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Nokia introduces Private Wireless Sustainability Calculator to help En...

Nokia introduces Private Wireless Sustainability Calculator to help Enterprises reduce environmental footprint and improve worker safety Press ReleaseNokia introduces Private Wireless Sustainability Calculator to help Enterprises reduce environmental footprint and improve worker safety The Private Wireless Sustainability Calculator quantifies private wireless networks-enabled industrial use cases’ environmental and social handprint, allowing businesses to identify opportunities to achieve tangible sustainability gains through digitalization enabled by private wireless.The calculator model ...

Joachim Gunell
  • Joachim Gunell

Nokia (Hold, TP: EUR3.90) - Weak Q3e to raise the bar for Q4e

We see Q3 as a clearing event, with our adj. EBIT 11% below post-Q2 Infront consensus, increasing the risk of a 2024 guidance cut, or at least raising the bar for a Q4-tilted hockey-stick earnings rebound. The stock is in value territory, and we acknowledge Nokia’s defensive aspects as we believe: 1) the patent portfolio could represent ~60% of its EV, valuing the stub at 5.0x 2026e EV/EBIT; 2) the earnings momentum story is coming closer; 3) a potential break-up as mentioned in the media would ...

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


La prochaine acquisition de Campari pourrait être en Inde et intervenir rapidement, selon nous. Rapidement d’abord pour que le groupe puisse pleinement profiter du dynamisme de ce marché. Rapidement ensuite pour se prémunir du ralentissement actuel des liqueurs et apéritifs (L&A) en Europe, segment dont il est historiquement très dépendant. Malgré l’intérêt stratégique du marché indien, une telle opération de M&A pourrait se révéler risquée en s’ajoutant aux multiples défis opérationn...

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


Campari’s next acquisition might be in India and could materialise quickly, in our view. Speed is of the essence: first so that the group can take full advantage of the dynamic growth of this market; and second to guard against the current slowdown in liqueurs and aperitifs (L&A) in Europe, a segment on which it has historically been very reliant. Despite the strategic value that the Indian market offers, such an M&A deal could prove risky by adding to the multiple operational challen...


Nokia and iSAT Africa to enhance rural coverage in Liberia

Nokia and iSAT Africa to enhance rural coverage in Liberia Press releaseNokia and iSAT Africa to enhance rural coverage in Liberia Partnership to enhance rural connectivity in Liberia, covering approximately 200 sites over the next three years.Partnership aims to reduce the digital divide by providing reliable, affordable network access to underserved rural communities.The deployment features lean, energy-efficient technologies, including AirScale radio portfolio and the MantaRay Network Management System. 18 September 2024Monrovia, Liberia – Nokia today announced a strategic partnership ...

Benoit Valleaux ... (+2)
  • Benoit Valleaux
  • Steven Gould

ODDO : ABI statistics (September 2024): broadly reassuring trend

>Update on the macroeconomic and banking situation in Italy - The latest data from the Italian Banking Association (ABI), covering the summer months of 2024 confirms the recent trend, with an overall situation confirming its relative resilience in view of the recent indications (GDP, industrial production, confidence climate, etc.) and given uncertainties on the short to medium term. The lending activity confirmed signs of an improvement YTD (notably with regard ...

Benoit Valleaux ... (+2)
  • Benoit Valleaux
  • Steven Gould

ODDO : Statistiques ABI (sept 2024) : évolution globalement rassurante

>Point sur la situation macroéconomique & bancaire en Italie - Les dernières données de l’Association Bancaire Italienne (ABI), couvrant les mois d’été 2024, confirment la tendance récente, avec une situation globale confirmant sa relative résilience au regard des indicateurs récents (PIB, production industrielle, climat de confiance…) et compte tenu des incertitudes à CMT. L’activité de crédit confirme les signes d’amélioration YTD (notamment auprès des ménages)...


VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in August 2024

VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in August 2024 Nanterre, 17 September 2024 VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in August 2024 I-      Change in VINCI Autoroutes’ intercity networks traffic   August YTD at the end of August(8 months)   % change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2023 VINCI Autoroutes +3.7% −0.5% Light vehicles +4.5% −0.4% Heavy vehicles −4.9% −1.3% In August, traffic levels were impacted by various calendar effects: i/ favourable for light vehicles (one Saturday more than in 2...


Trafics de VINCI Autoroutes et de VINCI Airports en août 2024

Trafics de VINCI Autoroutes et de VINCI Airports en août 2024 Nanterre, le 17 septembre 2024 Trafics de VINCI Autoroutes et de VINCI Airports en août 2024 I-      Évolution du trafic des réseaux interurbains de VINCI Autoroutes  AoûtCumul à fin août(8 mois)  Variation 2024/2023Variation 2024/2023VINCI Autoroutes+3,7 %−0,5 % Véhicules légers+4,5 %−0,4 % Poids lourds−4,9 %−1,3 % En août, le trafic a été impacté par divers effets calendaires : i/ favorables pour les véhicules légers (un samedi en plus par rapport à 2023) ; ii/ défavorables pour les poids lourds (un jour ouvré de moins cette ...


PARIS FC and VINCI present a new programme for Paris FC Academy youths

PARIS FC and VINCI present a new programme for Paris FC Academy youths Paris FC and VINCI step up their socio-educational partnership with a programme designed specifically for Paris FC Academy students, under VINCI's nationwide Give Me Five programme. Paris FC is proud to announce, alongside its long-standing partner, that it has launched a new programme specifically aimed at building sustainable career paths, which it will roll out over the academic year starting in September 2024. This innovative project stems from VINCI's Give Me Five programme and is tailored to some 60 students i...


Le Paris FC et VINCI dévoilent un nouveau dispositif pour les jeunes d...

Le Paris FC et VINCI dévoilent un nouveau dispositif pour les jeunes de la Paris FC Academy  Le Paris FC et VINCI renforcent leur partenariat socio-éducatif en lançant un dispositif spécialement conçu pour les élèves de la Paris FC Academy, dans le cadre du programme national Give Me Five de VINCI. Le Paris FC est fier d'annoncer, aux côtés de son partenaire historique, le lancement d'un nouveau dispositif dédié pour l'année scolaire 2024-2025, au service de la construction de parcours professionnels durables. Ce projet innovant est issu du programme Give Me Five de VINCI, spécialemen...


Oi deploys Nokia Corteca to enhance Wi-Fi performance and customer exp...

Oi deploys Nokia Corteca to enhance Wi-Fi performance and customer experience Press releaseOi deploys Nokia Corteca to enhance Wi-Fi performance and customer experience Deployment of Nokia Corteca software suite, dimensioned for millions of Wi-Fi devices, is the largest to date in Latin America. Nokia Corteca home connectivity software suite improves Wi-Fi performance and enhances customer experience while helping operators unlock new revenue streams, reduce operational costs and manage assets with anti-theft functionality.Nokia’s Corteca solution can increase peak hour Wi-Fi throughput b...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 09/17/2024

Suedzucker slashes FY 2024-25 projections Biogroup returns to positive EBITDA growth in Q2 2024 Playtech sells Snaitech for a very good price>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 17/09/2024

Suedzucker a revu sensiblement en baisse ses prévisions pour l’exercice 2024/25 Biogroup retrouve une croissance positive de l’EBITDA au T2 2024 Playtech se sépare de Snaitech à un très bon prix>...


Nokia launches industry’s most modern data center automation platform ...

Nokia launches industry’s most modern data center automation platform built for the AI era Press releaseNokia launches industry’s most modern data center automation platform built for the AI era Nokia Event-Driven Automation platform aims to reduce network disruptions and service downtime by driving human error in network operations to zero.Multivendor solution brings a modern intent-based approach to network automation, building on Kubernetes.Features digital twin capabilities, GenAI assistance, and integration with wide range of IT service management systems, event notification systems, ...


Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to Septem...

Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to September 13rd, 2024          Nanterre, September 16th, 2024                         Disclosure of transactions in own shares                                                 From September 09th to September 13rd, 2024 Within the framework of the authorization granted by the General Meeting of VINCI SA of April 09, 2024, to trade in its shares and in accordance with the regulations relating to share buybacks, VINCISA (LEI:213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) declares the purchases of treasury shares below (FR0000125486), carried out From S...


Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to Septem...

Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to September 13rd, 2024          Nanterre, September 16th, 2024                         Disclosure of transactions in own shares                                                 From September 09th to September 13rd, 2024 Within the framework of the authorization granted by the General Meeting of VINCI SA of April 09, 2024, to trade in its shares and in accordance with the regulations relating to share buybacks, VINCISA (LEI:213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) declares the purchases of treasury shares below (FR0000125486), carried out From S...



VINCI :                                                                                          Nanterre, le 16 septembre 2024                                             Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres Du 09 Septembre au 13 Septembre 2024 Dans le cadre de l’autorisation consentie par l’Assemblée générale de VINCI SA du 9 avril 2024 pour opérer sur ses actions et conformément à la réglementation relative aux rachats d’action, VINCI SA (LEI: 213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) déclare ci-après les achats d’actions propres (FR0000125486) réalisés du 09 Septembre au 13 septembre 2024 :...


Nokia selected by CoreWeave to provide networking backbone behind hype...

Nokia selected by CoreWeave to provide networking backbone behind hyperscale AI cloud Press releaseNokia selected by CoreWeave to provide networking backbone behind hyperscale AI cloud CoreWeave to deploy Nokia IP and optical platforms in datacenters across U.S. and Europe as part of massive wide area network buildout to support high-performance AI infrastructureNokia ultra-fast, reliable performance at scale supports the lossless, low latency communications so critical to enabling the AI boom 16 September 2024Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced it has been selected by CoreWeave, the A...

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