Paul Bryant

A deeply undervalued specialist in private markets

Mercia is one of the largest investors in ‘regional’ (ex-London) UK growth businesses. Its primary focus is managing funds of around £1.6bn for third parties (FUM) in structures such as Venture Capital Trusts, EIS funds and funds for institutional investors. The business is scaling. FUM has more than doubled in two years. Record net flows exceeded £0.5bn in FY24. And growth is by far the highest among a London-listed peer group.

FY24 revenue grew 18% y-o-y to £30.4m, EBITDA 7% to £5.5m, a margin of 18.2%, likely to ratchet up over the longer term as the business scales further. Indeed, the newly announced Mercia 27:100% growth strategy aims to reach £3bn AUM (FUM + proprietary capital) and £11m EBITDA in 3 years.

Mercia also invests its own capital into a portfolio of ‘direct investments’ (NAV: £189m on 31 Mar 24). Its record is impressive.

A strategic change is to be proposed at the 2024 AGM - to focus primarily on highly profitable and fast-growing fund management, and to stop making new direct investments (while supporting existing investments). This allows Mercia to reclassify from an investment company to a trading company under AIM rules, allowing gains made on shares to be IHT-exempt (under certain conditions).

With a fundamental value 65% above the share price, we see potential for a significant rerating.
Mercia Asset Management

Mercia Technologies is an investment group focused on the creation/identification, funding and scaling of technology businesses from the U.K. regions. Co. directly invests across four sectors: Software & the Internet, which consists of cyber security, software as a service analytical tool, Adtech and artificial intelligence; Digital & Digital Entertainment, which consists of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and serious games; Electronics, Materials & Manufacturing/Engineering, which consists of energy and communications, value electronics, and manufacturing applications; and Life Sciences & Biosciences, which consists of diagnostics, digital health and medical devices.

Equity Development
Equity Development

​Equity Development enables companies to become better understood and supported by investors. Since our launch in 1996 we have consistently focused on helping our clients improve their communication and relationships with both existing and potential shareholders. Our clients have come from a wide variety of sectors and domiciles, are both private and quoted and range in size from micro-cap to $multi-billions. We offer free access to company research notes written by experienced analysts. These notes include detailed forecasts, financial models and a fair value. We host regular Private Investor Forums at which investors have the opportunity to hear company directors present, and to ask questions. These are free to attend. We broadcast live Webinars with company management that include active Q&A. We also make the recordings available online. We arrange face to face meetings between private investors and company management. We are active users of Twitter, commenting daily on company news, share price moves, Directors’ Dealings, Equity Development Research Notes & Events.

Paul Bryant

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