Daniel Thorsson ...
  • Simon Jönsson

Net Insight - Terminating coverage

ABGSC terminates coverage of Net Insight… …due to the end of the contractual period Last published estimates are shown in this report
Net Insight AB Series B

Net Insight's business concept is to develop, market and sell products to public and private optical fiber networks that transport high-quality, media-rich traffic. Co.'s products offer customers the opportunity to introduce new revenue-generating services. Co.'s Nimbra platform offers a scalable platform that is capable of handling existing and added services with a minimum of manual control and a guaranteed 100 percent Quality of Service (QoS). Co. also offerss either a comprehensive or a focused selection of products and services. Co.'s customers are TV networks, broadcast and media companies, IPTV and cable TV providers, network owners, and telecom operators.

ABG Sundal Collier Sponsored
ABG Sundal Collier Sponsored

ABG Sundal Collier is the independent, Nordic investment banking powerhouse, developed over 30 years, founded on a hard working partnership culture and the ability to attract top talent.

Our strategy is to be an advisor and an intermediary, and the core product offering comprise corporate advisory services, corporate financing services and investor research and brokerage services.

Our corporate advisory team offers access to a broad financial and industrial network and unparalleled transaction experience. We provide financing to corporates through our superior Nordic and international distribution platform, and we are optimally structured for naturally matching trading flows, delivering best execution for clients.

The group employ approx. 250 staff working from the Nordic offices in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and in the offices in the key international markets US, UK and Germany. 

Daniel Thorsson

Simon Jönsson

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