Aurelien Sivignon

ECA : S1 en ligne – OPAS sur 10% du capital et projet de fusion enclenché avec Groupe Gorgé

>Résultats S1 en ligne - Les résultats S1 d’ECA sont en ligne avec nos attentes. Avec un CA S1 en baisse de 25% yoy, l’EBITDA ressort à 5.3 M€ (vs 5.5 M€e) soit une marge de 12.2% (-5 pt). L’essentiel de la marge du S1 vient du pôle Robotique (5.3 M€) alors que le pôle Aerospatial affiche un EBITDA tout juste breakeven (0.3 M€) compte tenu de la réduction rapide de l’activité depuis la crise du COVID. L’EBIT s’établit à -0.9 M€ après comptabilisation de 1.7 M€ de dépr...

ECA Sa. ECA SA is a France-based company which designs and delivers robotic equipment and intelligent solutions for both civil and military application. The Company offers vehicles and crafts for detection, inspection and destruction of mines, inspection systems for nuclear power plants, control and command systems, as well as ground and land robots for anti-terrorist missions and others. ECA SA is split into three divisions: Robotics and Integrated Systems, Simulation and Aeronautics. The Company has several subsidiaries, including, ECA CSIP, ECA CNAI, ECA Faros and ECA Sindel, among others. As of December 31, 2011, ECA SA was 56.4%-owned by Groupe Gorge.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Aurelien Sivignon

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