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Lynn Hautekeete ... (+2)
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Wim Lewi

Real Asset Conference feedback 19-20 March 2025

This note gathers feedback from the group meetings and the panels. In total 21 companies were presented in group meetings and/or panels. More than 100 guests found their way to the venue either physical or virtual (only panels). The 2 panels made for informative additions to the C-level meetings and a nice platform for discussion. Wednesday afternoon concentrated 4 experts from Logistic companies (CTP, Montea, VGP, WDP) for an interesting discussion on brownfields: " an answer to the scarcity of...

Lynn Hautekeete ... (+2)
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Wim Lewi

Real Assets Conference Book 19-20 March 2025

We publish our conference book with info on the panels, the graphs on the market and company profiles. European REITS suffered from macro and geo-political worries (logistics) Also, the European knee-jerk reaction on the bund (+60 bps) had a negative effect. We believe that despite these worries, REITS are a good place to hide, given their high visibility and proven growth potential in a tough environment. Our top-picks are Shurgard, WDP and Xior. SHUR and WDP have ample headroom on their balanc...

Guy Sips ... (+7)
  • Guy Sips
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Michiel Declercq
  • Thomas Couvreur
  • Wim Hoste
  • Wim Lewi
Lynn Hautekeete
  • Lynn Hautekeete

Nextensa Short term pain for long term gains

Nextensa sold the Knauf assets, will acquire the Proximus towers (Beltowers) and cut its dividend. The steps taken are to position the company more as a pure play developer, away from investment properties (EUR 1.0B). This creates more volatility in the earnings which will crystallize in FY27-28 with the development of the new Proximus towers (T&T). Investors reacted negatively to the dividend cut. The dividend cut and asset sales were necessary to avoid a dilutive capital raise after the lucrat...

Lynn Hautekeete
  • Lynn Hautekeete

Nextensa Feedback analyst meeting: short term pain for long term gain

Today Nextensa hosted an analyst lunch after the reporting of its FY24 results. The key focus was on the Knauf shopping centre divestment and Proximus deal.

Hilde Van Boxstael ... (+7)
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Jacob Mekhael
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Michiel Declercq
  • Thomas Couvreur
  • Wim Hoste
  • Wim Lewi




Nextensa secures proceeds Wereldhave N.V. deal

Nextensa secures proceeds Wereldhave N.V. deal          PRESS RELEASE                                                  NON-REGULATED INFORMATION Brussels, 14 February 2025, 8:00 AM Nextensa secures funds following the sale of Knauf shopping centres by placement of Wereldhave N.V. shares Nextensa NV/SA (“Nextensa”) announces the successful completion of the sale of 2,206,838 shares, in Wereldhave N.V., representing ca. 5% of Wereldhave N.V.’s share capital by means of a private placement. Nextensa received these shares through the contribution in kind of a receivable, which took place...


Nextensa sécurise revenues de l'accord avec Wereldhave N.V.

Nextensa sécurise revenues de l'accord avec Wereldhave N.V. COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE INFORMATION NON RÉGLEMENTÉEBruxelles, 14 février 2025, 08h00     Nextensa obtient des fonds suite à la vente des centres commerciaux Knauf par placement d'actions Wereldhave N.V.   Nextensa NV/SA (« Nextensa ») annonce la finalisation de la vente de 2.206.838 actions, dans Wereldhave N.V., représentant 5% du capital social de Wereldhave N.V. par le biais d'un placement privé. Nextensa a reçu ces actions par apport en nature d'une créance, qui a eu lieu le jeudi 13 février, dans le cadre de la vent...


Nextensa verzekert opbrengsten van Wereldhave N.V. deal

Nextensa verzekert opbrengsten van Wereldhave N.V. deal PERSBERICHT NIET-GEREGLEMENTEERDE INFORMATIEBrussel, 14 Februari 2025, 8u00   Nextensa stelt middelen veilig na verkoop Knauf winkelcentra door plaatsing aandelen Wereldhave N.V. Nextensa NV/SA (“Nextensa”) kondigt de succesvolle afronding aan van de verkoop van 2.206.838 aandelen in Wereldhave N.V., die 5% van het kapitaal van Wereldhave N.V. vertegenwoordigen, door middel van een private plaatsing. Nextensa heeft deze aandelen ontvangen door de inbreng in natura van een vordering, die plaatsvond op donderdag 13 februari, in...


Nextensa: Annual Results 2024 - Bold Choices for future-proof real est...

Nextensa: Annual Results 2024 - Bold Choices for future-proof real estate REGULATED INFORMATIONINSIDE INFORMATIONBrussels, 13 February 2025, 5:45 PM NEXTENSA: ANNUAL RESULTS 2024 BOLD CHOICES FOR FUTURE-PROOF REAL ESTATE 2024 marks the beginning of the realisation of Nextensa’s sustainable investment strategy ProximusThis translates into Proximus choosing to establish its headquarters on the Tour & Taxis site (37,000 sqm), where the mix of functions and innovative building projects with high-quality, high-end architecture meets the current sustainability requirements of amodern comp...


Nextensa: Jaarresultaten 2024 - Gedurfde keuzes naar future-proof vast...

Nextensa: Jaarresultaten 2024 - Gedurfde keuzes naar future-proof vastgoed GEREGLEMENTEERDE INFORMATIEVOORWETENSCHAPBrussel, 13 februari 2025, 17u45 NEXTENSA: JAARRESULTATEN 2024 GEDURFDE KEUZES NAAR FUTURE-PROOF VASTGOED 2024 is het jaar waarin de duurzame investeringsstrategie van Nextensa zich effectief begint te realiseren. ProximusDit vertaalt zich in de keuze van Proximus om haar hoofdkwartier te vestigen op de Tour & Taxis-site (37.000 m²), waar de mix van functies en innovatieve bouwprojecten met kwalitatieve, hoogstaande architectuur voldoet aan de huidige duurzaamheidsvereiste...


Nextensa NV/SA : Information on the total number of voting rights and ...

Nextensa NV/SA : Information on the total number of voting rights and shares PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATIONBrussels, 31 January 2025, 5:40 PM                 Nextensa NV/SA : Information on the total number of voting rights and shares   In application of article 15 of the Law of 2 May 2007 on disclosure of major shareholdings, Nextensa (the 'Company') announces the following information following the loss of double voting rights attached to registered shares. Situation on 31 January 2025: Total capital:                                                            EUR 111,...

MarketLine Department
  • MarketLine Department

Cofinimmo S.A. / N.V. - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & A...

Summary Marketline's Cofinimmo S.A. / N.V. Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Investments report includes business description, detailed reports on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), divestments, capital raisings, venture capital investments, ownership and partnership transactions undertaken by Cofinimmo S.A. / N.V. - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances since January2007. Marketline's Company Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Partnerships & Alliances and Inv...

Hilde Van Boxstael ... (+3)
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Wim Lewi

Negotiations with Proximus for move to Tour & Taxis enter final stage

Negotiations with Proximus for move to Tour & Taxis enter final stage PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATIONINSIDE INFORMATIONBrussels, 22 January 2025, 12 PM            Negotiations with Proximus for move to Tour & Taxis enter final stage   Nextensa is pleased to announce that following the successful completion of its ‘request for proposal’, Proximus has selected Nextensa as preferred bidder to conduct exclusive negotiations for the development of its Brussels campus and the acquisition of its towers at the Brussels North Station. Proximus' decision to move its headquarters to the Tou...


Négociations avec Proximus pour un déménagement vers Tour & Taxis entr...

Négociations avec Proximus pour un déménagement vers Tour & Taxis entrent dans leur phase finale COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE INFORMATIONS RÉGLEMENTÉESINFORMATIONS PRIVILÉGIÉESBruxelles, 22 janvier 2025, 12h00 Négociations avec Proximus pour un déménagement vers Tour & Taxis entrent dans leur phase finale Nextensa est ravie d'annoncer que Proximus qu'à la suite du succès de son appel d'offres, Proximus a sélectionné Nextensa comme partenaire privilégié pour mener des négociations exclusives pour le développement de son campus à Bruxelles et l'acquisition de ses tours à la gare du Nord de B...

Lynn Hautekeete ... (+3)
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Michiel Declercq
  • Thomas Vranken
Lynn Hautekeete
  • Lynn Hautekeete

Nextensa Acceleration of divestments above guidance

Yesterday Nextensa made the details of the transaction of the Brixton retail park in Zaventem public. The sale was already announced in the 3Q24 results. Now the sales price is known, it means Nextensa is accelerating its divestments above the initial guidance of EUR 50.0m per year. So far this year Nextensa divested Foetz (EUR 9.2m), The Hygge (1639sqm, 4.5% GIY, EUR 54.0/month/sqm rent so EUR 23.6m estimated) and Brixton (EUR 41.0m). The total amount of divestments amounts to EUR 74.0m above t...

Hilde Van Boxstael ... (+3)
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Thomas Couvreur
  • Wim Lewi

Nextensa announces successful sale of Brixton Retail Park in Zaventem,...

Nextensa announces successful sale of Brixton Retail Park in Zaventem, Belgium PRESS RELEASE NON-REGULATED INFORMATIONBrussels, 16 December 2024, 5:40 PM Nextensa announces successful sale of Brixton Retail Park in Zaventem, Belgium Nextensa announces that its Brixton Retail Park in Zaventem, Belgium has been successfully sold to a group of private investors for a net price of around €41 million. The retail park's individual properties were sold last Friday to private investors, who each bought one or more units. Avenue acted as broker in this and managed the transaction. The Brixton Re...

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