We are hosting our 28th ODDO BHF Forum in Lyon on 9 and 10 January 2025. In total, 211 companies will be presenting over the two days. In the following note, we provide some initial feedback from the companies on day 1. Out of the 104 feedbacks collected during the first day, 40 were clearly positive, 59 rather Neutral, and only 6 negative. Among the positive names, we would particularly highlight Accor, URW, Euronext, Bureau Veritas, Renke, ID Logistics, Roche Bobois, Ionos, Companie des Alpes...
>Q3 revenue slightly better than expected at +4.3% y-o-y, accelerating sequentially - Aubay published yesterday evening Q3 revenue slightly above our expectations. Q3 sales came in at € 129.2m, with organic growth of 4.3% y-o-y (vs ODDO BHF € 128.6m, +3.8%e), confirming an acceleration sequentially (after Q1 at -1.7% y-o-y and Q2 at +0.1% y-o-y), notably thanks to i/ a favourable calendar effect (+2.7pt in our opinion), ii/ a positive price effect, and iii/ a gradual ...
>CA T3 légèrement mieux que prévu à +4.3% y/y, en accélération en séquentiel - Aubay a publié hier soir un CA T3 très légèrement au-dessus de nos attentes. Le CA trimestriel s’établit à 129.2 M€, en croissance org. de 4.3% y/y (vs ODDO BHF 128.6 M€, +3.8%e), confirmant une accélération en séquentiel (après un T1 à -1.7% y/y et un T2 à +0.1% y/y) grâce notamment à i/ un effet calendaire favorable (+2.7 pt d’après nous), ii/ un effet prix positif, et iii/ une améliorat...
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