SKEL Skeljungur hf.

SKEL fjárfestingafélag hf.: Amendment to the financial calendar and previously disclosed information

SKEL fjárfestingafélag hf.: Amendment to the financial calendar and previously disclosed information

The audit of SKEL’s financial statements for the year 2022, which has not been finalized, has resulted in a change of its presentation due to the company‘s transition into an investment company. Shares in subsidiaries were capitalized according to the equity method until year end 2021 but are recognised at fair value through profit or loss from the beginning of 2022. This results in a previously unrealized fair value change from 2021 of ISK 2.6 billion that was formerly accounted for directly through equity, will instead be recognised in the income statement for 2022.

This change of presentation has no effect of previously announced equity for year-end 2022 of ISK 33.0-33.5 billion. Further, this does not alter the company’s ability to pay dividend. The company‘s estimated earnings net of tax will, however, increase by ISK 2.6 billion and amount to ISK 17.1-17.6 billion instead of ISK 14.5-15.0 billion as was previously announced on 31 January 2023.

The company has decided to change the financial calendar and publish its Q4 2022 results and 2022 annual report on 15 February as opposed to 7 February as previously communicated.

For further information, please contact Ásgeir Helgi Reykfjörð Gylfason, CEO at



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