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Hoylu AB: 1 director

A director at Hoylu AB sold 1,915,314 shares at 1.600SEK and the significance rating of the trade was 80/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly show...


Bulletin from the annual general meeting in Hoylu AB on 28 June 2024

Bulletin from the annual general meeting in Hoylu AB on 28 June 2024 The annual general meeting of Hoylu AB (the "Company") was held today, 28 June 2024, the resolutions were passed with required majority in accordance with the board's published proposals. The main resolutions adopted by the annual general meeting are set out below. Profit allocation etc. The annual general meeting approved the balance sheet and consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2023 included in the annual report, as well as the income statement and consolidated income statement for the financial year 20...


Kommuniké från årsstämma i Hoylu AB den 28 juni 2024

Kommuniké från årsstämma i Hoylu AB den 28 juni 2024 Årsstämma i Hoylu AB (”Bolaget”) ägde rum idag den 28 juni 2024. Samtliga beslut fattades med erforderlig majoritet i enlighet med styrelsens tidigare offentliggjorda förslag. De huvudsakliga besluten fattade av årsstämman framgår nedan. Resultatdisposition m.m. Vid årsstämman fastställdes den i årsredovisningen intagna balansräkningen och koncernredovisningen per den 31 december 2023 samt resultaträkningen och koncernresultaträkningen för räkenskapsåret 2023. Årsstämman beslutade att ingen utdelning för räkenskapsåret 2023 ska utgå oc...


Majority owners in Hoylu have agreed to acquire over 95 per cent of th...

Majority owners in Hoylu have agreed to acquire over 95 per cent of the shares in Hoylu and intends to initiate squeeze-out proceedings Hoylu AB (publ) (”Hoylu” or the ”Company”) has today been informed that a number of shareholders in the Company, including board members and the Company’s CEO, have decided to consolidate their ownership in the Company into a jointly owned company by transferring their shares in the Company to NFH 240438 AS, to be renamed Hoylu Group AS (the “Holding Company”), a newly formed company which today is wholly owned by Alden AS, a company controlled by Edvin Aus...


Majoritetsägare i Hoylu har ingått avtal om förvärv av över 95 procent...

Majoritetsägare i Hoylu har ingått avtal om förvärv av över 95 procent av samtliga aktier i Hoylu och avser att påkalla tvångsinlösen Hoylu AB (publ) (”Hoylu” eller ”Bolaget”) har idag informerats om att ett antal aktieägare i Bolaget, däribland styrelseledamöter och Bolagets verkställande direktör, har beslutat att konsolidera sitt ägande i Hoylu i ett gemensamt ägarbolag genom att överlåta sina aktier i Bolaget till NFH 240438 AS, under navnendring til Hoylu Group AS (”Ägarbolaget”), ett nybildat bolag som idag är helägt av Alden AS, selskap kontrollert av Edvin Austbø, i utbyte mot aktie...


Hoylu AB Publishes the Interim Report for January – March 2024

Hoylu AB Publishes the Interim Report for January – March 2024 FIRST THREE MONTHS 2024 Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), including long-term service contracts, increased to MSEK 59.8 during the period, up 15% from Q1 2023.Revenue for the first three months of 2024 was MSEK 14.1 (12.7), an increase of 11% compared to the first three months of 2023.EBITDA for the three months of 2024 was negative MSEK 2.9 compared to negative MSEK 5.5 in the first three months of 2023. The complete version of the Interim Report for January – March 2024 is attached in this press release and is available on H...


Notice to Attend the Annual General Meeting in Hoylu ab (publ)

Notice to Attend the Annual General Meeting in Hoylu ab (publ) N.B. This English text is an unofficial translation of the Swedish original of the notice to attend the annual general meeting in Hoylu AB, in case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail. NOTICE TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN HOYLU AB The shareholders in Hoylu AB, reg. no. 559084–6381 (the "Company") are hereby convened to the annual general meeting on 28 June 2024 at 10.00 am CEST at the premises of Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå located at Sveaväg...



KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I HOYLU AB KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I HOYLU AB Aktieägarna i Hoylu AB, org. nr 559084–6381 ("Bolaget") kallas härmed till årsstämma den 28 juni 2024 kl. 10.00, i Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrås lokaler på Sveavägen 20, Stockholm. Inregistrering inleds från kl. 09.45. DELTAGANDE Aktieägare som vill delta på årsstämman ska dels vara införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken den 19 juni 2024, och dels anmäla sitt deltagande till Bolaget senast den 24 juni 2024, helst före kl. 16.00. Anmälan att delta på årsstämman ska ske via e-post till eller via post...


Bulletin From Extraordinary General Meeting in Hoylu AB

Bulletin From Extraordinary General Meeting in Hoylu AB PRESS RELEASE Stockholm, 20 February 2024 BULLETIN FROM EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING IN HOYLU AB Extraordinary general meeting in Hoylu AB The extraordinary general meeting in Hoylu AB, 559084-6381 ("Hoylu" or the "Company"), was held today on 20 February 2024 at 10:00 am at Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå at Sveavägen 20 in Stockholm. All resolutions were passed in accordance with the previously published resolution proposals. Below is a summary of the main resolutions passed by the extraordin...



KOMMUNIKÉ FRÅN EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I HOYLU AB PRESSMEDDELANDE Stockholm den 20 februari 2024 KOMMUNIKÉ FRÅN EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I HOYLU AB Extra bolagsstämma i Hoylu AB Extra bolagsstämma i Hoylu AB, 559084–6381 (”Hoylu” eller ”Bolaget”), hölls idag den 20 februari 2024, kl. 10.00 hos Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå på Sveavägen 20 i Stockholm. Samtliga beslut fattades i enlighet med tidigare offentliggjorda beslutsförslag. Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de huvudsakliga beslut som fattades av stämman. Beslut om ny styrelseordförande Stämman...


Kallelse Till Extra Bolagsstämma i Hoylu AB

Kallelse Till Extra Bolagsstämma i Hoylu AB Styrelsen i Hoylu AB, org. nr 559084–6381 ("Bolaget"), kallar härmed till extra bolagsstämma i Bolaget den 20 februari 2024, kl. 10.00 hos Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå på Sveavägen 20 i Stockholm. Inregistrering inleds kl. 09.45. DELTAGANDE En aktieägare som vill delta på extra bolagsstämman ska: vara införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken senast den 12 februari 2024, och anmäla sitt deltagande till Bolaget senast den 14 februari 2024, helst före kl. 16.00. Anmälan att delta på extra bolagsstämman ska ske via e-post till elle...


Notice to attend the extraordinary General Meeting in Hoylu AB

Notice to attend the extraordinary General Meeting in Hoylu AB N.B. This English text is an unofficial translation of the Swedish original of the notice to attend the extraordinary general meeting in Hoylu AB, and in case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and this English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail.The shareholders of Hoylu AB, reg. no 559084-6381 (the “Company”), are hereby summoned to attend the extraordinary general meeting held at 10:00 (CET) on February 20, 2024, at the premises of Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå located at Sveavägen 20, Stockholm. Registr...


Hoylu AB has been requested to call for an extraordinary general meeti...

Hoylu AB has been requested to call for an extraordinary general meeting to resolve on a SEK 14 million directed issue of shares to certain shareholders, board members and executives The board of directors of Hoylu AB (“Hoylu” or the “Company”) has been requested by shareholder Alden AS, representing 18.1 per cent of the shares in the Company (the “Shareholder”), to call for an extraordinary general meeting to resolve on a directed issue of shares of approx. SEK 14 million towards certain shareholders and members of the board of directors, executives, and thereto related parties. Notice co...


Hoylu AB Publishes the Interim Report for January - December 2023

Hoylu AB Publishes the Interim Report for January - December 2023 Stockholm, Sweden, February 01, 2024 TWELVE MONTHS 2023 Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), including long-term service contracts, increased to MSEK 57.4 during the period, up 11% from Q4 2022.Revenue for the twelve months of 2023 was MSEK 57.0, an increase of 19.7% compared to the twelve months of 2022.Profit after tax for the twelve months of 2023 amounted to MSEK -34.3 (-49.6).Earnings per share for the twelve months of 2023 amounted to SEK -1.11 (-10.83) The complete version of the Interim Report for January - December 202...


Hoylu AB Announces New Chief Financial Officer

Hoylu AB Announces New Chief Financial Officer Stockholm, Sweden, November 22, 2023 – Hoylu AB (publ), a leading provider of digital collaboration and project management solutions, today announced the appointment of Kjartan Berge Steinshamn as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective December 13, 2023. Kjartan Berge Steinshamn succeeds Karl Wiersholm, the company's CFO since 2016. Kjartan Berge Steinshamn brings a unique blend of expertise, having held positions in Corporate Finance at Bulk Infrastructure Group AS and, most recently, Investment Associate at Viking Venture AS, a B...



HOYLU AB PUBLISHES THE INTERIM REPORT FOR JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2023 Stockholm, Sweden, November 17, 2023 FIRST NINE MONTHS 2023 Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), including long-term service contracts, increased to MSEK 61.8 during the period, up 26% from Q3 2022.Revenue for the first nine months of 2023 was MSEK 42.0, an increase of 22% compared to the first nine months of 2022.EBITDA for the nine months of 2023 was negative MSEK 12.0 compared to negative MSEK 22.5 in the first nine months of 2022. The complete version of The First Half Year Report for 2023 is attached in this press release...


United States Navy Selects Hoylu for Advanced Team Collaboration Enhan...

United States Navy Selects Hoylu for Advanced Team Collaboration Enhancement Stockholm, Sweden, September 19, 2023 – Hoylu AB (publ), a leading provider of digital collaboration and project management solutions, is thrilled to announce its selection by the United States Navy to provide a cutting-edge digital collaboration and whiteboard application. This partnership signifies the Navy’s commitment to enhancing collaboration, coordination, and communication within its teams, reflecting Hoylu’s reputation as a secure, scalable, and flexible solution for complex project management. The order ...



HOYLU AB PUBLISHES THE FIRST HALF YEAR 2023 INTERIM REPORT Stockholm, Sweden, August 11, 2023 FIRST HALF YEAR 2023 Annual Recurring Revenue (“ARR”), including long-term service contracts, increased to MSEK 56.2 during the period, up 22% from Q2 2022.Revenue for the first half year of 2023 was MSEK 27.0, an increase of 21% compared to the first half of 2022.EBITDA for the first half of 2023 was negative MSEK 9.0 compared to negative MSEK 17.6 in the first half of 2022. The complete version of The First Half Year Report for 2023 is attached in this press release and is available on Hoylu's...


Hoylu announces timetable for reverse share split

Hoylu announces timetable for reverse share split At Hoylu AB's Annual General Meeting on June 26, 2023, it was resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, on a reverse split, meaning that twenty (20) shares are combined into one (1) new share. The meeting authorized the board of directors to determine the record date for the reverse share split. The Board of Directors of Hoylu has, in accordance with the AGM's resolution, determined that the record date shall be Monday, July 24, 2023. The last day of trading in the Hoylu share before the reverse split is July 20, 2023 and the first...


Hoylu offentliggör tidplan för sammanläggning av aktier

Hoylu offentliggör tidplan för sammanläggning av aktier Vid Hoylu ABs årsstämma den 26 juni 2023 beslutades, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, om en sammanläggning av aktier (omvänd split), innebärande att tjugo (20) aktier läggs samman till en (1) ny aktie. Stämman bemyndigande styrelsen att fastställa avstämningsdag för sammanläggningen. Styrelsen i Hoylu har, i enlighet med årsstämmans beslut, fastställt att avstämningsdagen ska vara måndagen den 24 juli 2023. Sista dagen för handel i Hoylus aktie innan sammanläggningen är den 20 juli 2023 och första dagen för handel i Hoylus aktie eft...

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