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KAPCO_Master agreement initialed; LD to be settled over 16 months, (AKD, Off the Analyst's Desk, Feb 01, 2021)

AKD Research - Off the Analyst's Desk

Feb 01, 2021

KAPCO: Master agreement initialed; LD to be settled over 16 months


Master agreement initialed:

As per company announcement on PSX, the Kot Addu Power Company Ltd (KAPCO) has initialed Master agreement and an amendment to power purchase agreement in furtherance to MoU signed in Aug'20. Key features include:

·         Existing capacity payments and variable O&M shall be reduced by 11%

·         USD exchange rate and US CPI indexations shall be discontinued for 50% of the reduced capacity payments (locked at exchange rate of PkR168.6/USD)

·         The payment of outstanding receivables shall be in two tranches of 40% and 60% respectively

·         If the power purchaser makes default in payment, the discounts given (refer to first bullet point) will be suspended

Update on liquidated damages:

·         With regards to the disputed amount of PkR27bn (force majeure event for 2009 to 2016), the existing term of PPA will be extended by 16 months to Oct'22.

·         During these 16 months, the company would receive energy payments for the energy delivered but will offset capacity payments for availability against the capacity payments already received during the outage period.

Impact on cashflows:

·         KAPCO's receivables stand at PkR64bn or PkR73/sh, after netting off all liabilities, with ~PKR8.75/sh expected to be received in cash in Feb'21 and ~PkR13.10/sh in Aug'21. This indicates a potential payout ability of PkR21.85/sh in next 12 months. Even if KAPCO pays out 50% of the aforementioned amount, it still translates into a D/Y of 26% at last close.

Kot Addu Power

Kot Addu Power Co Ltd. Kot Addu Power Company Limited is a Pakistan-based power generation company. The Company's principal activities are to own, operate and maintain a multi-fuel fired power station with approximately 15 generating units with a nameplate capacity of 1,600 megawatts (MW) in Kot Addu, District Muzaffargarh, Punjab, Pakistan. The Company also sells the electricity produced therefrom to a single customer, the Pakistan water and power development authority. The power plant is a multi-fuel gas-turbine power plant using three fuels to generate electricity: gas, light sulfur furnace oil and high speed diesel. The plant's combined cycle technology enables it to use the waste heat from the gas turbine exhaust to produce steam in the heat recovery steam generator, which in turn is used to run the steam turbines.

AKD Securities Limited
AKD Securities Limited

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