Nilörn Interim Report Q4, 2024 Period October - December Order intake decreased by 7 percent to MSEK 238 (256)Net sales in SEK increased by 14 percent to MSEK 232 (204)Net sales adjusted for currency effects amounted to MSEK 230 (204), representing an underlying organic increase of 13 percentOperating profit amounted to MSEK 19.5 (9.2)Profit before tax amounted to MSEK 19.1 (7.2)Net profit for the period amounted to MSEK 13.8 (5.7)Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.21 (0.50) Period January – December Order intake increased by 13 percent to MSEK 935 (828)Net sales in SEK increased by 9 ...
Nilörn Delårsrapport Q4, 2024 Perioden oktober-december Orderingången minskade med 7 procent till 238 (256) MSEKNettoomsättningen i SEK ökade med 14 procent till 232 (204) MSEKNettoomsättningen justerat för valutaeffekter uppgick till 230 (204) MSEK, dvs. en underliggande organisk ökning om 13%.Rörelseresultatet uppgick till 19,5 (9,2) MSEKResultat före skatt uppgick till 19,1 (7,2) MSEKPeriodens resultat uppgick till 13,8 (5,7) MSEKResultatet per aktie uppgick till 1,21(0,50) SEK Perioden januari-december Orderingången ökade med 13 procent till 935 (828) MSEKNettoomsättning i SEK ökade ...
Presentation Interim Report Q4, 2024 Presentation Nilörn Interim Report Q4, 2024 A presentation will be held via Teams 12/2 at 08.30 am CET, where the CEO presents the report. You can participate by register on the link below: For further information about Nilörn, please contact: Krister Magnusson, CEO Tel: . E-mail: General about Nilörn Group Nilörn is a leading global player in branding and design, founded in the 1970s. We specialize in creating added value for brands through innovative solutions in labels, packaging, and accessories, particularly tailored for the fashion and a...
Presentation Nilörn Interim Report Q3, 2024 A presentation will be held via Teams 25/10 at 08.30 am CET, where the CEO presents the report. You can participate by register on the link below: For further information about Nilörn, please contact: Krister Magnusson, CEO Tel: . E-mail: General about Nilörn Group Nilörn is a leading global player in branding and design, founded in the 1970s. We specialize in creating added value for brands through innovative solutions in labels, packaging, and accessories, particularly tailored for the fashion and apparel industry. With our extensive expe...
Update from Nilörn after Cyberattack and Unrest in Bangladesh – Majority of Operations Restored We are pleased to announce that Nilörn is well on its way to resolving the issues that arose after the cyberattack that affected the company's IT systems last week. We have now successfully resumed deliveries of goods from all sites, and operations are being gradually restored. What Happened:After the cyberattack that occurred on Tuesday, August 6, our dedicated IT team, in close collaboration with external experts, has been working around the clock to restore IT systems and ensure business co...
Uppdatering från Nilörn efter cyberattack och oroligheter i Bangladesh – Merparten av verksamheten återställd Vi är glada att kunna meddela att Nilörn är på god väg att lösa de problem som uppstod efter den cyberattack som drabbade bolagets IT-system förra veckan. Vi har nu framgångsrikt återupptagit leveranser av varor från samtliga siter och verksamheten återupptas steg för steg. Vad har hänt: Efter den cyberattack som inträffade tisdagen den 6 augusti har vårt dedikerade IT-team, i nära samarbete med externa experter, arbetat dygnet runt för att återställa IT-system och säkerställa ko...
Nilörngruppen AB: Operational Disruptions in Nilörn's IT System Nilörn's IT system has been subjected to a cyberattack, affecting our operations. As a result of this attack, our systems are currently down, and we are working intensively to restore functionality as quickly as possible. What Happened:Yesterday, August 6, it was discovered that our IT systems had been compromised through a cyberattack. This has resulted in disruptions to our operational processes and temporary interruptions to our services. Actions Being Taken:We have activated our IT security protocols and we are collaborat...
Nilörn Interim Report Q2, 2024 Period April – June Order intake increased by 24 percent to MSEK 208 (167)Net sales in SEK increased by 14 percent to MSEK 262 (230)Net sales adjusted for currency effects amounted to MSEK 261, representing an underlying organic increase of 14 percentOperating profit amounted to MSEK 25.6 (16.1)Profit before tax amounted to MSEK 24.8 (12.7)Net profit for the period amounted to MSEK 18.7 (9.2)Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.64 (0.81) Period January – June Order intake increased by 13 percent to MSEK 441 (390)Net sales in SEK increased by 12 percent to M...
Nilörn Delårsrapport Q2, 2024 Perioden april-juni Orderingången ökade med 24 procent till 208 (167) MSEKNettoomsättningen i SEK ökade med 14 procent till 262 (230) MSEKNettoomsättningen justerat för valutaeffekter uppgick till 261 MSEK, dvs en underliggande organisk ökning om 14 procentRörelseresultatet uppgick till 25,6 (16,1) MSEKResultat före skatt uppgick till 24,8 (12,7) MSEKPeriodens resultat uppgick till 18,7 (9,2) MSEKResultatet per aktie uppgick till 1,64 (0,81) SEK Perioden januari-juni Orderingången ökade med 13 procent till 441 (390) MSEKOmsättning i SEK ökade med 12 procent ...
Presentation Nilörn Interim Report Q2, 2024 A presentation will be held via Teams 16/7 at 08.30 am CET, where the CEO presents the report. You can participate by register on the link below: For further information about Nilörn, please contact: Krister Magnusson, CEO Tel: . E-mail: General about Nilörn Group Nilörn Group is a global company, founded in the 1970s, with expertise in how to add value to brands through branding and design in the form of labels, packaging and accessories, primarily to customers in the fashion and clothing industry. Nilörn Group offers complete, creative and...
Presentation Delårsrapport Q2, 2024 En presentation kommer hållas via Teams 16/7 kl. 08.30, där VD presenterar rapporten. Du kan delta genom att registrera dig på nedanstående länk: För ytterligare information om Nilörn, kontakta: Krister Magnusson, CEO Tel: . E-post: Generellt om NilörngruppenNilörngruppen är ett globalt företag, grundat på 1970-talet, med expertis inom hur man adderar värde för varumärken genom varumärkesbyggande och design i form av etiketter, förpackningar och accessoarer, främst till kunder inom mode- och klädindustrin. Nilörngruppen erbjuder kompl...
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