Today we have initiated coverage on FiberCop and in that work we reassessed the potential for earnouts to be paid as part of a combination with OpenFiber. We are now a lot more sceptical whether TI will receive those earnouts, which is a drag to value – but meanwhile other parts of the TI story evolve more positively with Iliad and Poste Italiane. In this note, we provide our updated thoughts on the path ahead for Telecom Italia and the potential catalyst path.
Delivery Hero: good full-year results and plan to buy back € 1bn of convertible bonds.|URW renounces to leave the USA after a quality 2024 year|AccorInvest and Accor are considering to sell their F1 hotels|Commerzbank posts strong annual results, plans 3,900 job cuts, and lifts 2028 targets|Lone Star’s Portuguese Lender Novo Banco to Start IPO Procedure|
Delivery Hero : Bon résultats annuels et projet de rachat de 1 md EUR d’obligations convertibles.|URW renonce à sortir des USA après un exercice 2024 de qualité|AccorInvest et Accor pourraient bientôt céder leurs hôtels F1|Commerzbank publie de solides résultats 2024, annonce un vaste plan de licenciement et révise à la hausse ses objectifs 2028|Lone Star, actionnaire à 75%, lance la procédure d’IPO de Novo Banco|
In today's Morning Views publication we comment on developments of the following high yield issuers: EnQuest Plc, Rexel, United Group, Telecom Italia, PHM Group, Huhtamaki, Best Secret (Schustermann & Borenstein), Solenis, Iceland Foods, Asmodee, Axactor, Hurtigruten, Hapag-Lloyd
Carrefour is considering acquiring minority stakes in Atacadao|Moody's upgrades Coty's CFR to Ba1/stable|Paprec: agreement with the French national financial prosecutor|Banco BPM : strong annual results, update on its strategic plan and increase of the tender offer on Anima|
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