A1KBCM Eimskipafelag Islands hf

Eimskip: Transaction by a person closely associated with a PDMR

Eimskip: Transaction by a person closely associated with a PDMR

Please find attached notifications regarding transactions by two persons closely associated with two PDMRs of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf., cf. Art. 19 of MAR regulation.

Further information can be found in the attached notifications. 




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Reports on Eimskipafelag Islands hf

Eimskipafelag Islands Ehf: 2 directors

Two Directors at Eimskipafelag Islands Ehf sold 304,000 shares at 418.000ISK. The significance rating of the trade was 83/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two y...


Eimskip: Transaction by a person closely associated with a PDMR

Eimskip: Transaction by a person closely associated with a PDMR Please find attached notifications regarding transactions by two persons closely associated with two PDMRs of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf., cf. Art. 19 of MAR regulation. Further information can be found in the attached notifications.  Attachments


Eimskip: Viðskipti aðila sem er nákominn stjórnanda

Eimskip: Viðskipti aðila sem er nákominn stjórnanda Meðfylgjandi eru tilkynningar vegna viðskipta tveggja aðila sem eru nákomnir tveimur stjórnendum hjá Eimskipafélagi Íslands hf., sbr. 19. gr. MAR reglugerðarinnar. Sjá nánar í hjálögðum tilkynningum. Viðhengi


Eimskip: Candidates to the Board of Directors and 2025 AGM’s final age...

Eimskip: Candidates to the Board of Directors and 2025 AGM’s final agenda Enclosed is information on candidates to the Board of Directors of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. to be elected at the Annual General Meeting 27 March 2025. Deadline for declaring candidacy has passed. According to the Company's Articles of Association the Annual General Meeting elects five members and two alternate members for the Board of Directors and therefore the candidates will be elected to the Board of Directors without ballot at the meeting. Information on the candidates is attached. No changes were made from the...


Eimskip: Frambjóðendur til stjórnar og endanleg dagskrá aðalfundar 202...

Eimskip: Frambjóðendur til stjórnar og endanleg dagskrá aðalfundar 2025 Meðfylgjandi eru upplýsingar um frambjóðendur til stjórnar félagsins sem kosnir verða á aðalfundinum 27. mars 2025. Framboðsfrestur er útrunninn. Samkvæmt samþykktum félagsins kýs aðalfundur fimm menn í stjórn og tvo til vara og verður því sjálfkjörið. Upplýsingar um frambjóðendur eru hjálagt. Engar breytingar urðu frá áður birtri dagskrá og tillögum fundarins. Endanleg dagskrá og tillögur fundarins eru hjálagt. Aðalfundur Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. verður haldinn að Sundabakka 2, Reykjavík, fimmtudaginn 27. mars 2025...

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