EUR 9271.00 For Business Accounts Only

NSR Policy: Chevron’s Demise: What May Be True for Some Sectors May Not Be True for Telecom

As we predicted earlier this year, the Supreme Court struck down the Chevron doctrine. The coverage of the decision has largely been about how it will impair regulatory efforts and therefore helpful to business. For telecom investors, we think this is misleading, at best. In this note, we update our our analysis to address how the decision may impact specific issues for which the sector is seeking changes in policies.
New Street Research
New Street Research

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New Street Research is an independent, partner-owned, research firm specialising in equity and debt research. Our equity research embraces the following sectors:

  • Pan European Telecom Services and Cable
  • US Telecoms, Cable, Satellite and Towers
  • Global Emerging Market Telecoms
  • Japan Telecoms
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  • Pan European Telecom Services and Cable

Blair Levin

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