Five Directors at AS LHV Group sold 199,325 shares at between 3.700EUR and 3.775EUR. The significance rating of the trade was 70/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the las...
LHV Groupi tulemused jaanuaris 2025 Tugeva aastalõpu järel oli jaanuar hooajale omaselt LHV jaoks tulemustes tagasihoidlikum. LHV Groupi konsolideeritud laenuportfell vähenes jaanuaris 8 miljoni euro võrra ja klientide hoiuste kogumaht kahanes 15 miljoni euro võrra. LHV juhitud fondide maht vähenes 10 miljoni euro võrra. Finantsvahendajatega seotud makseid tehti jaanuaris 6,6 miljonit. AS LHV Group teenis jaanuaris 9,0 miljonit eurot konsolideeritud puhaskasumit. Tütarettevõtetest AS LHV Panga puhaskasum oli 6,9 miljonit eurot; LHV Bank Ltd teenis 1,4 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit, AS LHV Va...
Recording of the investor webinar introducing LHV Group's Financial Plan To give an overview of the 2025 Financial Plan and the five-year financial forecast, LHV Group organised an investor meeting webinar on 13 February. An overview of the company's plans was given by Madis Toomsalu, Chairman of the Management Board. A macro-economic outlook was presented by economist Triinu Tapver. The live coverage was followed by 46 participants, the live feed of the presentation was broadcast over Zoom. Recording of the investor meeting (in Estonian) is available at: . Presentation (in English) at:...
LHV Group financial plan for 2025 and the five-year financial forecast The largest financial group based on Estonian capital will be driven this year by an increase in business volumes and client activity, and by more efficient operations. However, in an environment of falling interest rates, the net profit of LHV Group in 2025 will decrease compared to the previous year. Key indicators 2024 FP 2025 ∆ Profit before taxes 175.1 153.3 -12% Net profit 150.3 125.1 -17% Deposits 6,910 7,558 9% Loans 4,552 5,345 17% Volume of funds ...
LHV Groupi 2025. aasta finantsplaan ja viie aasta finantsprognoos Suurimat Eesti kapitalil põhinevat finantsgruppi kannavad käesoleval aastal ärimahtude ja klientide aktiivsuse kasvatamine ja varasemast efektiivsem tegutsemine. Langevate intressimäärade keskkonnas 2025. aastal LHV Groupi puhaskasum eelmise aastaga võrreldes siiski väheneb. Võtmenäitajad 2024 FP 2025 ∆ Maksude-eelne kasum 175,1 153,3 -12% Puhaskasum 150,3 125,1 -17% Hoiused 6910 7558 9% Laenud 4552 5345 17% Fondide maht 1558 1735 11% Finantsvahendajate...
Recording of LHV Group's 11 February investor webinar To give an overview of the 2024 Q4 and 12 month financial results, LHV Group organised an investor meeting webinar on 11 February. An overview of the company's progress was given by Madis Toomsalu, Chairman of the Management Board of LHV Group and Meelis Paakspuu, CFO of LHV Group. The live coverage was followed by 44 participants, the live feed of the presentation was broadcast over Zoom. Recording of the investor meeting (in Estonian) is available at: LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in Estonia...
LHV Groupi 11. veebruari investorkohtumise salvestus 2024. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu finantstulemuste tutvustamiseks korraldas LHV Group 11. veebruaril veebiseminari vormis investorkohtumise. Ettevõtte käekäigust andsid ülevaate LHV Groupi juhatuse esimees Madis Toomsalu ja finantsjuht Meelis Paakspuu. Ülekannet jälgis 44 huvilist, ülekanne tehti Zoomi platvormi vahendusel. Investorkohtumise salvestus on järelvaadatav LHV Youtube'i kanalil: LHV Group on suurim kodumaine finantskontsern ja kapitali pakkuja Eestis. LHV Groupi peamised tütarettevõtted on LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kin...
Unaudited financial results of LHV Group for Q4 and 12 months of 2024 The year-end was a successful one for LHV, supported by strong loan issue and deposit taking. The company met the profit target set in the financial plan. In 2024, AS LHV Group generated net revenue of 338.3 million euros, i.e., 11% more than in the previous year, thanks to strong business growth. Annual net interest income increased to 273.3 million euros (+8%) and net fee and commission income to 60.3 million euros (+24%). Consolidated expenditure for 2024 totalled 146.9 million euros, i.e., 14% higher than the previou...
Outcome of Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process by the ECB and LHV Group's Internal Capital Targets In December, the European Central Bank (ECB) presented AS LHV Group with the outcome of Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) for capital adequacy calculation. According to the ECB’s decision, the Pillar 2 capital requirements for LHV Group were reduced. An additional requirement for own funds in the amount 3.00% applies to LHV Group, of which at least 1.69% must be covered by Core Tier 1 own funds and at least 2.25% by Tier 1 capital. The countercyclical buffer set by Eest...
Euroopa Keskpanga järelevalveline hinnang kapitalile ja LHV Groupi sisemised kapitalieesmärgid Detsembris esitas Euroopa Keskpank (ECB) AS-ile LHV Group järelevalvelise hinnangu ja täiendava omavahendite nõude (SREP) kapitali adekvaatsuse arvutuses. Vastavalt ECB otsusele langesid LHV Groupile kehtivad Pillar 2 kapitalinõuded. LHV Groupile rakendub konsolideeritud tasemel täiendav omavahendite nõue summas 3,00%, millest vähemalt 1,69% peab olema kaetud esmase taseme põhiomavahenditega ja vähemalt 2,25% kaetud esmase taseme omavahenditega. Kehtima jääb Eesti Panga poolt määratav vastutsü...
LHV Group results in November 2024 For AS LHV Group, November was marked by a strong increase in loan volumes. LHV Group’s consolidated loan portfolio increased by EUR 162 million in November. The total volume of client deposits increased by EUR 48 million and the funds managed by LHV increased by EUR 26 million. Payments related to financial intermediaries amounted to 6.3 million in November. In November, AS LHV Group earned EUR 10.2 million in consolidated net profit. Out of the subsidiaries, AS LHV Pank earned EUR 9.0 million, LHV Bank Ltd EUR 743 thousand, AS LHV Varahaldus EUR 231 th...
LHV Pank plans to reduct workforce by up to 60 positions to save costs In an environment of continuously high capital requirements and falling interest rates, AS LHV Pank, a subsidiary of AS LHV Group, seeks to streamline its operations. Resulting from automation of processes through technological innovation, reduction of management levels and consolidation of responsibilities, during Q1 of 2025, LHV Pank plans to reduce positions in the company by up to 60. The changes will not alter the company's strategy or goals. Efficiency will be increased throughout the company. All services of LHV ...
Outcome of Subscription to LHV Group Subordinated Bonds The public offer of subordinated bonds of AS LHV Group (LHV Group) closed on Tuesday, 12 November 2024. Altogether 2,293 unique investors participated in the offering, subscribing bonds for a total amount of EUR 49.64 million. Thus, the issue volume of EUR 20 million was oversubscribed 2.5 times. The subscription period for the bonds started on 29 October 2024 at 10:00 and ended on 12 November 2024 at 16:00. In accordance with the prospectus of LHV Group subordinated bonds registered by the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resoluti...
LHV Group Results October 2024 LHV’s loan portfolio and other business volumes continued to grow strongly in October, thereby balancing the impact of faster than planned falling interest rates on interest income. The LHV Group’s consolidated loan portfolio increased by EUR 105 million in October. The total volume of deposits increased by EUR 182 million, and the funds managed by LHV increased by EUR 13 million. Payments related to financial intermediaries amounted to 6.4 million in October. Furthermore, AS LHV Group earned EUR 10.2 million in consolidated net profit in October. ...
Notice on Public Offering of Subordinated Bonds of LHV Group AS LHV Group (hereinafter LHV) hereby announces a public offering of LHV’s subordinated bonds. The offering is conducted on the basis of the prospectus affirmed by the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority (FSA) on 28 October 2024, that has been disclosed on the date of this announcement on the web pages of LHV and the FSA. The public offering of the subordinated bonds will be carried out in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This is the second issue of subordinated bonds, in the amount of up to EUR 20 million, und...
LHV Groupi allutatud võlakirjade avaliku pakkumise teade AS LHV Group (edaspidi LHV) kuulutab käesolevaga välja LHV allutatud võlakirjade avaliku pakkumise. Pakkumine viiakse läbi Finantsinspektsiooni poolt 28. oktoobril 2024 kinnitatud prospekti alusel, mis on avalikustatud käesoleva teadaande kuupäeval LHV ja Finantsinspektsiooni veebilehtedel. Allutatud võlakirju pakutakse avalikult Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. Tegemist on 2023. aastal kinnitatud võlakirjaprogrammi raames korraldatava teise emissiooniga mahus kuni 20 miljonit eurot. Sama programmi raames on juba emiteeritud 35 miljoni euro ...
Recording of LHV Group's 22 October investor webinar To give an overview of the 2024 Q3 and nine month financial results, LHV Group organised an investor meeting webinar on 22 October. An overview of the company's progress was given by Madis Toomsalu, Chairman of the Management Board of LHV Group and Meelis Paakspuu, CFO of LHV Group. The live coverage was followed by 38 participants, the live feed of the presentation was broadcast over Zoom. Recording of the investor meeting (in Estonian) is available at: LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provid...
LHV Groupi 22. oktoobri investorkohtumise salvestus 2024. aasta III kvartali ja üheksa kuu finantstulemuste tutvustamiseks korraldas LHV Group 22. oktoobril veebiseminari vormis investorkohtumise. Ettevõtte käekäigust andsid ülevaate LHV Groupi juhatuse esimees Madis Toomsalu ja finantsjuht Meelis Paakspuu. Ülekannet jälgis 38 huvilist, ülekanne tehti Zoomi platvormi vahendusel. Investorkohtumise salvestus on järelvaadatav LHV Youtube'i kanalil: LHV Group on suurim kodumaine finantskontsern ja kapitali pakkuja Eestis. LHV Groupi peamised tütarettevõtted on LHV Pank, LHV Varaha...
LHV Group’s unaudited financial results for Q3 and nine months of 2024 Q3 of 2024 for LHV was marked by strong loan portfolio growth and the highest business volumes so far. AS LHV Group earned EUR 84.9 million in revenue on a consolidated basis in Q3 of this year, which is 3% less than in Q2, but 4% more than at the same time a year ago. Of the revenue, net interest income accounted for EUR 67.4 million, and net fee and commission income for EUR 16.3 million. The Group’s operating expenses amounted to EUR 37.2 million in Q3, which is 1% less than in the previous quarter, but 14% more th...
LHV Groupi 2024. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused 2024. aasta kolmandat kvartalit jäid LHV jaoks ilmestama tugev laenuportfelli kasv ja seni kõrgeimad ärimahud. AS LHV Group teenis käesoleva aasta III kvartalis konsolideeritult 84,9 miljonit eurot tulusid ehk 3% vähem kui II kvartalis, kuid 4% rohkem kui samal ajal aasta tagasi. Tuludest 67,4 miljonit eurot moodustasid neto intressitulud ning 16,3 miljonit eurot neto teenustasutulud. Konsolideerimisgrupi tegevuskulud olid III kvartalis 37,2 miljonit eurot ehk 1% vähem kui eelmises kvartalis, kuid 14% rohkem kui...
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