
EPS upgrade (2024: +1.5%, 2025: +7.0%) (Swissquote Group Holding)


2024 : CHF 20.4 vs 20.1 +1.55%
2025 : CHF 20.5 vs 19.1 +7.01%

We updated our EPS projections following Swissquote’s H1 24 publication and our market scenario for 2024-25.

We left our 2024 EPS projections nearly unchanged (+2%) as we see net revenue 4% lower than anticipated, due to slightly lower volatility than anticipated, leading to a smaller average number of transactions per account, as well as lower interest income due to interest rate declines and lower crypto assets income due to lower valuations, all partly offset by higher trading and eforex income (backed by higher H1 results). This revenue decline is more than offset by lower opex, reflecting lower other opex in line with trends observed in H1. This results in a CHF356m pre-tax result, 1% above previous estimates and far above the 2024 guidance (CHF320m).

We have upgraded our 2025 EPS estimates (+7%) on the back of a slight net revenue downgrade (-1%) caused by lower eforex income and fee income due to lower forecasted market volatility and client activity, nearly fully offset by much higher crypto assets income as we see a bullish case for bitcoin in 2025 (USD100k EOY target). Interest income is projected to be stable, as rate declines should be met with clients’ higher cash deposits. The upgrade lies actually on the lower cost projections (-9%) due mainly to lower other opex. The pre-tax result is forecast to be CHF358m (vs CHF335m previously), above the group’s 2025 guidance (CHF350m).
Swissquote Group Holding AG

Swissquote Group Holding is engaged in the provision of Online Financial Services. Co. provides online securities trading services (including custody services) and quantitative asset management services (ePrivate Banking among others) to self-directed private investors, independent asset managers, investment funds, and third party financial institutions. Co. provides access to over-the-counter FX markets through in-house technology platform to retail customers, money managers, and third-party financial institutions. In addition, Co. operates an online bank that accepts deposits in the form of current accounts and saving accounts from its customers.

AlphaValue Corporate Services
AlphaValue Corporate Services

AlphaValue Corporate Services capitalise on the research and credit analysis expertise deployed by AlphaValue with major institutional investors at European level over the past nine years. The proprietary tools and processes enabling AlphaValue Corporate Services to establish a valuation and/or a credit risk assessment are identical to those used by AlphaValue to the benefit of its institutional clients. The only difference is the recognition that a company evaluation cannot be dissociated from the fact that the latter is paying for the service (AlphaValue Corporate Services), as opposed to the investor footing the bill (AlphaValue). AlphaValue’s research tools are characterised by the transparency of the valuation methodologies, their responsiveness to market data and by nine years’ experience of a universe numbering more than 450 European companies. Through its coverage and sector exhaustiveness, AlphaValue ranks alongside the major research houses in Europe and constitutes the only new entrant to the European space in the past decade. This significant presence is reflected in an unrivalled distribution capability via platforms commonly adopted by investors to access research: Factset, Bloomberg, Capital IQ and the numerous websites. AlphaValue is one the largest research contributors to these platforms, to the benefit of AlphaValue Corporate Services issuer clients.  The AlphaValue Corporate Services analysts are AlphaValue’s sector specialists. Their robust knowledge of the business models in their sectors enables the rapid generation of incisive, relevant research and advantageous interaction with the management teams.

Sylvain Perret

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