020Announcement no. 311 Interim Management Statement covering Q1 2020/21 The Board of Directors of Rovsing A/S has today considered and approved the Interim Management Statement for the first quarter (1 July 2020 – 30 September 2020) of the financial year 2020/21. Q1 highlights In Q1 of the financial year 2020/21, the revenue amounted to DKK 5.8 million (2019/20: DKK 4.6 million)  Q1 EBITDA of DKK 0.4 million (2019/20: DKK -0.7 million). The positive EBITDA in Q1 is an outcome of optimised operations and normalised project gross margi...


Minutes of General Meeting

Minutes of General Meeting Decision of General Meeting Referat af generalforsamling den 19. oktober 2020 Attachment


Change in capital of large shareholder

Change in capital of large shareholder          28 September 2020Announcement no. 309 Change in capital of large shareholder With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Rovsing A/S hereby announces that it today has received notification from Jean Marcel Dühring that he has increased his holding of shares in Rovsing A/S to 23.852 shares, corresponding to 5.2% of the share capital and votes. For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: or Sigurd Hundrup, CFO; e-mail: Attachment


Notice to General Meeting

Notice to General Meeting 25. september 2020 Announcement 308 Notice to General Meeting Attachments


Rovsing A/S releases its Annual Report 2019/20

Rovsing A/S releases its Annual Report 2019/20 11 September 2020 Announcement no. 307 Rovsing A/S releases its Annual Report 2019/20 The Board of Directors of Rovsing A/S (Rovsing), has today approved the Annual Report for the financial year 2019/20. Highlights of the financial year The financial year 2019/20 was in line with the revised guided expectations (Announcement no. 302), with a revenue amounting to DKK 21,8 million, compared to a revenue of DKK 28,1 million in 2018/19, corresponding to a decrease of DKK 6,3 million The EBITDA amounts to DKK -0,9 million compared to DK...


Change in capital of large shareholder

Change in capital of large shareholder          10 September 2020Announcement no. 306 Change in capital of large shareholder With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Rovsing A/S hereby announces that it has received notification from Jean Marcel Dühring that he has decreased his holding of shares in Rovsing A/S to 21.488 shares, corresponding to 4.7% of the share capital and votes. For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: or Sigurd Hundrup, CFO; e-mail: Attachment


Change in capital of large shareholder

Change in capital of large shareholder            3 September 2020Announcement no. 305 Change in capital of large shareholder With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Rovsing A/S hereby announces that it has received notification from Jean Marcel Dühring that he has increased his holding of shares in Rovsing A/S to 26.474 shares, corresponding to 5.8% of the share capital and votes. For further information Rovsing A/S, Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, CEO; e-mail: or Sigurd Hundrup, CFO; e-mail: Attachment

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