Guy Sips

Roularta Koinon submits voluntary and conditional public takeover bid at € 15.5

Koinon submits voluntary and conditional public takeover bid on Roularta.
We suspend our coverage related to our involvement in the transaction.
Roularta Media Group N.V.

Roularta Media Group NV (RMG) is a Belgium-based company engaged in the publication and printing of news and magazines, newspapers and free sheets, as well as in the audiovisual media and electronic publishing. For the wider public, RMG produces free sheets, open network television (TV), radio and the Internet site. For special target groups, RMG produces magazines, a news TV station and portal sites. Its printed media business includes the sale of all printed publications, such as free sheets, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, books and related services. its audiovisual media business comprises advertising on TV and radio, production and broadcasting, as well as all related services. In addition, through bvba Bright Communication and bvba Bright Communication Antwerpen, the Company organizes STERCK. networking events and publishes STERCK. magazine.

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Guy Sips

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