Geoffroy Michalet

Carrefour : Finalisation de l’acquisition de Cora et Match, avant une dernière confirmation de l’ADLC d’ici le T1 2025…

>Une bonne nouvelle après de nombreux mois d’attente, mais encore un tout petit peu d’incertitude… - Carrefour a annoncé hier soir la finalisation de l’acquisition des 60 hypermarchés Cora et des 115 supermarchés Match, auprès du groupe Louis Delhaize. Le groupe a organisé un call dans la foulée. Nous retenons les points suivants : Le parc de magasins acquis présente une forte complémentarité géographique avec celui de Carrefour, avec des parts de marché particu...
Carrefour SA

Carrefour is a distribution group based in France. Co. is engaged in retailing business, primarily in Europe (France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Romania); Asia (China, India, and Taiwan); and Latin America (Argentina and Brazil). Co. offers a variety of fresh produce, products from local suppliers and major-brand products. Co. operates Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Convenience stores and Cash & Carry stores, as well as food and non-food e-commerce sites. Co. also offers services such as financial and insurance services, travel, entertainment, after-sales services, and leasing of commercial vehicles. As of Dec 31 2013 Co. operated 10,105 stores under its brand.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Geoffroy Michalet

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