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Societe Frigorifique et Brasserie de Tunis: 1 director

A director at Societe Frigorifique et Brasserie de Tunis bought 7,556 shares at 14.300TND and the significance rating of the trade was 53/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors ove...

  • Imen BEN AHMED

A solid performance

SFBT (parent company) posted a 3.6% increase in its Q2 2017 sales to TND118.956m. At the end of June, total sales amounted to TND241.975m, an increase of 8.2%. The improvement in sales was due mainly to the increase in the export sales of soft drinks by 94.0% to TND19.961m, and the increase in beer sales (local, + 14.5% to TND141.455m, and export, + 31.3% to TND2.322m), which offset the decline in the sales of local soft drinks (-10.2% to TND66.594m). At the end of June, the sales volume of soft...

  • Imen BEN AHMED

Growth boosted by export

SFBT (parent company) marked a good start to the year. Q1 2017 sales increased by 13.0% to TND122.955m, boosted by export sales (beer, + 168.3% to TND0.873m and soft drinks, + 190.7% to TND11.616m). Local sales of soft drinks, on the other hand, fell by 19.6% to TND23.060m against a significant increase in local beer sales by 13.5% to TND80.612m. In terms of volume, sales of soft drinks increased by 15.4% to 417,790 HL while those of soft drinks fell by 5.6% to 355,556 HL.

  • Imen BEN AHMED

Good news: volume recovery

The parent company reported an increase of 68.5% in Q4 2016 to TND126.313m, stimulated by local beer sales (+134.4% to TND81.799m), thus integrating SEABG’s added value to the segment of canned beer. Export beer sales also increased by 3.0% to TND0.956m. The local sales of soft drinks went up by only 1.2% to TND26.812m against a significant increase in export sales by 83.8% to TND11.213m. At the end of December, the total revenues increased by 65.5% to TND534.516m.

  • Imen BEN AHMED

A continued decline in volumes

Following an agreement with SFBT, SEABG is now one of its subcontractors. The parent company’s revenues increased by 64.6% to TND136.185m, boosted by the sales of local beer (+178.1% to TND225.078m), by integrating SEABG’s added value to the segment of canned beer. Export beer sales also increased by 67.5% to TND3.523m. Local sales of soft drinks were up 13.9% to TND136.185m, versus a 32.5% decrease in export to TND16.284m. In terms of volume, sales of soft drinks declined by 7.0% to 1,182,4...

  • Imen BEN AHMED

The margins are suffocating

Following an agreement with SFBT, SEABG is now one of its subcontractors. The parent company’s revenues increased by 50% boosted by the sales of local beer (+171%), by integrating SEABG’s added value to the segment of canned beer. This transfer of activity weighed on the operating costs (the outsourcing cost increased by over 600%). For its part, the EBITDA increased by 12.5% to TND47.480m with an EBITDA margin of 21.2% (-720 pbs).

SFBT breaks with its old habits in 2015

The group posted a decline in Q4 2015 revenues by 2.6% to TND74.958M. SFBT closed the year with a cumulative turnover slightly down by 2.9% to TND322.988M. Higher beer sales at the end 2015 (local: +9.9% to TND115.837M, export: +9.4% to TND3.031M) could not offset the decline in the sales of soft drinks (local: -6.6% to TND146.035M, export: -4.6% to TND30.241M). In terms of volume, sales of soft drinks declined by 3.3% to 1,643,880 HL, and those of soft drinks dropped by 9.2% to 2,246,261 HL.

An unexpected, poor performance

SFBT posted a decrease in its Q3 2015 turnover by 6.4% to TND99.273M. At the end of September, sales totaled TND248.029M, down 3.0%. Higher beer sales at the end of September (local: +4.8% to TND80.946M, export: +9.8% to TND2.103M) could not offset the decline in sales of soft drinks (local: -4.6% to TND119.539M, export: +4.7% to TND24.139M). In terms of volume, sales of soft drinks declined by 6.4% to 1,846,905 HL against a slight increase in the quantities of beer sold (+1.5% to 1,271,036 HL).

Unmatched solidity

SFBT posted a quasi stable turnover in H1 2015 to TND148.756M (down 2.3% to TND87.744M in Q2 2015). The decline in local soft drink sales (4.7% to TND65.029M) was offset by higher revenues from beer (+2.1% to TND53.555M for local business and +33.5% to TND1.718M for export) and higher sales of soft drinks for exports (+24.1% to TND15.649M). EBITDA was up 1.6% to TND42.221M. The EBITDA margin increased by 70 bps to 28.4%.

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