Cosmin Filker ...
  • Marcel Goldmann

Researchstudie (Anno) english - Umweltbank AG - 26.06.2024

UmweltBank AG stands for banking transactions with ecological and social responsibility. It offers investors transparent ecological investments and supports private individuals and commercial customers throughout Germany by financing environmentally friendly projects. By exclusively offering a green product range, Um-weltBank AG consistently implements its ecological orientation. In addition to the traditional savings account, the company also offers green fund products and finances green projects. UmweltBank AG operates as a direct bank without the traditional branch business. Over 25,000 loan projects have been supported since the bank was founded in 1997. At the end of 2023, environmental loans (including open commitments) totalled EUR 3.7 billion. The vast majority of the loan volume consists of solar energy financing, residential property and wind power projects.

Umweltbank AG

UmweltBank AG is a Germany-based bank that provides financial services focusing on the ecological sector in Germany. The Bank offers online banking, loans, real estate credit, project financing, insurances, investment advice and investment management. It also co-finances various environment projects.


Die GBC AG mit Sitz in Augsburg ist eines der führenden bankenunabhängigen Investmenthäuser in Deutschland und erfahrener Emissionsexperte für den deutschen Mittelstand.

Die GBC AG kennt als eigentümergeführtes Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse des deutschen Mittelstandes im Finanzierungsbereich und ist ein unabhängiger und verlässlicher Partner bei allen Fragestellungen rund um den Kapitalmarkt.

In der GBC Gruppe bietet die GBC AG Unternehmensanalysen & Research, Kapitalmarkt- & Finanzierungsberatungen sowie Kapitalmarktkonferenzen.

Die GBC Kapital GmbH ergänzt die Leistungen in der Gruppe um das Corporate Finance in den Bereichen Platzierung & Vermittlung von Anleihen und Aktien

Cosmin Filker

Marcel Goldmann

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